What If Everybody Became Muslim? (but of different sects)

What would happen when the world becomes Islamic?

  • Ahh peace at last! Shias, Sunnis, Suffis & Khalifites living in mutual peace & respect.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More chaos as muslims would turn to persecuting those who aint Islamic enough like whats happening i

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • The islamic world would just be as messy as the multi-religion world.

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • I dont know but im sure the world would go back to what it was in the 7th century.

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • I dont know.

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


Ultra Electro Agnostic
Registered Senior Member
For argument's sakes let us imagine a scenario wherein a week from now everybody just mysteriously abandoned their beliefs systems & philosophies in life and just accepted Islam.

No more Christians
No more atheists
No more pesky agnostics like DoctorNO
No more Hindus
No more Buddhists
No more Animists
No more Jews

Everybody just everybody decided to adopt Islam.

Some became Sunnis.
Some became Shias.
Some became Progressive Quran-Only muslims
Some became 19ers.
Some became Suffis.

All the nations of Earth has been renamed

United Islamic States of America (UMSA)
Islamic Republic of China
Progressive Muslim Nations of Canada
Islamic Republic of Holland.

What would happen next. Would there be peace at last? Would our dear friend Proud Muslim finally rest in contentment? Would the Sunni Tiassa and the Quran-Only DoctorNO finally toast in celebration? Would the suffi bells finally find enlightenment? Would the Shia Path finally be at peace?

What do you think? ;)
DoctorNO said:
For argument's sakes let us imagine a scenario wherein a week from now everybody just mysteriously abandoned their beliefs systems & philosophies in life and just accepted Islam.

No more Christians
No more atheists
No more pesky agnostics like DoctorNO
No more Hindus
No more Buddhists
No more Animists
No more Jews

Everybody just everybody decided to adopt Islam.

Some became Sunnis.
Some became Shias.
Some became Progressive Quran-Only muslims
Some became 19ers.
Some became Suffis.

All the nations of Earth has been renamed

United Islamic States of America (UMSA)
Islamic Republic of China
Progressive Muslim Nations of Canada
Islamic Republic of Holland.

What would happen next. Would there be peace at last? Would our dear friend Proud Muslim finally rest in contentment? Would the Sunni Tiassa and the Quran-Only DoctorNO finally toast in celebration? Would the suffi bells finally find enlightenment? Would the Shia Path finally be at peace?

What do you think? ;)
M*W: The world is evolving toward becoming one united human family. There will be no place for religion since humanity has been programmed to become God (i.e. the image thing).
DoctorNO said:
What would happen next. Would there be peace at last? Would our dear friend Proud Muslim finally rest in contentment? Would the Sunni Tiassa and the Quran-Only DoctorNO finally toast in celebration? Would the suffi bells finally find enlightenment? Would the Shia Path finally be at peace?

What do you think? ;)

Proud Muslim would most likely convert to christianity :D

And I'm a Quran-only gal...striving to be muslim. only god can judge whether I'm muslim or not.
If I ever become a muslim im sure I would be of the Quran-only type too.
What would happen next. Would there be peace at last?
Presumably yes.

However, if it's a superficial conversion such as those popular at present in American Christianity, it doesn't really matter one way or another.

Islam is orthopraxic; you are a Muslim as long as you hold to the Five Pillars of Faith.

Beyond that, Islam strives for social justice in the Ummah.

In theory, when external factors denying social justice are accounted for, Muslims will be able to take a better inventory of their differences.

On the other hand, when a just, worldwide ummah is accomplished, the world will end. At least, as I understand it.
tiassa said:
In theory, when external factors denying social justice are accounted for, Muslims will be able to take a better inventory of their differences.

Its HOW they would "take a better inventory of their differences" that concerns me. I think it would be similar to the inter-muslim massacres that happened in the early histories of Islam. Slaughter of shias. Slaughter of sunnis. Destruction and rebuilding of the kaabah. Assassinations. Exiles. Exclusions.

Even today asserting quran-only muslims like Flores are being branded a heretic. A very deadly accusation that carries severe consequences.
Its HOW they would "take a better inventory of their differences" that concerns me. I think it would be similar to the inter-muslim massacres that happened in the early histories of Islam. Slaughter of shias. Slaughter of sunnis. Destruction and rebuilding of the kaabah. Assassinations. Exiles. Exclusions.
I continue to urge you to study the economic causes of human strife whilst I find a way to compress the most obvious theme in human history into fewer words for you.

Remember our discussion elsewhere that included economy and education? The who or what of education?

History indicates clearly that Islam brings human prosperity in times of peace, even with sectarian divisions. History also indicates that Islam reacts ferociously to social injustice.

Given the ideological, educational, and economic prerequisites to any worldwide paradigm, and in consideration of human diversity, I think you might be projecting current issues too heavily into this potential future. Even if it did happen next week.

Without a hostile infidel influence attempting to steal wealth and life from Muslims, internecine examination becomes much easier. Worrying about the failures of your fellow Muslim whilst implicitly endorsing by inaction infidel influences which contribute to the conditions of those failures is considered self-centered.

Give a Muslim room to be a Muslim, and wondrous things can result. Ask a Muslim to play the bloodthirsty game that has led to the "civilization" of the West ... well, as we see, people just aren't happy with the result.


Once there was a Dervish who entered a local mosque, whereupon he removed his shoes and left them outside. This immediately started the gossip among the neighborhood armchair-philosophers.

There were those who thought the Dervish was respectful in leaving his shoes outside.

And there were those who argued that the Dervish should have taken his shoes inside with him, so as not to tempt a thief to steal the unattended shoes.

The argument was not easily resolved; it continued until the Dervish came back out of the mosque. He asked why people were arguing, and the situation was quickly explained:

"When you entered the mosque, you removed your shoes and left them outside. Some thought this a temptation of the thief, others thought it respectful to God."

The Dervish nodded and said, "And while I was inside, and while you were out here debating what I did with my shoes, several men entered the mosque who had no shoes to remove, and you thought nothing of their situation."

And then the Dervish wandered away, to return to his meditations.
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Medicine Woman said:
There will be no place for religion since humanity has been programmed to become God.

You don't know that. You've never seen the future.

You're just making up this stuff.
It would be a beautiful world
Everybody would dress the same everybody would speak the same language, arabic, no pork, no lobster or shrimp, no drugs, no alcohol, no music(a moderate kalif might decide some types of music are acceptable) no mixed western style parties, marriages would be arranged, no books that are deemed evil by the khalifat etc etc. A perfect cookie cutter society of virtuos slaves of allah
Without intending any offense, this is an absurd question. If you're willing to kill somebody because they don't share your belief, it doesn't matter what they believe. It only matters that they don't believe what you believe. Look at the centuries Europeans spent butchering each other over minorly differing interpretations of a guy whose most famous words are "Love thy neighbor." Look at the breakdown in relations between the Communist states of the USSR and the PRC. Furthermore, consider that in spite of the impressive advances humanity has made in murder, the Civil War remains the United States' bloodiest conflict, and the civil wars in Russia, Spain, France, and England were all filled with atrocity. So, no ... a pan-Islamic world would no more represent the dawning of a peaceful utopia than a pan-Christian Europe.
Rappaccini said:
You don't know that. You've never seen the future.

You're just making up this stuff.
M*W: How do you know what I've seen? You don't know me. You don't know the visions I have. You don't know the knowledge I've been given. Who are you to say I haven't seen the future. You haven't seen the future because you are not spiritually blessed. Maybe I am. Who are you to say anything about me or my visions? Sure. I could be making it all up, but why would I do that? I know what I know. I've been blessed. Apparently, you aren't.
path said:
It would be a beautiful world
Everybody would dress the same everybody would speak the same language, arabic, no pork, no lobster or shrimp, no drugs, no alcohol, no music(a moderate kalif might decide some types of music are acceptable) no mixed western style parties, marriages would be arranged, no books that are deemed evil by the khalifat etc etc. A perfect cookie cutter society of virtuos slaves of allah
sounds like HELL to me!!! :eek:
Medicine Woman said:
You don't know the visions I have. You don't know the knowledge I've been given.
The visions you've had? Like what?
Who are you to say I haven't seen the future.
Who are you to say anything about me or my visions?
I'm a guy who'd bet his life that nobody has true "visions" of the future. It's never been recorded as happening, indisputably.
Prove to me that you've had "visions," by stating something definite and clear about the future, not some moronic hocus-pocus about god and the image thing.
Give me something I can test. If you're the saint you claim to be, it'll be no problem, but you aren't, are you?
Sure. I could be making it all up, but why would I do that?
You obviously desire it... you and your little "M*W" on all your posts... do you think I'm going to forget who you are in the millisecond it takes me to look from your username to your post?

Yeah... you're an attention-seeker, no question.
Rappaccini said:
The visions you've had? Like what?

I'm a guy who'd bet his life that nobody has true "visions" of the future. It's never been recorded as happening, indisputably.
Prove to me that you've had "visions," by stating something definite and clear about the future, not some moronic hocus-pocus about god and the image thing.
Give me something I can test. If you're the saint you claim to be, it'll be no problem, but you aren't, are you?
M*W: I never claimed to be a saint. You're halllucinating. How could you possibly know what is in the mind of someone else? You don't know where I've been or what I've learned. You don't know what experiences I've had. You don't know where my heart is. There are many people out there like you. Most of the world is like you. You're common. I'm not.
You obviously desire it... you and your little "M*W" on all your posts... do you think I'm going to forget who you are in the millisecond it takes me to look from your username to your post?
M*W: Sounds like you're a bit jealous if you ask me. Trust me. I have all the attention I could possibly stand at home fighting with the Christians in my immediate family. M*W is my insignia. It's my byline. I'm entitled to my own identity as are you.
Yeah... you're an attention-seeker, no question.
M*W: Why does that bother you. You have deeper problems that need to be addressed.
They would detonate every nuclear device as a final suicide bomb so that they could all be with Allah and find peace. This would eliminate all remaining earthly strife and suffering.

Actual mass suicides of fundamantalist cults are well documented and the Islamic mentality combined with indeqaute Islamic safeguards against suicide could easily be twisted into the final anihilation of the human race.

Mystified Witless:

I never claimed to be a saint.

Ah, but you did claim you had visions.

Who are you to say anything about me or my visions?

And, of course, [you've] been blessed.

You're not "common," either, now are you?

I think it's fair to say you consider yourself to be some sort of seer or 'enlightened' being.

Most of the world is like you. You're common. I'm not.

That's right. Most of the world is sane.

It's so common to be sane, though!

Aren't you gald you're uncommon?

Medicine Woman said:
You have deeper problems that need to be addressed.

Do you know that with which "visions" are usually associated?

Medical problems... typically things like anoxia.

Are you sure you aren't "hallucinating"?

Have you conjured up any visions of the future for me, oh one who knows the nature of man and god and the cosmos?
DoctorNO said:
Its HOW they would "take a better inventory of their differences" that concerns me. I think it would be similar to the inter-muslim massacres that happened in the early histories of Islam. Slaughter of shias. Slaughter of sunnis. Destruction and rebuilding of the kaabah. Assassinations. Exiles. Exclusions.

Even today asserting quran-only muslims like Flores are being branded a heretic. A very deadly accusation that carries severe consequences.
There would still be wars and fighting as each different sect would try to assert their dominance and you will always have the 'my interpretation is better than yours' scenarios. Sunni and Shites (sp? one i or two?) would still hate each other. Remember when the UN sent a regiment of Pakistani forces to Kosovo as part of the peace keeping force and the Pakistani's were amazed at how liberal the Muslim population in Kosovo were. There will always be the differences even if we were all Muslims as not everyone believes the same way.

Path said:
Everybody would dress the same everybody would speak the same language, arabic, no pork, no lobster or shrimp, no drugs, no alcohol, no music(a moderate kalif might decide some types of music are acceptable) no mixed western style parties, marriages would be arranged, no books that are deemed evil by the khalifat etc etc. A perfect cookie cutter society of virtuos slaves of allah
Well done! You just made my other half scream in terror at the thought of not being allowed to eat bacon or prawns and no beer... oh the horror.. hehehe.. he's going to have nightmares for weeks. :D

And I don't know what Muslims you know but they listen to the same music that I listen to and I've never once heard any of them even mention not being allowed to read certain books because it wasn't allowed and they hold the 'western style mixed parties'. In fact, my Muslim friends are renown for throwing the best parties. As for arranged marriages. You are aware that a majority of Muslims don't practice that aren't you? As for the dress. Muslims today dress as they choose in the West and in many other parts of the world. Where the State defines style of dress, well in a way they are going against the Quran as the Quran only states that one should dress modestly and it is left to the individual to interpret what level of modesty they are to apply for their dress.

Rappaccini said:
I'm a guy who'd bet his life that nobody has true "visions" of the future.
I had a vision that I was going to die in the future and that I'd pay taxes... Oh wait!.. that's a reality... :eek:

You obviously desire it... you and your little "M*W" on all your posts... do you think I'm going to forget who you are in the millisecond it takes me to look from your username to your post?
You need to look from the M*W to determine that it is Medicine Woman? Ermm ok... And the 'do you think I'm going to forget who you are in a millisecond' thing there... No offence, but you are sounding a tad like a stalker there. :p
Flores said:
Proud Muslim would most likely convert to christianity :D

And I'm a Quran-only gal...striving to be muslim. only god can judge whether I'm muslim or not.

You may also go to hell bikini flores... :rolleyes: