What if it all turned out to be real?

OK...what exactly is GOD in the singular sense of the word?
And what exactly is GOD in the plural sense of the word?
Your question was what would he/she need to do to convince the majority [ or at least me ] that he/she is indeed the true god? to carry a wrist watch is not ''GODLY'' so should not even be brought up.
So it's anti godly the fact he carry's on is a argument that he's not devine? This gives wrist watches at least some divine status

It would be up to him, wouldn't it? He would know best how to convince us.
Us are still us a fish will never now the water as the water knows itself I doubt that even the shore banks know.
Besides where damaged goods (a wonder if he would critizes the apple industry)

Indeed. It's a classic warning to the gullible: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
As if recently I've been pointed out this isn't exactly true
Aftherall we aren't worshipping scientists

Of course they stopped fighting and of course their civilization advanced. She came back several hundred years later to collect her fee, without even having done anything for them--except of course scaring them into ending their war!
This one is actually pretty good. A divine act but I doubt it would have any staying powers and it involves actually envolvment (at least she did the things she claimed she did)
Honnestly what would it take to convince you.

1. That I am his creation.
2. That my true happiness lies with him and him alone.

I don't know though how it would be possible to convince me of that, but I suppose God would be able to do that.
Say for instance for no particulair reason the one and true god desends on earth to prance about. What are the changes people would believe him?
Meaning what should he/she/it have to do/look like to convince the majority that he is indeed the true god?

A true god would not need to convince anyone of anything, people would inherently know.
there IS nothing they could do that would definitly convince me (except MAYBE something like bruce almighty) because anything that he\she\it does could be hidden tech. Hell we dont even know how half our OWN tech works so as a sociaty we are used to being in the dark about how things work without beliving them "goddly"
1. That I am his creation.
2. That my true happiness lies with him and him alone.

I don't know though how it would be possible to convince me of that, but I suppose God would be able to do that.
You do realise that your descibing yourself do you?

A true god would not need to convince anyone of anything, people would inherently know.
god have us wings when he showed us birds, it takes a couple of millenia before the coin drops.

there IS nothing they could do that would definitly convince me (except MAYBE something like bruce almighty) because anything that he\she\it does could be hidden tech. Hell we dont even know how half our OWN tech works so as a sociaty we are used to being in the dark about how things work without beliving them "goddly"
Does everyone agree's that god does not use tools?

For that matter wat is god exactly creator of the universe or some sort of dictator of the aftherlife?
orcot you just made me think of the disc world book where rincewind goes back to the begining of the universe and its all done by subcontractor:p
Since there is no God or Gods this is a pointless discussion to me. I believe in myself only. When anything happens that is out of the ordinary I try to figure out exactly how it was done so if ever something appears and claims it is God I will be certain to find out if it really is by careful examination of the facts about it and also see if it can withstand a 45 caliber bullet to its head! ;)
orcot you just made me think of the disc world book where rincewind goes back to the begining of the universe and its all done by subcontractor
could be altough I was thinking on slartybartfast.
If anything I believe gods would look similar different between a human and the south park version of god