What I hate.

I don't hate many things. One things I hate with all of my heart is this crap that people give Jesus, all this stuff they say about him, all this disrespect. It's foolishness.
Are you saying Jesus is your God or your dog ?.
Jesus was a human being and he died a very tragic death .
Although I do not believe in the teaching of Jesus, I still believe no one should have killed him in such a terrible and barbaric way .
Originally Posted by flameofanor5
I respect what you believe, I may think your wrong, I don't post crap about it. Ironically enough, this thread wasn't even started by a comment here, it was something more personal. I just needed somewhere to rant. I don't tell people to screw off, you can believe what you believe, that's fine. It's when people bring in immature insults that make me angry. As a matter of fact, it angers me when people make comments about Mohammad, even though I think he was completely in the wrong, I hate the disrespect that people show. Not to say that I am not disrespectful, because I often am.

Well I can agree with that and that is why I try to argue points on their merit and not try to make the other person feel disrespected or stupid.

Sometimes no matter how I phrase it, it comes across as being mean spirited.

Your kidding right???

Are you trying to say you are a person who is considerate to others beliefs when discussing it and only use points on there merit??


A mocking picture taken from a comedy movie that was built on mocking God.

The very picture is an insult to those who believe depictions of God should not be made. And every post you have not only has a depiction of God but one that is derisive of Him.

So don't come across trying to project an image of being a reasonable and considerate person just using points of merit in discussions of faith. Your Avatar shows you are a two faced liar.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The very picture is an insult to those who believe depictions of God should not be made

And what of the thousands of years of religious art, depictions of Jesus etc etc, are those acceptable depictions.

I am respectful of peoples beliefs, but that doesn't mean that I agree with them or that I can't challenge them. If you don't want them challenged stay of this forum.

My avatar is from one of my favorite movies which I find more amusing for it's portrayal of King Arthur and his men. Which has always been one of my favorite stories.
I don't hate many things. One things I hate with all of my heart is this crap that people give Jesus, all this stuff they say about him, all this disrespect. It's foolishness.

REPLY: YES, AND IT`S TIME WE KILLED EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM ! I am being sarcastic FOR SURE. What is with this THREE IN ONE GOD for starters ? Father Son and HOLY GHOST. Which one of them is the boss and what is a holy ghost ? I try to never ask more than three questions. Can you answer those three questions ? ...traveler
"people naturally (and unfortunately) feel threatened by perfection. people don't like the idea of judgement, or that there is something inherently wrong with them. it's ego.

but there are many endearing qualities that come with perfection. like unconditional love and forgiveness. he never gets offended (well, except when religious people try to buy and sell god, which is understandable). he's an unlimited source of knowledge. he's very comforting.

and he's a revolutionary. fearless, and brave.

i love jesus. "

Eh, while I'd rather have a GodMan that was fully human. I don't trust a god wearing a human suit saying "Well, been there, done that." No, you haven't.

I want a godman that was lying the middle of his own self-decadence and filth, that has felt the sting of regret and remorse, and has then come out of it, finding a happy way to live.

Like Buddha.

But God doesn't understand what's it like to be human. By definition, it's impossible for him to. He can analyze the situation, and ponder on it, but that's akin to a straight-edge father trying to understand how his tranny, drug-addicted son feels.

"Ummm. Wow. And I hate when your people attempt to convert me... "

I find it refreshing. People who aren't drowning in apathy, who are actually concerned with my well-being, even if they are incorrect with facts.

All throughout high school, I was known as a rejecter of Christianity. I lived in the Bible Belt, and the school packed full of Christians. Even the ones that were True Christians (tm), who I actually believed tried, couldn't get out of their comfort zones to come talk to me. Apparently, they cared more about themselves being uncomfortable than they did my immortal soul. Even the ones that were my buddies (not close friends, but ones who I would talk to quite a bit), and were willing to talk about a ton of different things...they didn't think my soul was a worthwhile topic.

It's sad, really.


A mocking picture taken from a comedy movie that was built on mocking God."

Apparently you don't get that movie. My father, a pastor, loves that movie. It has nothing to do with disrespecting God.
like unconditional love and forgiveness

Ooh yeah, that "unconditional love" that comes with conditions like: worship me, follow me, act like this, blah blah. Then, should you not be able to do that because you don't even believe it exists, this loving being without conditions ensures you get an eternity of torment. Sounds loving to me for sure.

Have you noticed that God seems to have been created in the image of man? Judgemental, unbelieveably punitive in sending people to eternal suffering. These are the kinds of behavior humans display all the time.Can you understand that a perfect God would not require people worshipping him/her. God would be a long way above that human need. Personally I could not send Adolph Hitler or anyone else to hell. Why can this deity possess so many of our bad habits? I thought God loves you because of who God is, not because you did or didn't do. How many millions have died while praying (begging) for life? Since you people think we are created in the image of God, can you tell me why God has a penis? Scares the hell out of me.

And what of the thousands of years of religious art, depictions of Jesus etc etc, are those acceptable depictions.

No they where not acceptable either. But at lest the people who did them did not have the intention to mock God. They did do wrong but they where misguided in the way they where trying to honor God

I am respectful of peoples beliefs, but that doesn't mean that I agree with them or that I can't challenge them. If you don't want them challenged stay of this forum.

Once again your AVATAR shows this statement to be a lie.

My avatar is from one of my favorite movies which I find more amusing for it's portrayal of King Arthur and his men. Which has always been one of my favorite stories.

Well then grab a picture from that move of king arthur or one of his coconut skin clapping side kicks or brave brave sir robin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

A mocking picture taken from a comedy movie that was built on mocking God."

Apparently you don't get that movie. My father, a pastor, loves that movie. It has nothing to do with disrespecting God.

Actually i do love most of the movie, i got a copy of it and i have watched it at lest 6 times. i also have their move the life of brain. I am a monty python kind of humour addict.

But i know that many religious people christian jews and muslims would be offended by the depiction of God used. I know why jpappl uses that image in a religious forum, it is nothing more than a mocking in your face act of disrespect. There is no other resion for him to use such a Avatar in a religious forum.

The actual movie i liked because it mocked a false view of God but if i was to go to people who where misguided in believing this false view of God i would not start out by shoving a Avatar in their face designed to cause offence. There is no need to cause unnecessary offence. The only reason one would shove an avatar like that in their faces every day is a desire within to offend.

When such two faced people come out with pompous statements like "oh look how wonderful i am being so respectful and only using logic and valid points" I cannot resist but to call them out and show them up for the two faced hypocrites they are.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Have you noticed that God seems to have been created in the image of man? Judgemental, unbelieveably punitive in sending people to eternal suffering. These are the kinds of behavior humans display all the time.Can you understand that a perfect God would not require people worshipping him/her. God would be a long way above that human need. Personally I could not send Adolph Hitler or anyone else to hell. Why can this deity possess so many of our bad habits? I thought God loves you because of who God is, not because you did or didn't do. How many millions have died while praying (begging) for life? Since you people think we are created in the image of God, can you tell me why God has a penis? Scares the hell out of me.

Who ever said God had a penis?

So you have any scripture? Any verses?

Let me answer for you. No you don't.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days