What if a God's power came from how many people worshipped it?


Valued Senior Member
God's who lost believers faded away while hipster God's thrived. A Wiccan friend told me that is how she thinks it works. I thought she was goofy until I realized, not many people pray to Zeus or Bhaal and there hasn't been much ado about them lately.

What do you think?
I think Terry Pratchett already beat you to the idea quite some time ago...

Ever read "Small Gods"?

God's who lost believers faded away while hipster God's thrived. A Wiccan friend told me that is how she thinks it works. I thought she was goofy until I realized, not many people pray to Zeus or Bhaal and there hasn't been much ado about them lately.

What do you think?

Gods power does not come from the number of people who believe Him. The Bible says that just before the return of Jesus the number of His followers on earth will be very small.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think it would make sense, that people too would gain power if others believed in them
M*W: Or if people believed in what others around them believe. An exaggerated example would be the mass hallucination (or the power of suggestion) at the Fatima sighting. People hear what they want to hear. People see what they want to see. It's selective thinking. It's hysteria.
lg said:
only if one's only recourse to power is the manipulation of resources tied to the community offering the support.
There's a quality of the sublime in those offerings to the gods of vocabulary and syntax. It's a gift.

Would that it were penitent.

But the core of a reality based meaning is there, somewhere inside the confusion between "number of people" and "community" - the source of the powers of the deities of this world is dimly limned within the fog.
There's a quality of the sublime in those offerings to the gods of vocabulary and syntax. It's a gift.

Would that it were penitent.

But the core of a reality based meaning is there, somewhere inside the confusion between "number of people" and "community" - the source of the powers of the deities of this world is dimly limned within the fog.
and to think you have problems with my word usage ....
I think Terry Pratchett already beat you to the idea quite some time ago...

Ever read "Small Gods"?

Wasn't this an episode of the original Star Trek? Kirk goes to some planet where the Aliens were all the old Greek/Roman Gods and needed to be worshiped in order to survive... or something along those lines.
Wasn't this an episode of the original Star Trek? Kirk goes to some planet where the Aliens were all the old Greek/Roman Gods and needed to be worshiped in order to survive... or something along those lines.

Oh dude,

Who Mourns for Adonais?