What if all the Religions are Fake?

Re: Re: Re: Huh?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Originally posted by wayne_92587

Simply because it makes no sense to you does not mean that it doesn't make sense to anyone.

Your response has value to me whether I like it or not.
Her post made more sense to me than yours did. Even if God, or some variation on otherworldy powers, doesn't exist, that doesn't mean the word doesn't have meaning.

Do you want to say that the words 'elf' or 'faerie' or 'magic' have no meaning because they 'don't exist?' If you're going to argue something like that, argue something that is applicable in more than one situation.. and makes some sense.
Wayne, test yourself

Wayne, you expect us to consider religion as a way of expressing science. Such a consideration is that religion is itself a science.

You claim man is a superior confused creature. You claim man is supreme by recognising its own existence but you do not recall that Elephants go back to recognize their dead with moments of remembrance by skeletons of dead elephants from their group.

You identify man has a sense of imagination as imagination deals with what does not exist. Even if elements of one's imagination represents objects that exist outside of one's imagination, one's imagination are not real.

To you, mankind is simultaneously less than and more than a mere animal. Such a suggestion supports your consideration of humans as a confused group. However, your notions of mankind being assisted by a non-human entity that educates it with divine knowledge is absolutely false as it would suggest no need for schools because the non-human entity would educate everyone.

Further support of your own confusion to suggest confusion of the human race, you say that people simultaneously possess and are possessed by presents from a divine source.

Finally, you splash ignorance of fact and claim humans cease to evolve. If people did not evolve it would be easy to find bone marrow matches in Hawaii--it is not. If humans were immune from evolution, sickle cell anemia people would not have existed to be immune from a mosquito transmitted disease in Africa. If humans did not evolve there would not be a group of related prostitutes immune to AIDS because their cells all have a special membrane.

Wayne, your are confused. Your religious science which allowed you to be educated supremely by an entity that failed to know existing sciences and existing animals might propagate your confusion. Hmm. The only way to flash you into reality is to suggest that you test yourself by attemting to read periodicals in languages you never learned. If you are able to amptly communicate in German, French, Polish, Russian, Cambodian, Chinese (every dialect), Japanese, Korean, Italian, Dutch, Swahili, Tahitian, Tongan, Philipino (every dialect), Arabic, Cuneiform, Heiroglyphics, and so on and so forth, then you might for youself suggest your ideas are true. Go ahead, test yourself. When reality sets in, deal with it.

Re: Wayne, test yourself

Originally posted by GodLied

Further support of your own confusion to suggest confusion of the human race, you say that people simultaneously possess and are possessed by presents from a divine source.
Finally, you splash ignorance of fact and claim humans cease to evolve.

If people did not evolve it would be easy to find bone marrow matches in Hawaii--it is not. If humans were immune from evolution.

Your religious science which allowed you to be educated supremely by an entity that failed to know existing sciences and existing animals might propagate your confusion. Hmm. The only way to flash you into reality is to suggest that you test yourself by attemting to read periodicals in languages you never learned.

If you are able to amptly communicate in German, French, Polish, Russian, Cambodian, Chinese (every dialect), Japanese, Korean, Italian, Dutch, Swahili, Tahitian, Tongan, Philipino (every dialect), Arabic, Cuneiform, Heiroglyphics, and so on and so forth, then you might for youself suggest your ideas are true. Go ahead, test yourself. When reality sets in, deal with it.


Where did I say that humans ceased to evolve???

Did I say that Humans are emune to evolution??

What in the world are you takling about when you say," If you are able to amptly communicate in German, French, Polish, Russian, Cambodian, Chinese (every dialect), Japanese, Korean, Italian, Dutch, Swahili, Tahitian, Tongan, Philipino (every dialect), Arabic, Cuneiform, Heiroglyphics, and so on and so forth, then you might for youself suggest your ideas are true. "

My religious science which allowed you to be educated supremely by an entity.

Again what in the world are you taking about, my religous Science?
Re: Re: Wayne, Divination

Originally posted by wayne_92587
Where did I say that humans ceased to evolve???

Did I say that Humans are emune to evolution??

Again what in the world are you taking about, my religous Science?


I did not use the Word Divine I said divined presents but divine works just as well.

Divined presents, Reality, knowledge, appearing as if by magic, right out of Thin Air.

1. the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.
2. augury; prophecy:
3. perception by intuition; instinctive foresight.

2. Philos.
a. the doctrine that reason alone is a source of knowledge and is independent of experience.
2. Philos. the doctrine that all knowledge is derived from sense experience.

Divine to discover or declare (something obscure or in the future)

Rationalize, divined Reality.

1. to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
2. to remove unreasonable elements from.
3. to make rational or conformable to reason.
4. to treat or explain in a rational or rationalistic manner.
7. to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes: He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.
8. to employ reason; think in a rational or rationalistic manner.

Although RATIONALIZE retains its principal 19th-century senses “to make conformable to reason” and “to treat in a rational manner,” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious causes.” Although the possibility of ambiguity exists, the context will usually make clear which sense is intended.
Originally posted by Silivren

Do you want to say that the words 'elf' or 'faerie' or 'magic' have no meaning because they 'don't exist?' If you're going to argue something like that, argue something that is applicable in more than one situation.. and makes some sense.

a singularity alone in the emptiness is without meaning.
Effective communication

Originally posted by wayne_92587
a singularity alone in the emptiness is without meaning.
(Wayne, what are you trying to say??? I'm really trying to understand your thoughts. If something is singular and alone in emptiness it doesn't mean anything? Being single and alone is being empty? Emptiness is being single and alone? Your life is empty because you are single and alone? If this is what you're trying to say, then I can see your anguish.)