What if the Jews never rejected Christ?

If the Jews had never rejected Christ then today's Christians would be something else. Why not Rastafarians? Can you imagine Rastafarians versus the Muslims. Send the Muzzi a few tons of good shit and watch world peace develop.

Maybe there wouldn't be any Muslims either. Muhammed could have been replaced by a talking dromedary forming the Ungulate religion, worshipping a good hump.
If the Jews never rejected Jesus Christ and if he was never crucified, how might the world be different today?

When it comes to fiction, you've gotta have a climax. In the tale of a martyr, the "and they all lived happily ever after... and had some cake." approach ain't gonna fly to well. :) If Jesus were never crucified, he wouldn't be given such legendary status. He'd be like Mama Cass instead of Jimi Hendrix.
If the Jews never rejected Christ, then we'd not have awesome lawyers, accountants, and great deli owners!

I know that, I've actually seen the handwritten lyrics for the song, but since Jimi was not religious it remains just a lyric. He had spiritual beliefs like all hippies did in those days, but in no way did he belong to any irrational religion.

Hendrix, like daVinci, is a legend because of what he created, not how he died.

We have evidence that Hendrix and daVinci did create things, as far as Jesus is concerned, we only have proof that his followers lied about what he did to con people into following their cult.
I know that, I've actually seen the handwritten lyrics for the song, but since Jimi was not religious it remains just a lyric. He had spiritual beliefs like all hippies did in those days, but in no way did he belong to any irrational religion.

We have evidence that Hendrix and daVinci did create things, as far as Jesus is concerned, we only have proof that his followers lied about what he did to con people into following their cult.

First of all you dont know that Hendrix was not religious, writing Purple Haze- Jesus saves would say otherwise. But your entire post is based on assumption anyway.

The reason i use them as examples is because their abilities far transcend what is commonly humanly possible.

I know that, I've actually seen the handwritten lyrics for the song, but since Jimi was not religious it remains just a lyric. He had spiritual beliefs like all hippies did in those days, but in no way did he belong to any irrational religion.

i dont even know what this means, can u translate-
First of all you dont know that Hendrix was not religious, writing Purple Haze- Jesus saves would say otherwise. But your entire post is based on assumption anyway.

"When I was a little boy, I believed that if you put a tooth under your pillow, a fairy would come in the night and take away the tooth and leave a dime. Now, I believed in myself more than anything. And, I suppose in a way, that's also believing in God. If there is a God and He made you, then if you believe in yourself, you're also believing in Him. So I think everybody should believe in himself. That doesn't mean you've got to believe in heaven and hell and all that stuff. But it does mean that what you are and what you do is your religion. I can't express myself in easy conversation—the words just don't come out right. But when I get up on stage—well, that's my whole life. That's my religion. My music is electric church music, if by 'church' you mean 'religion', I am electric religion."

That is spirituality, not religion. He does not label himself with any religion hence he is without religion. He may even believe in god, but believing in god doesn't mean you belong to a religion.
"When I was a little boy, I believed that if you put a tooth under your pillow, a fairy would come in the night and take away the tooth and leave a dime. Now, I believed in myself more than anything. And, I suppose in a way, that's also believing in God. If there is a God and He made you, then if you believe in yourself, you're also believing in Him. So I think everybody should believe in himself. That doesn't mean you've got to believe in heaven and hell and all that stuff. But it does mean that what you are and what you do is your religion. I can't express myself in easy conversation—the words just don't come out right. But when I get up on stage—well, that's my whole life. That's my religion. My music is electric church music, if by 'church' you mean 'religion', I am electric religion."

That is spirituality, not religion. He does not label himself with any religion hence he is without religion. He may even believe in god, but believing in god doesn't mean you belong to a religion.

Well this thread is about Jesus, not about any particular religion and as far as i know Jesus did not belong to any organized religion.

So Hendrix changed the lyric's in his song to satisfy his manager and to save it from the freedom Nazi's. Your quote is from an interview designed to appeal to the largest demographic.

No matter how hard you try you are not going to change the fact that Jimi believed in Jesus...that's all...sorry:)- and whats the big deal? he needed inspiration from someplace right?

Spirituality? give me a break, that's religion lite or basically like calling yourself a Libertarian.

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No matter how hard you try you are not going to change the fact that Jimi believed in Jesus...that's all...sorry

LOL! So a passing mention of Jesus as he is sitting trying to think up a lyric, (which he removed later) means he accepted Jesus as a literal saviour and the son of God? You are a nonce if you think you can decide his beliefs for him based on one lyric. I guess you are going to say he believed in literal angels too going by songs like 'Little Wing' and 'Angel'?

Jimi had no dogmatic religious beliefs. Read his interviews.
If Jesus was never christified, there might be a religion that was actually based on his teachings.