What if all the Religions are Fake?


Registered Senior Member
Hyou guys noticed that even on a small forum like this we have people claiming to be GOD, JC, Alien, Time travellers..trying to give us a Glimpse in to our future( not that it is true).

But what if most of the religion just picked up on the previous civilization for stories and someone just got up one day like any of us here and started telling people ...I am the Messenger of GOD ...and to prove started to weave stories around already prevalent culture ...there would be some skeptical , some Gullible to follow him ..and it was just matter of time that these small cultures formed their own Cult ..Judaism, Xianity, Buddhism, Muslim ... There is no proof that any of the religion had a true messenger of GOD ..it all depends on how Gullible your ancestors were and how gullible you are...

I believe there has to be some power which makes us tick but to think that we are the only thing important in this universe is bit too Myopic and the power which moves us might be easily explained but a higher civilization. For instance we do not even know how Dog's life juice is different from us ...the only thing we can do is say ...hey I think therefore I am...

Any thoughts....??
Scientific Power

What I mean by power is electrical Charge produced by our brain, how it is generated and comes into being can be researched using Nano-Technology.

PS. I understand it sounds Melodramatic ...like there has to be a power which runs in all our bodies and is one....But what I meant was more scientific than theological.
Re: Scientific Power

Originally posted by Guru
What I mean by power is electrical Charge produced by our brain, how it is generated and comes into being can be researched using Nano-Technology.

PS. I understand it sounds Melodramatic ...like there has to be a power which runs in all our bodies and is one....But what I meant was more scientific than theological.
(I like you, Guru! You are a great thinker! I believe what you are saying. I like to think this of this theory more in a scientific way than theologic. There HAS to be a scientific way to test this hypothesis and prove that it does exist as you say. We just haven't figured out how to do it yet, but medical science has come a long way. A body's electricity eminates throughout the system and even emits an aura which I believe some researchers are studying. The aura connects us to others' auras. Then there has to be some chemical-type reaction that occurs. After all, we aren't just bodies with a spirit, we are spirit with a body.)
Re: Re: Scientific Power

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I like to think this of this theory more in a scientific way than theologic. There HAS to be a scientific way to test this hypothesis and prove that it does exist as you say.
Perhaps first you should think about the difference between "theory" and "speculation".

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
After all, we aren't just bodies with a spirit, we are spirit with a body.
You're babbling. :D

You seem to be alluding to the chakra concept. Have you read THE ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT by Myss?

I feel that most organized religions are more about controlling people than about what makes us exist and be sentient.

Originally posted by Zero
It's not a matter of "what if". Religions are fake.

How can you say that Zero ....the Wrath of all the believers will follow :D

Exactly the point I am trying to make....

Originally posted by candy

You seem to be alluding to the chakra concept. Have you read THE ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT by Myss?

No I have never read Chakra Concept, I will probably check that out from my Library..please share the Chakra Concept with us so that we can use it in our following discussions..

Originally posted by candy
I feel that most organized religions are more about controlling people than about what makes us exist and be sentient.

Religions are like Political Parties ...they were originally formed to serve mankind but have ended up in pitch battle of coming to power so that they may serve us...what difference does it makes if GOD is ever-present and I believe in him or not ...the maker of such a big Universe will he stoop to such level as to single some out because he did not chant His praise while this Earthly Suit was alive...if our souls live forever ( according to religious beliefs) then why worry about this life ..we can redeem ourselves in the next plane...But this is digressing from the topic

The book is THE ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT by Caroline Myss.

The chakra is from the Eastern religions. They are energy centers in the body. There are 7 chakras each one relates to a different phase of life.
Uh…people, we have a pretty good understanding of where the body's energy comes from and how it's used. It's all a matter of chemistry and physiology. The soul is still open for debate, but we have a firm grasp of the scientific side.
Re: Candy

Originally posted by Guru
True. Religions are like Political Parties ...they were originally formed to serve mankind but have ended up in pitch battle of coming to power so that they may serve us...
(The various religions/churches where I live in the 4th largest US city seem to advertise like the car companies! They're on every billboard in town. They hype on TV. They have major PR representation to lure people in. Why else would they go to this advertising extreme unless they wanted more profit? I really don't believe that they are in the business of saving souls. Like everybody else, they're in the business of making money.)
...if our souls live forever (according to religious beliefs) then why worry about this life ..we can redeem ourselves in the next plane...
(Yes, we could do that, and I would guess many, many billions of people have done just that. I would also guess that those who don't take God seriously in their lives would most likely be "born again" in the water of amniotic fluid to start all over again to atone for their previous existence in the Earthsuit. All of those of us who are alive and present can honestly say that we are "born again." The Xian philosophy of being "born again" while one is already occupying an Earthsuit is just wishful thinking on their part. There is no spiritual death, but there is the possibility of occupying another Earthsuit.)
(...why worry about this life? The Spirit lives forever, but the body doesn't. The Spirit comes into the Earthsuit to learn, atone, and build the spirit for eternity. Why would a physical body want to prolong its destiny in the spiritual existence? After all, to live eternally in the One Spirit of God is why we all came here in the first place. This is a training ground. It's a "boot camp" for heaven. Until we can see that WE and only WE are at the helm of our journey. If "God is with us, who can be against us?")
Originally posted by Guru
.... But what if most of the religion just picked up on the previous civilization for stories and someone just got up one day like any of us here and started telling people ...I am the Messenger of GOD ...and to prove started to weave stories around already prevalent culture ...there would be some skeptical , some Gullible to follow him ..and it was just matter of time that these small cultures formed their own Cult ..Judaism, Xianity, Buddhism, Muslim ... There is no proof that any of the religion had a true messenger of GOD ..it all depends on how Gullible your ancestors were and how gullible you are...


Guru, assuming that the Holy Bible is the Word of God and that, irrelevant of who wrote which Book when, the words are all God's words; we can falsify all religions based on the Holy Bible by omition of Books which contain perjurous testimony with respect to itself or with respect to another Book, and omitting any Book based on omitted Books. Oh, a baseless Holy Bible means Satanic religion is also false. For the sake of clarity, Wicca has nothing to do with the Holy Bible and is not false by the falsification of the Holy Bible.

Now, in considering all other religions, some have landmarks, others have statues with properties that defy science, and others have boulders that people can lift with a single finger when the appropriate god's name is invoked. Only one of those religion's theory of everything is correct. If all those religion's theory of everything is wrong, then one could say that the existence of a god is not necessary for the result of belief in a god. With that in mind, people that lift the boulder could do so by invoking another name if they believed that doing so will make the boulder almost weightless. In that sense, belief supersedes existence of any god. Also, since a boulder can become practically weightless by belief that it can become so, people can advance in ancient occult arts by believing that the desired result will happen.

Desired reality affects reality itself. That fundamental lesson is learned by training in the occult. Those unable to focus are unable to alter percieved reality. Such persons do not advance in the occult.

An example of when I tested a Jehovah's Witness faith was when I lit a candle and said: With faith in your god put out the candle. That man could not do it, so I blew it out for him and said that I had faith in myself to put out the candle by blowing it out.

If you intend to delve into the occult, test your capacity to alter your own perceptions by drawing a triangle with a dot in its center. Look at the dot. Selectively omit from your perception the sight of the triangle while focusing on the dot. Capacity to modify your own perceptions allows you to learn to modify the perceptions of others.

In the healing arts, if you so choose to try them, envision healing energy emanating from you through your hands to the person with a numb appendage. If that person regains sensation without your hands touching the body part, your belief altered reality to make a numb leg regain sensations. To stratify your belief, move your hands down the numb leg to see if the patient gets freaked out by the sensations flowing through their leg with the movement of your hands which do not touch their leg.

Have fun learning,


The goal of science is to find the single true nature, Spirit, Way, of the universe, Singularity, the Reality of First Cause.

Man has, a Sense, knowledge, of Reality which seems to remain forever on the tip of his tongue, words spoken of but not understood; many times not even to himself.

Religion is an attempt to express this knowledge, this sense of Reality that is not readily apparent.

Man and his measuring, speaking, out, the truth of Man’s knowledge of this Dark Matter is a perfect example of the Heisenberg’s Principal of uncertainty.

Man is superior, a Supreme Be-ing, because he has a sixth sense, a sense of his own Material, Physical Reality.

Man sixth sense is not natural to the Consciousness of the Flesh, the five senses.

Man has a sense of an unnatural Reality, a Reality that does not exist, that is not readily apparent, is not measurable, Reality that exists beyond what is recognizable as a material Reality, Reality that could be referred to as Dark Matter.

Man is born imperfect, flawed, incomplete, less than a mere animal.

Man is less but more than a mere animal because man has a side to him that is not natural to the other creatures of the Earth, in a sense you could say that man has a helpmate that has provides him, he and she, with divine knowledge, knowledge that allows Man to rule over the Earth, to conquer, to master, the Material, the Physical World of Reality.

Manhas has possession of, is possessed by a divined Presents.

When first born man is, without meaning, uncertain, without cause, a voice crying in the wilderness, incomplete, not fully developed, not yet fully realize, not absolute.

The Reality of Man's Being, he and she, is without, is not fully shaped, without form, indefinable, Empty, Void, infinite, without limits, Boundless, born in the Image of the Whole of Reality, the Reality of Everything, the Material and the Non-Material, the light and the darkness of Reality.

The Potentiality of Man's Reality of BE-ing is Superior, wondrous, magical, that of a Supreme BE-ing.

Man is Special because he and she have a sense of Realities that exist beyond material, physical, Reality, Reality as seen in the light of Day.

Man he and she are able to see, in the darkness, Realities that are not readily apparent to the Consciousness of the Flesh, the Five Senses.

Man is Readily aware, has a sense of Realities that exist beyond
above, Reality that exists on a higher plain, the Reality of Non-BE-ing. Man can see Realities that do not exist as a material Reality.

Man has a sixth sense.

Man has a sense of a Freedom that is unnatural to the Chaos of the Material World of Reality.

Man, he and she are an omnipotent Be-ings that are able to set themselves Free from the Chaos of the Jungle, the material World of Reality, cause and effect, determinism, Evolution, the Law of the Jungle, to kill or be killed, the survival of the Fittest.

Dark Matter, the potentiality of Reality, is infinite, is Readily apparent apparent to those that have Eyes to see.

Originally posted by wayne_92587
The goal of science is to find the single true nature, Spirit, Way, of the universe, Singularity, the Reality of First Cause.

Man has, a Sense, knowledge, of Reality which seems to remain forever on the tip of his tongue, words spoken of but not understood; many times not even to himself.

Religion is an attempt to express this knowledge, this sense of Reality that is not readily apparent.

Man and his measuring, speaking, out, the truth of Man’s knowledge of this Dark Matter is a perfect example of the Heisenberg’s Principal of uncertainty.

Man is superior, a Supreme Be-ing, because he has a sixth sense, a sense of his own Material, Physical Reality.

Man sixth sense is not natural to the Consciousness of the Flesh, the five senses.

Man has a sense of an unnatural Reality, a Reality that does not exist, that is not readily apparent, is not measurable, Reality that exists beyond what is recognizable as a material Reality, Reality that could be referred to as Dark Matter.

Man is born imperfect, flawed, incomplete, less than a mere animal.

Man is less but more than a mere animal because man has a side to him that is not natural to the other creatures of the Earth, in a sense you could say that man has a helpmate that has provides him, he and she, with divine knowledge, knowledge that allows Man to rule over the Earth, to conquer, to master, the Material, the Physical World of Reality.

Manhas has possession of, is possessed by a divined Presents.

When first born man is, without meaning, uncertain, without cause, a voice crying in the wilderness, incomplete, not fully developed, not yet fully realize, not absolute.

The Reality of Man's Being, he and she, is without, is not fully shaped, without form, indefinable, Empty, Void, infinite, without limits, Boundless, born in the Image of the Whole of Reality, the Reality of Everything, the Material and the Non-Material, the light and the darkness of Reality.

The Potentiality of Man's Reality of BE-ing is Superior, wondrous, magical, that of a Supreme BE-ing.

Man is Special because he and she have a sense of Realities that exist beyond material, physical, Reality, Reality as seen in the light of Day.

Man he and she are able to see, in the darkness, Realities that are not readily apparent to the Consciousness of the Flesh, the Five Senses.

Man is Readily aware, has a sense of Realities that exist beyond
above, Reality that exists on a higher plain, the Reality of Non-BE-ing. Man can see Realities that do not exist as a material Reality.

Man has a sixth sense.

Man has a sense of a Freedom that is unnatural to the Chaos of the Material World of Reality.

Man, he and she are an omnipotent Be-ings that are able to set themselves Free from the Chaos of the Jungle, the material World of Reality, cause and effect, determinism, Evolution, the Law of the Jungle, to kill or be killed, the survival of the Fittest.

Dark Matter, the potentiality of Reality, is infinite, is Readily apparent apparent to those that have Eyes to see.
(What are you trying to say? You've repeated yourself several times, but your point is what? You write in riddles. Please state your point so we can reply to it or not. Thanks.
Wayne or Vain

Humans are superior to what ... life found on the same planet ... well what about countless life forms on other planet in our universe ... why the conceit of having 6th sense when there can be being with 600 senses... being able to move from one dimension to another and totally out of time and space boundaries...

Anyways ...like Med-Woman Said ..please explain yourself .. your post seems to be riddled with riddles...
Re: Wayne or Vain

Originally posted by Guru
Humans are superior to what ... life found on the same planet ... well what about countless life forms on other planet in our universe ... why the conceit of having 6th sense when there can be being with 600 senses... being able to move from one dimension to another and totally out of time and space boundaries...

Anyways ...like Med-Woman Said ..please explain yourself .. your post seems to be riddled with riddles...

give me an example of a riddle.

What do you image that I mean when I make reference to the Sixth Sense.

Re: Re: Wayne or Vain

Originally posted by wayne_92587
give me an example of a riddle.
(An example of a riddle is your post. You don't speak in logical sentences. Your posts are more like Haiku poetry.)
What do you image that I mean when I make reference to the Sixth Sense.
(Your posts make many more references than just to the sixth sense. I think we all know what the sixth sense is. Just explain yourself, and quit talking in riddles! This is quiet offensive, because you are ultimately saying you don't want anyone to reply to your posts, therefore you write disjointedly and non-sensically to avoid replies.)
Re: Huh?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Originally posted by wayne_92587
The goal of science is to find the single true nature, Spirit, Way, of the universe, Singularity, the Reality of First Cause.

(What are you trying to say? You've repeated yourself several times, but your point is what? You write in riddles. Please state your point so we can reply to it or not. Thanks.


The heading of this thread, what if all religions are fake.

The goal of science is to find the single true nature of the Universe.

Point, Religion has the same goal as Science, to find the Single True nature of the Universe.

How is Science to find a Unified Theory if they believe, imagine,
the Reality of First Cause to be an illusion, Fake?

God is No Name, the Noun God just a word that used as an adjective in and attempt to speak of nothingness, a descriptive, an abstract Noun, a Word used in reference to something that has no material, Physical, Reality, BE-ing, Existence, Life.

Concrete Nouns;
A concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can perceive through your physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. A concrete noun is the opposite of a abstract noun.

The judge handed the files to the clerk.
Whenever they take the dog to the beach, it spends hours chasing waves.
The real estate agent urged the couple to buy the second house because it had new shingles.
As the car drove past the park, the thump of a disco tune overwhelmed the string quartet's rendition of a minuet.
The book binder replaced the flimsy paper cover with a sturdy, cloth-covered board.
Abstract Nouns:
An abstract noun is a noun which names anything which you can not perceive through your five physical senses, and is the opposite of a concrete noun. Buying the fire extinguisher was an afterthought.
Tillie is amused by people who are nostalgic about childhood.
Justice often seems to slip out of our grasp.
Some scientists believe that schizophrenia is transmitted genetically.


A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.

The Word God is not a Proper, is not a Concrete, Noun.

God is an Abstract Noun, which describes but does not define
The Reality of First Cause, the single True Nature of the Universe.
Re: Re: Huh?

Originally posted by wayne_92587
The heading of this thread, what if all religions are fake.

The goal of science is to find the single true nature of the Universe.

Point, Religion has the same goal as Science, to find the Single True nature of the Universe.

How is Science to find a Unified Theory if they believe, imagine,
the Reality of First Cause to be an illusion, Fake?

God is No Name, the Noun God just a word that used as an adjective in and attempt to speak of nothingness, a descriptive, an abstract Noun, a Word used in reference to something that has no material, Physical, Reality, BE-ing, Existence, Life.
(Thank you for spelling it out in understandable English. Thanks, but no thanks, for the English lesson. This thread is not about the use of nouns, however. Your post doesn't ask a question, it tries to make a statement, which is fine, but unless you are concise in your posts and have something to offer, don't expect too many replies. Perhaps, that's what you intended.)