What if the Jews never rejected Christ?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
A purely hypothetical question on several levels…

If the Jews never rejected Jesus Christ and if he was never crucified, how might the world be different today?

All thoughts are welcome.

Thank You!
If they didn't reject him, they would have ignored him, he would never have been martyred, his early followers (including Paul) would not have felt so compelled to defend their lives with similar zeal, and Christianity would have been aborted by the Romans.
The Romans crucified him, not the Jews. The Jews were like the victims of the Nazis in the ghettos, forced to give up their own in the face of brutal Roman leadership. Anyone seen as a popular leader of the Jews was suspect, since anti-Roman revolts were common.
He wasn't rejected by the Jews, that's a propogandous story created by Christians durring the crusades.
He wasn't rejected by the Jews, that's a propogandous story created by Christians durring the crusades.

The Jewish people at large probably didn't give much of a damn, but any Pharisee at the time definitely didn't like him.
M*W: Jesus didn't exist. He's just an anthropomorphization of the sun. Lucifer is represented by the Constellation Serpens, and all the stars in this constellation are the rebellious angels. The antichrist appears in a total eclipse of the sun. Paul was Apollo, an antichrist. The crucifixion occurs when the four seasons cross (Spring, Winter, Summer, Fall). Spring and Winter, for example, stand for the birth (Spring sun) and death (Winter sun) of Jesus (the figurative sun). The Garden of Eden is the Zodiac. All the animals were placed in Eden for Adam to tend. It really doesn't go any deeper or more spiritual than this. Ancient humans created these myths from watching the skies.
A purely hypothetical question on several levels…

If the Jews never rejected Jesus Christ and if he was never crucified, how might the world be different today?

All thoughts are welcome.

Thank You!

If Jesus was never crucified then he would have been forgotten.
There was more than one Messiah and, just like Jesus, the others were said to heal the sick, raise the dead and were called the Sons of God. They were forgotten.
God is a meaningless concept to me, so your replies asking me if I am god are just as meaningless. And what do you know... I'm not god. Well that of course means there must be a god somewhere, right?
I thought matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes?