what if we were the gods?


Registered Member
what if we were the 'gods'?
what if god was just a word for ego

we created our own worlds
and we believed in ourselves
and we needed people to have faith in us, even though we couldn't do anything for them?

Just a thought.
chameleon_789: what if we were the 'gods'?
what if god was just a word for ego

we created our own worlds
and we believed in ourselves
and we needed people to have faith in us, even though we couldn't do anything for them?

Just a thought.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, chamy. I really like your post! I've also had thoughts and meanings like you express. My conclusion is that if there IS a god, then we would have to be god.

I hope to hear more from you about your beliefs and, again, I welcome you to the Religion Forum.

~ Medicine*Woman
chameleon_789 said:
what if we were the 'gods'?
what if god was just a word for ego

we created our own worlds
and we believed in ourselves
and we needed people to have faith in us, even though we couldn't do anything for them?

Just a thought.

perhaps all this is true.
ellion said:
what if everything is...... until it is not?

a personal and subjective truth? yea, i agree
if WE created the worlds and all that then how come we are so little evovled as most scietists say? they say we only use 10%(?) of our brain and also if we created the worlds why havent we mastered space travell?
just a few thoguths from me sorry MW if my speelling isnt good enoph for u
riku_124: if WE created the worlds and all that then how come we are so little evovled as most scietists say? they say we only use 10%(?) of our brain and also if we created the worlds why havent we mastered space travell? just a few thoguths from me sorry MW if my speelling isnt good enoph for u
M*W: riku, it is apparent that you are only using 10% of your brain. Try at least using 11% and see what you can do. Otherwise, your spelling sucks and it cancels out anything you might be trying to say.
MW, riku is probably like 14... it's probably not so much his spelling as it is his typing/keyboarding skills. Still, you have to admit he's willing to question... even if it looks like he's talking to us in ROT-13 :)

(sorry riku, if I guessed your age wrong... )

I agree, chameleon_789, good thread. From an anthropological point of view, I've long agreed with this. Though I think our "being the gods" is more metaphorical than actual. I doubt that we're some sort of collective deity (though I'm completely agnostic to this in that I don't entirely rule it out), but that we've evolved to be animals that have the unique abilities to be aware of ourselves in relation to the world as well as to have innate abilities to believe in concepts that are abstract.

The latter abilities are probably important to an animal that is to make use of tools (chimps and dolphins also show signs of this in that they can make use of tools and teach this ability to their young). And they probably are very important in the process of gaining societal complexity: belief in supernatural forces define traditions and taboos which regulate much of a society, including subsistence strategies; belief in the supernatural existance of ancestors and their abilities to affect/communicate with the living begin a system of worship; identification of totems and fetishes with clans or families create systems of ritual; all of the above give rise to elitism as ancestors and totems are associated with living leaders of these societies who have proven themselves significant or influential or powerful; thus, association with the divine becomes important in ancient societies from Egypt to Mesoamerica.

We are, indeed, the gods. If only we actually had the omnipotence that we so foolishly expect gods to posses... then again, such power would be wasted on the human animal.
SnakeLord said:
Such a low opinion of humanity..

Such a pity.

I hardly think it an opinion. Take a look around for crying out loud and start in the mirror. I wasn't under the impression that you were all that impressed with me either. This isn't rocket science. So often you're out here spewing your hypocritical filth about how stupid and evil everyone is. "The children! Oh, the poor children!" Are you changing your mind now that it's convenient for you to? Figures...
I hardly think it an opinion.

Your thought hardly changes it from being an opinion.

Take a look around for crying out loud and start in the mirror.

What was I supposed to find exactly?

I saw some kids playing football out in the sun, some families walking their dogs, a couple lying on the grass kissing, an old couple hand in hand walking along the path, some joggers and cyclists and so on.

It didn't look all that bad.

I wasn't under the impression that you were all that impressed with me either.

Perhaps not, but that wouldn't mean I could account for all 6 billion. If man had created the gods, which he did, then it would seemingly make us less screwed anyway. After all, the christian god, (along with others), intend to annihilate us and the planet sometime soon. If god is not real then it is unlikely us and our planet will be annihilated shortly thus meaning we're not half as screwed as we would be if there was a god.

Also if there was a god and as the christian religion would tell us the mass majority are hell bound, then it stands to reason that there not being a god would again leave us less screwed than if there was one.

As for the human aspect, sure there are real bad folk out there - but that will certainly become a lot less when religion comes to it's ultimate demise. But life will go on regardless.

So often you're out here spewing your hypocritical filth about how stupid and evil everyone is. "The children! Oh, the poor children!"

Certainly. I resent the notion that some delusional halfwit would force their beliefs upon the young and innocent and I resent how people treat their children more like pets than humans.

How is that hypocritical? Where in my sentence do you get the idea that it equates to humanity being screwed.. or stupid? There are stupid people, there are evil people, and somewhere in the middle of that are religious people, but that doesn't = everyone being screwed.

Given the thread matter and how we created gods - we are not 'screwed' in the slightest by it's non existence. As I have highlighted above, we're less screwed.

Are you changing your mind now that it's convenient for you to? Figures...

Not at all, you just need to pay more attention.
SkinWalker: MW, riku is probably like 14... it's probably not so much his spelling as it is his typing/keyboarding skills. Still, you have to admit he's willing to question... even if it looks like he's talking to us in ROT-13 :)
M*W: You're probably right, SW. I just have a problem with young people today who cannot read, write or spell. I was raised in a hard class in the 60s who had great expectations of us when we were young. Of course, that was pre-computer days, but still, a lot was expected of us. However, I can appreciate his contribution to sciforums. Sorry, guys, it's just a pet peeve of mine. (sorry riku, if I guessed your age wrong... )

I agree, chameleon_789, good thread. From an anthropological point of view, I've long agreed with this. Though I think our "being the gods" is more metaphorical than actual. I doubt that we're some sort of collective deity (though I'm completely agnostic to this in that I don't entirely rule it out), but that we've evolved to be animals that have the unique abilities to be aware of ourselves in relation to the world as well as to have innate abilities to believe in concepts that are abstract.

The latter abilities are probably important to an animal that is to make use of tools (chimps and dolphins also show signs of this in that they can make use of tools and teach this ability to their young). And they probably are very important in the process of gaining societal complexity: belief in supernatural forces define traditions and taboos which regulate much of a society, including subsistence strategies; belief in the supernatural existance of ancestors and their abilities to affect/communicate with the living begin a system of worship; identification of totems and fetishes with clans or families create systems of ritual; all of the above give rise to elitism as ancestors and totems are associated with living leaders of these societies who have proven themselves significant or influential or powerful; thus, association with the divine becomes important in ancient societies from Egypt to Mesoamerica.

We are, indeed, the gods. If only we actually had the omnipotence that we so foolishly expect gods to posses... then again, such power would be wasted on the human animal.[/QUOTE]

I said hypocritical because you're just as evil and stupid as me and everyone else...each in our own special way.

You aren't any more happy about the death and suffering that the sin of our flesh causes than I am, so don't try to fake it now. Shit, I've been the target of your anger.

Children know the truth when they see it....they're not bitter and jaded yet.
We could well be seen as gods, if we accept the model of human being as having 4 'lower' coporal bodies and 3 'higher' spiritual bodies.

We can then see (in the past) an undeveloped human brian (one of the lower bodies) trying to communicate with and become aware of the higher bodies. The mind being unaware of our true nature, externalises this presence of 'higher' self and calls it god. When in fact god is us.

I have also heard this same argumant used in a more materialistic way as the left hand brain trying to communicate with the right hand brain and externalising it as god.

I am not sure either of these arguments has it 100% right, but I am sure there is some truth in both.
Lori_7 said:
Children know the truth when they see it....they're not bitter and jaded yet.

Children suffer terribly from anger, selfishness, greed etc. It is only as we grow and develop that we learn self control and selflessness. (well some do anyway).
I said hypocritical because you're just as evil and stupid as me and everyone else...each in our own special way.

I beg to differ. There are people smarter, and there are people with a brain that a grape would be embarrased about. There are people who really are nasty, and people who are not so nasty. It's a gradient.

You aren't any more happy about the death and suffering that the sin of our flesh causes than I am

Flesh? Sin? What? If you were trying miserably to say that I'm just as unhappy about there being people that are not so nice as other people then ok I guess. What I'm more unhappy about right now are people who can't just say a sentence without making it sound like some three thousand year old babble said by a shepherd wondering why his slave girl wont accept his sexual advances.

Just say some bad guy doing some bad shit, what's with all the 'flesh' and 'sin' nonsense? I'm English, not an ancient desert nomad.

so don't try to fake it now. Shit, I've been the target of your anger.

Anger? I'm not really an angry person despite what my typing demeanour might show. I do thoroughly dislike people forcing beliefs onto children, people giving me all the damnation bollocks simply because my views differ to theirs, and coffee ice cream - but otherwise I consider myself rather laid back and even somewhat uncaring to who kills who or who does what other than those listed above.

However, my overall happiness or lack thereof of nasty people doing nasty shit does not call into focus a need for another world and life after this one, nor does it mean humanity is screwed. One look at your child smiling or laughing, giving you a hug, or telling you he/she loves you and you realise that god doesn't matter, a new life doesn't matter, and that humanity is not quite as bad as you would have us all believe.

Here's the difference between me and your everyday christian: My daughter is everything. god, if he existed, must take a back seat to her. No matter who he saved, what good he did, he can never ever compare or compete with my daughter. Anyone who disagrees with that is in my opinion far worse than a murderer. Perhaps if you all stopped looking at the clouds and payed some true attention and gave some real love to your children, humanity wouldn't be as screwed as you'd make out.

Children know the truth when they see it....they're not bitter and jaded yet

It's actually rather amusing that you say that. Around 10 minutes ago my wife was in here with my daughter. My brother is in some deep shit with the law, (I've spent the day in court), and during discussion of this I happened to say: "jesus christ, the guy knew what he was getting himself into", to which my daughter said: "there's no such person".

I might aswell state that I have never, and don't really intend to, lead my daughter in any way whatsoever. She, unlike the opinions of religious folk, has the right to her own decisions and beliefs. I have absolutely no right to tell her what to believe or what not to believe. From a biblical perspective I should actually stone her to death for even daring to say such a thing, but she has just as much rights as anyone else.

Whence it came from I don't know, but given your statement it actually leaves your debate in ruins. I'm sure those who lack a 'live and let live' policy will be damning her to hell pretty soon - as is normal with their jesus following, love thy neighbour morality.