what if we were the gods?

Light Travelling said:
Children suffer terribly from anger, selfishness, greed etc. It is only as we grow and develop that we learn self control and selflessness. (well some do anyway).

I said that they're not bitter and jaded yet. They haven't had enough time to get a good whiff of antichrist. And adults aren't necessarily any more "developed". Most of us just get better at faking it so that we don't have to deal with the consequences.
Light Travelling said:
Children suffer terribly from anger, selfishness, greed etc. It is only as we grow and develop that we learn self control and selflessness. (well some do anyway).

Children are perfect when circumstances are perfect, but if something happens that makes them feel sad or something... it's natural that they react the way they do. If everything is not perfect there is no reason to live.

Children don't lie. They don't think. That's why they are good and wise. They're like animals and atoms. Adults think, and they lie. But it's natural. They are also just "children", who have lost themselves. I'm an adult, most of what I say is a lie. They're all liars, it's so easy to see.
SnakeLord said:
Flesh? Sin? What? If you were trying miserably to say that I'm just as unhappy about there being people that are not so nice as other people then ok I guess. What I'm more unhappy about right now are people who can't just say a sentence without making it sound like some three thousand year old babble said by a shepherd wondering why his slave girl wont accept his sexual advances.

Just say some bad guy doing some bad shit, what's with all the 'flesh' and 'sin' nonsense? I'm English, not an ancient desert nomad.

What I was trying to say was exactly what I said...it's a Biblical perspective.

Anger? I'm not really an angry person despite what my typing demeanour might show.

Then what if not anger explains your typing demeanour? You just enjoy being mean and hateful?

I do thoroughly dislike people forcing beliefs onto children, people giving me all the damnation bollocks simply because my views differ to theirs, and coffee ice cream - but otherwise I consider myself rather laid back and even somewhat uncaring to who kills who or who does what other than those listed above.

I don't force my beliefs onto anyone nor do I talk damnation to anyone. Your sentiment towards me has been really unsettling, and because my views differ from yours.

Here's the difference between me and your everyday christian: My daughter is everything. god, if he existed, must take a back seat to her. No matter who he saved, what good he did, he can never ever compare or compete with my daughter. Anyone who disagrees with that is in my opinion far worse than a murderer. Perhaps if you all stopped looking at the clouds and payed some true attention and gave some real love to your children, humanity wouldn't be as screwed as you'd make out.

You can't possibly be serious. You're saying what? That you love your daughter more than any Christian loves their child? More than I would love mine? Are you ok? No one is competing for the love you have for your daughter. And quite honestly the way you go on about how much you idolize and worship her sounds a little weird to me...and that you think you love your child so much more than other people love theirs....it's a bit odd. Do you think that God wouldn't want you to love your daughter? Children are a beautiful gift from God. He loves them more than you do.

It's actually rather amusing that you say that. Around 10 minutes ago my wife was in here with my daughter. My brother is in some deep shit with the law, (I've spent the day in court), and during discussion of this I happened to say: "jesus christ, the guy knew what he was getting himself into", to which my daughter said: "there's no such person".

I might aswell state that I have never, and don't really intend to, lead my daughter in any way whatsoever. She, unlike the opinions of religious folk, has the right to her own decisions and beliefs. I have absolutely no right to tell her what to believe or what not to believe. From a biblical perspective I should actually stone her to death for even daring to say such a thing, but she has just as much rights as anyone else.

That is not a Biblical perspective. And are you telling me that you are not going to enlighten your daughter as to how stupid and evil Christians are, and how they don't love their children, and so on? I mean wouldn't you feel pretty guilty if you didn't, and then she ended up becoming a Christian because she didn't know any better? Isn't it your job to teach your child? If you don't, then who's going to?

Whence it came from I don't know, but given your statement it actually leaves your debate in ruins. I'm sure those who lack a 'live and let live' policy will be damning her to hell pretty soon - as is normal with their jesus following, love thy neighbour morality.

No one damns anyone else to hell. Would you lighten up on the rhetoric? If you're going to criticize, then at least know what you're talking about. And from my perspective, you make a really hypocritical neighbor.
Then what if not anger explains your typing demeanour?

No offence but I don't understand what you're asking here. More of that "biblical perspective" heh?

You just enjoy being mean and hateful?

Where did I imply that?

I don't force my beliefs onto anyone nor do I talk damnation to anyone. Your sentiment towards me has been really unsettling, and because my views differ from yours.

How did you confuse my quote as being aimed at you?

You can't possibly be serious. You're saying what? That you love your daughter more than any Christian loves their child?

Not specifically no, read what I wrote again.

And quite honestly the way you go on about how much you idolize and worship her sounds a little weird to me

Any more so than a woman claiming a voice in her head told her she'd shack up with a pop star sometime last autumn?

Do you think that God wouldn't want you to love your daughter?

What god would want or not wouldn't have any relevance. It's a part of the point. A while back I asked on this forum during a discussion if the people involved loved god more than their own children. I got a "yes" answer. That's what I'm getting at.

Tell me Lori honestly.. do you love god more than your parents, more than your family? Would you put jesus before them if he asked?

Children are a beautiful gift from God.

No they're not.

He loves them more than you do.

No he doesn't.

That is not a Biblical perspective.

Yes it is.

And are you telling me that you are not going to enlighten your daughter as to how stupid and evil Christians are, and how they don't love their children, and so on?

No need.

I mean wouldn't you feel pretty guilty if you didn't, and then she ended up becoming a Christian because she didn't know any better?


Isn't it your job to teach your child?

Certainly, but it's not my place to teach her what to believe.

No one damns anyone else to hell.

Ah, you've yet to meet Woody and other fundies.

Would you lighten up on the rhetoric?

Would you lighten up on telling me what to lighten up on?

If you're going to criticize, then at least know what you're talking about

If you're going to crticize at least take the time to digest and understand what has been written before starting to criticize it.

And from my perspective, you make a really hypocritical neighbor.

Ok, but you're mentally ill so it doesn't mean much.
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We are "gods" and we made all other "gods;" we are the shapers of our immediate surrondings through our perception and action. Well, it's also important how we define "god." In this case we'd have to accept that there are things beyond "god's" knowledge and beyond his reach. Although this problem disappears as soon as the individual accepts himself as a part of the universe which is whole and inseparable into pieces.

An observation: One of the most fascinating things I've heard about Christians is that if one of them realises that there may be no god, the world will suddenly appear "chaotic" to him, as if there is no order in things.
chameleon_789 said:
what if we were the 'gods'?
what if god was just a word for ego

we created our own worlds
and we believed in ourselves
and we needed people to have faith in us, even though we couldn't do anything for them?

Just a thought.

From the Old Testament:
Genesis 33:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever:
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High.
Psalms 97:7Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all [ye] gods.

From the New Testament

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
John 10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
John 10:36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
1 Corinthians 8:5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)

What do you think?