What interactions with theists say about God

it's common sense rav; you HAVE to be humbled to reach out to god. otherwise, i just can't fathom anybody wanting to. i'm not the only one in the world who's been humbled, and when you have been, you fucking know it, and it's usually a turning point in people's lives. it's usually a time when people learn something.

knowing god is humbling and empowering at the same time. those things seem contradictory, but they're not.

your interpretation is through traditional religious terms but i don't get why you think this is unusual or even contradictory as far as humble/empowered, especially since you are using a god concept.

explained another way would mean that the humility is the acknowledgement that we don't know everything nor does what we do know is not the foundation of all there is, there could be even more we don't know on a deeper as well as higher level (which is true even literally). this is what you mean by humility.

as for humbing and empowering, if god is more powerful and all knowing as well as the creator of the universe which is a prevalent belief among theists, then of course you would be humbled as well as receiving divine revelation from god would be empowering as well.

didn't i just explain what you said essentially in a more understandable way?? lol
From my conversations with Theists ....

The only view that counts is a subjective one ... objective views must be interpreted in light of subjection to the Gods.

The theme; Man must submit to God as the absolute authority; the commands and actions of God are beyond any scrutiny. While the adherents of this interpretation may not understand God’s commands, they agree that they should be obeyed regardless.

you know when even scientists or astronomers besides regular folk look out into space, they are awestruck by it. the sheer vastness for one and all they don't know. they wonder at all the possiblities. they even wonder about other universes that may be unlike this one.

you don't have to have a fixed defined concept of god or religion to experience life or to have a sense of wonder about what life is, means or what else could possibly be out there. good, bad or indifferent.
your interpretation is through traditional religious terms but i don't get why you think this is unusual or even contradictory as far as humble/empowered, especially since you are using a god concept.

explained another way would mean that the humility is the acknowledgement that we don't know everything nor does what we do know is not the foundation of all there is, there could be even more we don't know on a deeper as well as higher level (which is true even literally). this is what you mean by humility.

as for humbing and empowering, if god is more powerful and all knowing as well as the creator of the universe which is a prevalent belief among theists, then of course you would be humbled as well as receiving divine revelation from god would be empowering as well.

didn't i just explain what you said essentially in a more understandable way?? lol

yes thank you. you'll never hear me claiming to be eloquent.
I like it. :)

Kind of like the "Blind Watchmaker" argument, yes?
Sort of... It's a valid question. If anyone wants to make design anything other than a philosophical question, then they need to define how you know design when you see it. Otherwise, it's not a testable hypothesis.
to my knowledge, scholars and the vast majority of the learned christian world have no idea who the lady in 2nd john was.

Whether or not they know exactly who she is not the point. The fact that she is believed to have been the recipient of the letter at the time, which would be consistent in that regard with the rest of the NT letters, is. I made that pretty clear.

rav, i'm not trying to play anything down. i'm honestly describing what i was told and what happened to me, and giving an opinion about it. it's not a game, and if you understand what i'm saying you'll realize that there's no debate to be had.

We're having this debate because you're insisting that your claim that one of the letters of the NT is addressed to you specifically is not an extraordinary claim.

what is this supposed to mean? is it a criticism? are you calling me a liar? are you this patronizing and insensitive to everyone who has had emotional struggles?

Everything you say at the moment is contextualized by your extraordinary claims and the manner in which you've chosen to engage other members recently. If you want diplomacy and sensitivity then try conducting yourself in a manner that invites it.

i'm just not going to allow you to lie about about my experience, and imply that it was some feel good walk in the park. it wasn't. what an ass you're being.

My comments about emotions and what "feels" right weren't designed to characterize warm and fuzzy feelings. They were designed to highlight the subjectivity of your experiences and the fact that as such they are not a reliable indicator that you've found any sort of objective truth.

you think i'm taking credit for it? you think i've contrived this? honey, i don't have the imagination if it's made up, nor the power if it's not. it blew me the fuck out of the water. i thought my head was going to fucking explode trying to keep up. and all i did was offer to help somebody. that's it.

I don't necessarily think that you've purposefully and/or consciously contrived anything, but I think there's a very good chance that you've endeavored to make sense of your experiences in a way that makes you feel unique and special, and then multiplied it by 10.


It just doesn't jive with your self-professed humility Lori. It's absurdly inconsistent.
Subjective claims cannot be shown, no matter where and when whatever person claims to have talked to a God, felt a God, or sensed a God. These often finely-crafted fairy tales down through the ages and now have no value that can be shown to anyone.
... As far as I can see, the only thing you've been bringing to this forum for quite a while now is fantastic claims (that God speaks to you directly, that there's an entire book in the Bible that's about you, that you've been anointed by God to "birth a kingdom" on earth [whatever the fuck that means]) , a lot of hostility, and the message (which you never seem to get tired of preaching) that the entire world is fundamentally and eternally fucked and that you can't wait for it to end.

rotflmao ....... Sounds like an Angel thats been set a task by God but would prefer a career change ..... lololol :):)

well, i certainly hope that someday you do, and more.


I thought you were here to spread the truth.
One would think you'd put some effort into it.
I mean, considering the importance and all..

In fact, Lori, I think you have an obligation to tell us everything you know in as much detail as humanly possible.
In fact, Lori, I think you have an obligation to tell us everything you know in as much detail as humanly possible.

Oh, but then that would mean we wouldn't be taking responsibility for our beliefs about God! That can't be!

Signal isn't doing anything wrong with regard to the intended purpose of this forum.

Indeed. This is a discussion forum, not a private setting for friends to meet.
Many problems in online communication arise because people have very different ideas of what the context of these discussions is.

However you have to understand that your own personal testimony is all but completely useless when it comes to trying to establish the truth of something to another rational human being. What you know from experience is knowledge to you, but to you only.

I think this is where the Protestant doctrine or one with Protestant leanings comes in, though.
A Protestant in effect considers themselves authoritative in matters of God, and thus maintains that they can unilaterally obligate others in matters of God.
This is something a Catholic or a traditional Hindu, or even a Mormon, would not likely do.

To many other people, the idea that it only takes a sincere plea to God to find him is interpreted as it only takes a desire to believe what you want to believe to believe it.

This is how I interpret that as well. I have tried to talk about this with many theists who propose that "we just need to be sincere", and those attempts all proved futile.

I mean seriously, even if one does hear voices, and even if those voices seem to contain knowledge and wisdom that one can't believe could be attributable to the information processing that occurs in one's own subconscious mind (which can indeed operate in such a way) doesn't mean that those voices are actually coming from somewhere else instead. It shouldn't even convince you, and it certainly wont convince anyone else.

Yes. In religions such as Catholicism or some traditional Hindu schools, there is the institute of checks to verify a claim about God. According to them, if one is to make a certain claim about God, then this claim needs to be in line with 3 sources: scriptures, one's teacher and saints. If it is not, it cannot be promulgated as a claim about God.

I think it's more likely that Signal, while having the soul of a theist in the sense that he believes there must be some ultimate and bigger truth beyond everything we see, is unwittingly modulated by his own rational "god given" mind.

Yes ...

It's not that he denies the existence of God (in fact he very often argues for such) it's just that he has trouble getting from A (God possibly exists) to B (exactly what God wants). The is the same problem the entire fucking world seems to have had since the beginning of recorded history (at least). What you want Signal to do is to solve it simply by shutting the fuck up and opening his heart to God.

But what if God requires more than that? What if you're supposed to abstain from certain things? What if you need to be baptized in a particular way? What if you're supposed to be attached to a fellowship? What if you can't really come to know the fullness of God (and therefore can't ultimately escape this mundane existence) without proper discipleship? Different religions teach different things, and many of them require what are considered to be essential and specific things from their adherents lest they be in danger of not being "right" with God. But you don't give a fuck about all that, because you have your voices and your emotions. To you, if it feels right, if you experience it, it's gotta be true. But how the fuck do you really genuinely know?

About six months ago, we were in a short private exchange. She amply expressed how she supports my search.

Over time, her attitude toward me deteriorated.

This change from supportive to hostile suggests that she has been operating with a set of parameters for what is an acceptable time-frame and content-scope in the "search for God", and what is not. She was basically giving me an ultimatum - but she has not informed me of that. Nor was there any other discussion about the terms of our relationship and no conclusion or agreement. When I failed to live up to her expectations (of which I knew nothing), she rejected me, and now apparently considers it open season to publicly criticize me, and in that includes all of my past behavior, even the one from the times when she was supportive.

Such a change from supportive to hostile, without there being any clarification of the terms of the relationship between us, suggests control issus on her part.

It appears that her formerly expressed support was actually another attempt to control me. Many people, when they are frustrated with someone, resort to offers or declarations of support, love or friendship, saying "I love you / I want to be friends with you / I support you in your efforts" when what they actually mean is "This is my last attempt to get you to get straight." Their words speak "acceptance", but what their speaker means with them is "impending rejection."

The result proves the actual initial intention, regardless of the words that were spoken.
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Cheers for the response Rav. I'm still a little shaken by the whole thing to be honest. I've never meet a IDer in the flesh, (unless Jehovah's Witnesses count- I don't pay much attention to them), but now that I have I'm shocked it's my own father. I had a hint from him a few months back when he said that when he arrived on his trip we'd have to discuss the "Big Questions". When I asked him what that meant he just replied "Life". I feel he's been bulding up to this and is calling me out or something. The discussion will continue tomorrow apparently and I'm not sure how to handle it. Forums are fine because of the anonymity, but this is new to me.
Question to anyone: Should I be worried? This seems so out of character for him. He was always a non-conformist and believed in spirituality to a degree, (His recently deceased brother helped him choose a golf club today. Not literally, but he felt the presence in a magpie on the course). But, this is a big jump and he seems to want to...I don't know...make me believe it.

With a family member, coworker, boss, close friend or other important person in your life, I think it is prudent to be very careful about such topics, and focus primarily on the relationship.

I think that it really does pay off to work on one's communication skills. (Which have nothing to do with ID and such.) There are textbooks and courses for that. I can suggest some if you'd like.

Sometimes, people bring up scientific or philosophical topics with their family members etc. not because they are interested in the topic, but because they wish to reassess the relationship they have with the other person.
Perhaps they want to cool it. Perhaps they are want to set an ultimatum - "If about topic X you don't believe such and such, then we cannot be friends." Perhaps they have felt neglected and are now trying to rouse one's interest or retaliate for the neglect.

If a conversation gets heated (as seems to be the case with your father), it might be more than ID that is on his mind.
it's common sense rav; you HAVE to be humbled to reach out to god. otherwise, i just can't fathom anybody wanting to.

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.

I thought you were here to spread the truth.
One would think you'd put some effort into it.
I mean, considering the importance and all..

In fact, Lori, I think you have an obligation to tell us everything you know in as much detail as humanly possible.

Enmos I have over 10,000 posts. I am quite certain I have told you everything, especially about god.

This really makes me mad and hurts me and I am crying right now. I have poured my heart out on this forum in detail and in painful truth for over a decade now, because I do feel an obligation. As far as I can tell everything I've said has been dismissed, discounted, contended with, or attacked.

After everything I've shared on this forum over the years, why in the world would you say something like this to me?
Rav's most recent response, every response signal has ever made, every response you have ever made enmos, are some of the most polite and benign examples of every response I've ever received out here. In over a decade I can count on one hand the positive or even neutral responses I've been given. I have shared everything. An abortion, a divorce, a mental and emotional breakdown trying to deal with what happened to me, my own disgust with religion, things about my family and my personal struggles that most people would not share. I have been absolutely honest with you people.

And now I'm being absolutely honest when I say "fuck you". I'm gone.
Wahhh, wahh, :bawl: I don't belive in you, you do not exist until you prove to ME that you exist. :bugeye: :shrug: I don't know who some of you people think you are. I'll be quite happy when some of you are dead.