What I hate.


Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
I don't hate many things. One things I hate with all of my heart is this crap that people give Jesus, all this stuff they say about him, all this disrespect. It's foolishness.
I don't hate many things. One things I hate with all of my heart is this crap that people give Jesus, all this stuff they say about him, all this disrespect. It's foolishness.

What. You have made him the f8cking messiah. What crap are people saying about him.

That he was just another human and not the son of god.

What specifically is being said ?
Strange you would reserve all your hate for the disrespect of a fictional character. How does this strike you: Mickey Mouse sucks donkey balls!
I respect what you believe, I may think your wrong, I don't post crap about it. Ironically enough, this thread wasn't even started by a comment here, it was something more personal. I just needed somewhere to rant. I don't tell people to screw off, you can believe what you believe, that's fine. It's when people bring in immature insults that make me angry. As a matter of fact, it angers me when people make comments about Mohammad, even though I think he was completely in the wrong, I hate the disrespect that people show. Not to say that I am not disrespectful, because I often am.
I respect what you believe, I may think your wrong, I don't post crap about it. Ironically enough, this thread wasn't even started by a comment here, it was something more personal. I just needed somewhere to rant. I don't tell people to screw off, you can believe what you believe, that's fine. It's when people bring in immature insults that make me angry. As a matter of fact, it angers me when people make comments about Mohammad, even though I think he was completely in the wrong, I hate the disrespect that people show. Not to say that I am not disrespectful, because I often am.

Well I can agree with that and that is why I try to argue points on their merit and not try to make the other person feel disrespected or stupid.

Sometimes no matter how I phrase it, it comes across as being mean spirited.
Well I can agree with that and that is why I try to argue points on their merit and not try to make the other person feel disrespected or stupid.

Sometimes no matter how I phrase it, it comes across as being mean spirited.

Well I thank you for that =)
Yeah, seriously. Jesus was a cool cat. I just have problems with his dad.

And even then, anytime you're debating with someone that tries to make you feel stupid or disrespected, they're not usually worth debating with. Just ignore them. Even if they have valid arguments, if they're honestly trying to convince you, they've failed by being a jackass. If they're not trying to convince you, but just trying to make you feel stupid, why debate with them?
Yes. Ignore any and all points of view contrary to your own, that way you are never wrong. =p
Strange you would reserve all your hate for the disrespect of a fictional character. How does this strike you: Mickey Mouse sucks donkey balls!

Hey dont be dis-ing Mickey at least you can prove he exsisted/exsists lol
people naturally (and unfortunately) feel threatened by perfection. people don't like the idea of judgement, or that there is something inherently wrong with them. it's ego.

but there are many endearing qualities that come with perfection. like unconditional love and forgiveness. he never gets offended (well, except when religious people try to buy and sell god, which is understandable). he's an unlimited source of knowledge. he's very comforting.

and he's a revolutionary. fearless, and brave.

i love jesus.
Yes. Ignore any and all points of view contrary to your own, that way you are never wrong. =p
If you ignore others then you do not get the chance to challenge them and challenge your inner thoughts . There is no one who is never wrong . You can be a genus in math and nothing in languages for example.....etc.
I don't hate many things. One things I hate with all of my heart is this crap that people give Jesus, all this stuff they say about him, all this disrespect. It's foolishness.

So you basically get upset because some people don't agree with what the majority believes.. Tough luck.
You know, that the majority believes it doesn't make it true.
So you basically get upset because some people don't agree with what the majority believes.. Tough luck.
You know, that the majority believes it doesn't make it true.

Of course, if 1million people believe a lie, it's still a lie. I don't have any problem with people disagreeing with me, that's fine, believe what you want to believe. It's when people say F!#$ Jesus, and stuff like that. I don't swear at other people, I have no desire to.
Of course, if 1million people believe a lie, it's still a lie. I don't have any problem with people disagreeing with me, that's fine, believe what you want to believe. It's when people say F!#$ Jesus, and stuff like that. I don't swear at other people, I have no desire to.
Ok, I see what you mean. Those people are just out to offend believers.