What is a Christian?


Registered Senior Member
Well, this is a fairly simple question. Come on, tell me, what makes a Christian a Christian? And if someone says, We're all Christians, but some of us haven't accepted it, I'm gonna smack you.
A Christian is one who explicitly obeys their god and their doctrines. There can be no other type of Christian. Hence, there are probably very few Christians.
The god of Abraham, of course. The same god worshiped by Jews and Muslims. I know it sounds silly, but there it is.
There are different interpretations of that doctrine, Q. That's why Christianity is so divided. Some believe the Bible is literal, while others believe it isn't--which in itself leads to further division, because the Bible is then open to interpretation...which isn't universal.

So I think being a Christian is slightly more than your definition.
There are different interpretations of that doctrine, Q.

Exactly. But, whose interpretation is correct? By what authority? I would suspect if Christians believe their god exists, then their god is the ultimate authority, hence whatever words are written in the bible must be taken literally.

That's why Christianity is so divided. Some believe the Bible is literal, while others believe it isn't--which in itself leads to further division, because the Bible is then open to interpretation...which isn't universal.

Agreed, so I would suspect it is those Christians who take the bible literally are the true Christians, the others would be hypocrites in that regard.

So I think being a Christian is slightly more than your definition.

Fair enough, could you build on that?
Exactly. But, whose interpretation is correct? By what authority? I would suspect if Christians believe their god exists, then their god is the ultimate authority, hence whatever words are written in the bible must be taken literally.

The problem with that is the words weren't written by God. Some do take it literally, others see that it could simply be the fallible work of man (granted, with divine inspiration).

So it is left up to the Churches to interpret it. In the Catholic faith, they have the Pope to decree what is and what isn't.

Agreed, so I would suspect it is those Christians who take the bible literally are the true Christians, the others would be hypocrites in that regard.

Not particularly. I think the only Christians that take it completely literally are the Amish.

Fair enough, could you build on that?

I'm not the authority on that. Whenever a theist tries to define what an atheist is, I view it as a conflict of interest, and that they lack the ability to do so. In turn, I don't believe, since I don't have faith, that I'm in a position to define it for them.
The problem with that is the words weren't written by God. Some do take it literally, others see that it could simply be the fallible work of man (granted, with divine inspiration).

So it is left up to the Churches to interpret it. In the Catholic faith, they have the Pope to decree what is and what isn't.

That's the part I don't buy. If a god were in fact revealing a message to ALL mankind, he wouldn't do it knowing his message would be interpreted in so many ways. The message would be crystal clear and would be known by all.

I'm not the authority on that. Whenever a theist tries to define what an atheist is, I view it as a conflict of interest, and that they lack the ability to do so. In turn, I don't believe, since I don't have faith, that I'm in a position to define it for them.

So, we are left with Christians defining themselves, whatever and whenever they feel the notion to do so. That would be hypocrisy at it's finest. And, the rest of us are left holding the bag.
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All those billions of theists worshiping the "prince of peace" and yet they can't find peace with both hands and a shovel.

You've got to imagine your god hasn't been back in 2000 years purely out of shame.
So is there nobody who can be identified as a Christian, because we don't know what one is? Or can someone come up with a solid definition?
<sigh> I have stated this repeatedly. A christian believes:A)They are sinful B)They have been forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let me define that further for you. Sin is not doing what God wants us to. Because we are not just controlled by thought, but also emotion and instinct, it's very hard to avoid sinning. It has been suggested in the new testament writings of Paul that what is sin to Joe may not be a sin to Bob, however if Bob is aware of Joe's sensitivity, there is no reason for Bob to flaunt his freedom in Joe's face. I think it's in Romans, but I can't remember.

Anyhoo, Sinful, Forgiven through Christ's Death, Belief in God is necessary as well, Christ's Resurrection.... That's it. Everything else from Creationism to the Big Crunch is unnecessary.
<sigh> I have stated this repeatedly. A christian believes:A)They are sinful B)They have been forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So, we can toss the bible out and go with YOUR simplistic version of Christianity? What would your god think of that?

Let me define that further for you. Sin is not doing what God wants us to. Because we are not just controlled by thought, but also emotion and instinct, it's very hard to avoid sinning.

Are you saying it's difficult for you to hold back killing and stealing? Funny, I have no such urges to do to others what I wouldn't want done to me.

Anyhoo, Sinful, Forgiven through Christ's Death, Belief in God is necessary as well, Christ's Resurrection.... That's it. Everything else from Creationism to the Big Crunch is unnecessary.

So, we have one version of Christianity that defies the bible. Any others?
I'm sorry, if Q has said something of value, would someone let me know? I've got him on ignore right now, he's been particularly venomous lately.
I'm sorry, if Q has said something of value, would someone let me know? I've got him on ignore right now, he's been particularly venomous lately.

Theists are very good at hiding their heads in the sand at the most opportune times.
<sigh> I have stated this repeatedly. A christian believes:A)They are sinful B)They have been forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let me define that further for you. Sin is not doing what God wants us to. Because we are not just controlled by thought, but also emotion and instinct, it's very hard to avoid sinning. It has been suggested in the new testament writings of Paul that what is sin to Joe may not be a sin to Bob, however if Bob is aware of Joe's sensitivity, there is no reason for Bob to flaunt his freedom in Joe's face. I think it's in Romans, but I can't remember.

Anyhoo, Sinful, Forgiven through Christ's Death, Belief in God is necessary as well, Christ's Resurrection.... That's it. Everything else from Creationism to the Big Crunch is unnecessary.

Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ was this dude that was born like 2000 years ago. He was God incarnate. The whole trinity thing gives me a bit of a headache, but I'll try this on anyway. There's God, right? Then there's Jesus. Jesus is considered God's son. Jesus is also God. Then there's the Holy Spirit, which is also God. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives christians power beyond themselves. I'm sure there are websites that do a better job of explaining it, but that is my understanding.
Why did I say all that? Anticipation of the follow up, I guess. Yes, I know, God was his own Dad then God died and God resurrected himself. It's a mind screw, believe me.
Who was he? Average Jew dude, carpenter maybe, probably liked to fish.
Jesus Christ was this dude that was born like 2000 years ago. He was God incarnate. The whole trinity thing gives me a bit of a headache, but I'll try this on anyway. There's God, right? Then there's Jesus. Jesus is considered God's son. Jesus is also God. Then there's the Holy Spirit, which is also God. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives christians power beyond themselves. I'm sure there are websites that do a better job of explaining it, but that is my understanding.
Why did I say all that? Anticipation of the follow up, I guess. Yes, I know, God was his own Dad then God died and God resurrected himself. It's a mind screw, believe me.
Who was he? Average Jew dude, carpenter maybe, probably liked to fish.

So must a Christian believe all of that is true?