What has god revealed to man


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What has god revealed to man:


What is a god?

If God kills, lies, cheats, discriminates, and otherwise behaves in a manner that puts the Mafia to shame, that's okay, he's God. He can do whatever he wants. Anyone who adheres to this philosophy has had his sense of morality, decency, justice and humaneness warped beyond recognition by the very book that is supposedly preaching the opposite. -Dennis McKinsey author of The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy

How can millions of people be wrong about the idea of a god? ANSWER: Ignorance and fear. They want to believe that a sky fairy will take care of everything for them. Milllions of people are indoctrinated with the god-concept starting with the day they are born. Because children are so very impressionable; it is very difficult for most people to escape the mental imprinting of the god-concept.

A 2002 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life suggests that 27 million Americans are atheist or agnostic or have no religious preference. That figure may well be too low, since many nonbelievers are reluctant to admit that their religious observance is more a civic or social duty than a religious one - more a matter of protective coloration than conviction. There are a billion atheists and agnostics world wide who do not believe in this childish magic.

Why do people pray? Isn't it their belief that a god sees everything and knows everything? God knows what they are going to say before they say it. Believers demonstrate a fallaciousness in connecting their actions with their belief system.

When a god made Mary pregnant with Jesus how was this done? Did a god actually have sex with Mary or did it merely snap its fingers and fertilize the egg like magic? If a god did it with magic why not simply make Jesus appear as an adult? Why was Jesus silent for 30 years before starting to preach for a short time only to get himself killed? If Jesus came from god and now he is back with god what was the sacrifice?

As you were growing up did you not find out that the tooth fairy was only a story? That there wasn't any sandman. And then you began to realize that rabbits didn't lay eggs and that the Easter bunny didn't exist? Then the shock of shocks you found out that there wasn't any Santa Claus! And babies did not come from the stork! Why did you stop reasoning at this point? All you need to do is think and you will realize that there isn't any god either. Take it another step and discover what religion is really about. It's about money and power.
Fist create an image of god in your mind, then deny that god to call yourself a thinker :D
create an image in your mind,Sufi. the image in my mind is of the one, I was indoctrinated with when I was a child.
however I'm not a child anymore, it's very easy to deny it, it does not exist.
the same as allah, the tooth fairy, santa claus, etc..
I did not mean you, mis-t-highs, in my above mesage. It is the general and populer attitude.

My message to you, if I may, is to give up considering Allah as a god and to be patient until you learn what is reffered to as Allah as different from any version of god, or tooth fairy, or whatever you have heard of before...
I find it very amusing that when something is clearly posing a question, theory,etc . that religious people dont like, they ignore it.
I believe you have very potent and practical list of question.. Let me try to answer your questions
1. You are still living in the darkness ...look at the sunrise you will see God's face
2. Read the books like Bible and Koran and gather the scientific knowledge hidden to understand the truth
3. You have to be humble because God created us so that we may pray 5 times a day and praise him every secound of our life because he is the giver of everything....

Whoa....sorry I was a little high ...lol
I am just kidding with all the above answers ....you have all the believers in a spot and I have listed some of the answers what you might receive from the religious fundamentalists on this forum ... damn where do these guys stop ... reading from some book written by dumb people and expecting to get meaning out of life ...
Way to go Mis-t-thighs .....I sure your answers will never be found ...you might convert few into not believing in their imaginary friends....
I believe you have very potent and practical list of question.. Let me try to answer your questions
1. You are still living in the darkness ...look at the sunrise you will see God's face
2. Read the books like Bible and Koran and gather the scientific knowledge hidden to understand the truth
3. You have to be humble because God created us so that we may pray 5 times a day and praise him every secound of our life because he is the giver of everything....

Whoa....sorry I was a little high ...lol
I am just kidding with all the above answers ....you have all the believers in a spot and I have listed some of the answers what you might receive from the religious fundamentalists on this forum ... damn where do these guys stop ... reading from some book written by dumb people and expecting to get meaning out of life ...
Way to go Mis-t-thighs .....I sure your answers will never be found ...you might convert few into not believing in their imaginary friends....
mis-t-highs said:
What has god revealed to man:


What is a god?

If God kills, lies, cheats, discriminates, and otherwise behaves in a manner that puts the Mafia to shame, that's okay, he's God. He can do whatever he wants. Anyone who adheres to this philosophy has had his sense of morality, decency, justice and humaneness warped beyond recognition by the very book that is supposedly preaching the opposite. -Dennis McKinsey author of The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy
The problem, of course, is much the same as a child asking their parents why certain things are done. I don't have all the answers but I will try for some.

First, God kills... All die, its just a matter of when. God's point of view is that of an expectant father waiting for His child to be born. Dieing is not a bad thing from God's point of view but a good thing - a child is born. It is only bad from our point of view because we do not understand. If we did, then we might very well be anxious. OTOH, we don't want to die (be born into the spiritual) before we are full term - so don't go out there and start killing yourselves, you are not full term yet. Yes, some die before their time, innocent children (or at least we think they are innocent, only God knows for sure). It has always been this way. My wife and I lost two children to miscarriages before birth and I like to think we have two more children waiting for us in heaven which we will welcome with open arms. Shall I blame God for taking them before their time - I think not. I suppose you think governments are wrong to execute criminals. God can impose capital punishment without my permission and without answering to me - or to you.

God lies, cheats... Really? I haven't found any of that in my bible. Perhaps someone could point that out.

God discriminates? Yes, God seems to reward the righteous and punish the unrighteous. However, God seems to be longsuffering which means He doesn't always punish the guilty as soon as we would like and sometimes lets the guilty florish for a time (sometimes even for generations) before punishment is exacted. Just as parents are not bound by the same rules they give their children, so God is not bound by the same rules He places on us. I do not let my young children drive - but it is not because I don't love them, they are simply not old enough or mature enough yet. We are God's children, and as all children do, we chafe at the restrictions placed upon us.

We seem to have a wrong impression of God (no doubt fostered by an ignorant church system). God is not LOVE. God is a loving God but He is much more than just LOVE. We also need to understand that God is a Jealous, Righteous, Just, Compassinate, Vengeful God. God is not just LOVE. God is, after all, a King and we, like good subjects, need to stay on His good side. Those who don't end up in Hell. If we refuse to acknowledge any other attributes of God then LOVE, then we understandably get confused when He does something which we would not consider LOVE. This does not make God wrong - it makes us wrong, we are the children after all.
How can millions of people be wrong about the idea of a god? ANSWER: Ignorance and fear. They want to believe that a sky fairy will take care of everything for them. Milllions of people are indoctrinated with the god-concept starting with the day they are born. Because children are so very impressionable; it is very difficult for most people to escape the mental imprinting of the god-concept.

A 2002 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life suggests that 27 million Americans are atheist or agnostic or have no religious preference. That figure may well be too low, since many nonbelievers are reluctant to admit that their religious observance is more a civic or social duty than a religious one - more a matter of protective coloration than conviction. There are a billion atheists and agnostics world wide who do not believe in this childish magic.

Why do people pray? Isn't it their belief that a god sees everything and knows everything? God knows what they are going to say before they say it. Believers demonstrate a fallaciousness in connecting their actions with their belief system.

When a god made Mary pregnant with Jesus how was this done? Did a god actually have sex with Mary or did it merely snap its fingers and fertilize the egg like magic? If a god did it with magic why not simply make Jesus appear as an adult? Why was Jesus silent for 30 years before starting to preach for a short time only to get himself killed? If Jesus came from god and now he is back with god what was the sacrifice?
People pray because God likes to be asked. God likes to be worshipped. I know I certainly prefer it when my wife or children ask and don't just assume that I automatically know and will provide for their every whim. God could, but he prefers to be asked. How God made Mary pregnent is immaterial. Only the sick mind need think about God-Woman sex. God does not need any such thing. Jesus came to make an example for us - to show us it really is possible to live a righteous life. Otherwise, we might have been able to say to God that what He asks is impossible. Jesus, the creator of all things, submitted and learned to Obey. This, by the way, is the whole purpose for Humans to be on this Earth and not in Paradise - to learn to Obey. Adam, our father, obviously needed such a lesson, as do we all. Jesus came to show us how and to teach us how to be redeamed to God when we fail.
As you were growing up did you not find out that the tooth fairy was only a story? That there wasn't any sandman. And then you began to realize that rabbits didn't lay eggs and that the Easter bunny didn't exist? Then the shock of shocks you found out that there wasn't any Santa Claus! And babies did not come from the stork! Why did you stop reasoning at this point? All you need to do is think and you will realize that there isn't any god either. Take it another step and discover what religion is really about. It's about money and power.
I was never taught any of these things - maybe my parents were too practical. However, I did not stop reasoning, I went to the source of all the (so called) science and reasoned with them. I found that they are mostly fantasy too. (Most of the world does not get the chance to study as I have so I understand when they simply take science at its word.) The truth I have found is that the origin of this well-ordered world simply has no explaination. It is no more possible that such a thing could happen by chance than that a tornado could go through a junkyard and leave behind a fully functioning Space Shuttle. The whole concept is absurd yet most believe the science fantasy just as they believed in the tooth fairy.

I cannot say for certain that God created the world as is described in Genesis but my reasoning tells me that some great, vast intelegence is at work. If I walked through the forest and found a bicycle, I would not assume that it popped out of the ground fully formed, I would assume some intelligence formed it and left it there. The same is true of this planet and the life we find. There is no other explaination than that some vast intelligence (much greater than man) formed it and placed it here. Could that intelligence be God?
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there is no reasoning in you statement only faith.
I'm sorry, you cant use the word reasoning, in the same context as religion. it is an oxymoron.

this is a post I did recently about faith, have a read it's enlightening.

and this one objective moral truths,
also enlightening.

this one by audible ask why you love god, this is and was a bloody good question, to you religious lot.

there is nothing david that you said that will refute the original thread.
mis-t-highs said:
there is no reasoning in you statement only faith.
I'm sorry, you cant use the word reasoning, in the same context as religion. it is an oxymoron.

this is a post I did recently about faith, have a read it's enlightening.

and this one objective moral truths,
also enlightening.

this one by audible ask why you love god, this is and was a bloody good question, to you religious lot.

there is nothing david that you said that will refute the original thread.

I don't see the words faith or religion in my post? Did I miss something?

Once again, you defy yourself. You have made accusations without any substance. You accuse God of attrocities without actually pointing out when or where these attrocities occured?
I find it very amusing that when something is clearly posing a question, theory,etc . that religious people dont like, they ignore it.

maybe it is because we do not feel lead to answer question from people who are not (in truth) asking questions but only spewing accusations against God, if i get the feeling that someone is genuinely asking questions out of actually wanting to find understanding then yeah, i will give. But my feelings on your post have been confirmed by your reply to David. For whatever reason you’re a closed book you have not the slightest intention of trying to understand anything.

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
if i get the feeling that someone is genuinely asking questions out of actually wanting to find understanding then yeah, i will give.

I find this statement of yours incorrect simply because I actually want to find understanding and you mock the post that I make saying some shit about a boxing match...apparently you only show up in threads where bible quotation is asked for or allowed. In fact here you are in a thread that is welcoming sensible, reasoning for what you believe and here you are rambling on to someone who is going to bash you because you quote only faith based and not reason based arguments when I ask for faith based feelings and thoughts and you won't say anything. Very ironic.

It is similar to someone saying they will not get in a debate about politics when it is what they think but can debate on politics if they only have to regurgitate what others have said and what is published in polls.

And with your quote...apparently you feel you are too good to give your actual thoughts or a real argument to this thread....wonderful humility there.

For whatever reason you’re a closed book you have not the slightest intention of trying to understand anything.

Again, who are you to judge..oh yes that is your interpretation, your impression, your perception...from a limited person .... but you also refuse to engage in threads where the person is hellbent on understanding.

/me shakes head you really are lost.

GOD means "a BEING to be worshipped." God is a being to be praised, exalted and glorified with the hope of getting help and blessing in return.

Such a kind of being is God that, he will give you a number of orders, and if you obey them to his heart's desire, only then he will let you in his paradise and bless you with countless world beauties. However, refusal of him and his orders by your free mind and free will would only lead you to his hostility and his revenge, which will be endless tortures on your part!

For ages and ages mankind has lived with an inner yearning for worshipping some beings at a degree that his understanding allowed him, along with an expectation of finding favor in some entities and taking refugee in some places, as he found himself powerless to defeat many phenomena that surrounded him.

Such modes of his inclination as worshipping, seeking favor or wishing success have finally led man to lean towards various beings in a fictitious expectation for his wishes being granted.

Under the influence of such inclinations, people began to define many exterior objects as gods, whom they ascribed the power and capability to meet their expectations and wishes. Thus, mankind has entered an era of "worshipping gods."

Whatever phenomena came into the life of man that he could not figure out the nature of the mystery and he could not overcome, has remained as a product of an unknown authority for him. Thus, an image of god was created and acknowledged as the unknown authority.

Defining his gods to be worshipped first among things on earth, man was inclined to worship either minerals or plants, or animals.

Far later in the process, man realized that those beings dwelling on earth were as mortal as they were, and that they could not be gods at all. It was the prophets who brought them to this understanding through their warnings that such beings dwelling on earth could never be gods.

Mankind then abandoned worshipping his accustomed deities. But unfortunately, they then turned their eyes up to the sky to other beings to accept as gods, and so they began worshipping various stars.

While people worshipped gods in such senseless, absurd, primitive thoughts and beliefs, the prophets have warned people not to worship a god and tried to inform them the truth of oneness a result of the inspiration they had. Every prophet has destroyed the worshipped gods in the community that have come.

Actually, the acceptance of a god whether in heaven or on earth, is nothing other than a hypothetical assumption completely contrasting the contemporary scientific data.

In parallel, such an assumption that contradicts the scientific reality is rejected by the Koran through the statement known as the Word of Oneness (Kalimat-it tawhid) that says: "There is no god."

Because of worshipping fire or stars since his early ages, mankind has literally doomed himself in cocoons of his hypothetical god conceptions for centuries; and spent his life as conditioned by his surroundings with such preconceptions in the absence of analysis and questioning. Day by day making these cocoons thicker, harder and impossible to get out of, man finally became a slave to the gods that he created, and so had to content himself with it.

more is available at www.ahmedbaki.com
David F. said:
I don't see the words faith or religion in my post? Did I miss something?

Once again, you defy yourself. You have made accusations without any substance. You accuse God of attrocities without actually pointing out when or where these attrocities occured?
your previous reply to mistys original post was from a religious person discussing his faith in is god. you dont have to write them, it's quite obvious.
as you cant put reasoning into your posts, because your mind is clouded by thoughts of a non-existent entity, a dream creature, a fantasy figure, your god.
how you could possibly say science is fantasy, is laughable, you are laughable.
the first one of mistys urls is about faith persay, a general discussion, and needs no scripture.
the second is about morals in the bible, and has an abundance of quotes from scripture to verify her claims.
the third is from audible about (why do you love god)the evil of god and christ, and uses only scripture to get it's point across.
so how the hell can you say this,
david f said:
"You have made accusations without any substance. You accuse God of attrocities without actually pointing out when or where these attrocities occured?"
are you deranged, david.
and adstar come up with something better next time, you sound like an old record.
Adstar said:
maybe it is because we do not feel lead to answer question from people who are not (in truth) asking questions but only spewing accusations against God, if i get the feeling that someone is genuinely asking questions out of actually wanting to find understanding then yeah, i will give. But my feelings on your post have been confirmed by your reply to David. For whatever reason you’re a closed book you have not the slightest intention of trying to understand anything.

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
if someone takes direct quotes from your bible, how can that be an accusation.
if someone backs up their claims with, reference material, how can that be an accusation.
atheists come to their conclusions, from studing the bible and religion,
so I believe they understand much more, than most theists.
David F. said:
Dieing is not a bad thing from God's point of view but a good thing - a child is born.
that doesnt make any sense!
It is only bad from our point of view because we do not understand.
sure we do,shit happens
God lies, cheats... Really? I haven't found any of that in my bible.
God discriminates?

People pray because God likes to be asked.
I thought He was ALL KNOWING?
God likes to be worshipped.
kinda like Hank,eh?[url]http://www.jhuger.com/kisshank.mv [/URL]
Only the sick mind need think about God-Woman sex.
without sex people wouldnt exist,why are so many xians such sexual prudes?
Jesus, the creator of all things,
did he create Satan also?
Adam, our father,
its a fictional story,there was never any Adam&Eve,
Jesus came to show us how and to teach us how to be redeamed to God
some more fiction,did it ever occured to you that the whole story doesnt make any sense,
God/Jesus are supposed to be one and the same,
so God sacrificed Jesus/God to God to save us from God,right? :rolleyes:
I went to the source of all the (so called) science and reasoned with them. I found that they are mostly fantasy too.
dont wanna sound rude,but youre fine example of seriously ignorant/deluded religious zombie
(Most of the world does not get the chance to study as I have so I understand when they simply take science at its word.)
no one person can test every hypothesis and theory of scientific research ,thats why we rely on those tha can and do,yes scientists!
The truth I have found is that the origin of this well-ordered world simply has no explaination.
I dont know what planet you live on,but Earth and the universe out there certainly isnt well-ordered,in fact its extremely deadly and hostile to human life,
as the fact that most lifeforms that existed since the life originated on earth are long extinct proves!!!
It is no more possible that such a thing could happen by chance than that a tornado could go through a junkyard and leave behind a fully functioning Space Shuttle.
your comparison which is straight outta ID cretinism is totaly flawed,
ever notice how snowflakes form perfectly from water droplets,
from total chaos=order, do you see some Creator out there creating every one of them?
The whole concept is absurd yet most believe the science fantasy just as they believed in the tooth fairy.
fyi I never believed in tooth fairy,santa claus,or any god,etc
and making statement that science is fiction in this day and age on sciforums no less,is truly sad.
I cannot say for certain that God created the world as is described in Genesis
I can,
from the story of A&E to Noahs ark,talking snake,the light being created before the Sun,the solid firmament that separates water in the sky from oceans etc its obviously all fairy tale made up by the primitive people who tried to explain the unknown at that time.
so they made up all these bullshit stories.
but my reasoning tells me that some great, vast intelegence is at work.
yeah,the nature
If I walked through the forest and found a bicycle, I would not assume that it popped out of the ground fully formed, I would assume some intelligence formed it and left it there.
no shit
The same is true of this planet and the life we find. There is no other explaination than that some vast intelligence (much greater than man) formed it and placed it here. Could that intelligence be God?
and who created that inteligence/God then?
and if god always existed
why couldnt universe always exist,
after all matter/energy cannot be destroyed nor created just changed and we see matter,
but no gods of any kind!
God itself is just an excuse. basically the whole jesus thang was to give you faith in the ability to use your mind and only your mind to manifest reality. every religon tells you this secret, but there is one catch. you must believe it for it to work. if you dont it doesnt matter. sometimes you will notice wierd coincidences happen in your life. try to remember how you felt. using this power you get all the money you need. of course if its abused you will become a tangent. thats what all the religons say. you are god, god is you, not only is the universe infinite but there is infinite number of universes. this is "gods" message to "man".
mis-t-highs: What has god revealed to man:


What is a god?

If God kills, lies, cheats, discriminates, and otherwise behaves in a manner that puts the Mafia to shame, that's okay, he's God. He can do whatever he wants. Anyone who adheres to this philosophy has had his sense of morality, decency, justice and humaneness warped beyond recognition by the very book that is supposedly preaching the opposite. -Dennis McKinsey author of The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy
M*W: mis-t-highs, I commend you for this post! You may be too young to understand this comment, but do you or anyone else remember the movies about The Godfather? Those gangsters were always going to church and seemed to have a close relationship with their god even though they were brutal murderers! You made me think of this!
mis-t-highs: How can millions of people be wrong about the idea of a god? ANSWER: Ignorance and fear. They want to believe that a sky fairy will take care of everything for them. Milllions of people are indoctrinated with the god-concept starting with the day they are born. Because children are so very impressionable; it is very difficult for most people to escape the mental imprinting of the god-concept.
M*W: This is soooo true! It's been carried down since cavemen feared and awed the sun!
mis-t-highs: A 2002 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life suggests that 27 million Americans are atheist or agnostic or have no religious preference. That figure may well be too low, since many nonbelievers are reluctant to admit that their religious observance is more a civic or social duty than a religious one - more a matter of protective coloration than conviction. There are a billion atheists and agnostics world wide who do not believe in this childish magic.
M*W: Those liars who are "reluctant to admit" has probably grown substantially since 2002. The most recent statistics claim higher atheistic/agnostic statistics as well as seriously declining xian statistics of about 25% and falling.
mis-t-highs: Why do people pray? Isn't it their belief that a god sees everything and knows everything? God knows what they are going to say before they say it. Believers demonstrate a fallaciousness in connecting their actions with their belief system.
M*W: These people not only humbly pray but beg their god for whatever it is they are needing. How sad it is that their pleas fall not only on deaf ears but no ears!
mis-t-highs: When a god made Mary pregnant with Jesus how was this done? Did a god actually have sex with Mary or did it merely snap its fingers and fertilize the egg like magic? If a god did it with magic why not simply make Jesus appear as an adult? Why was Jesus silent for 30 years before starting to preach for a short time only to get himself killed? If Jesus came from god and now he is back with god what was the sacrifice?
M*W: Mary's pregnancy, eh? Can we all say T-I-B-E-R-I-U-S P-A-N-T-H-E-R-A ? The Roman soldier who gave out cigars to the centurions! A dead (or alive) giveaway?
mis-t-highs: As you were growing up did you not find out that the tooth fairy was only a story? That there wasn't any sandman. And then you began to realize that rabbits didn't lay eggs and that the Easter bunny didn't exist? Then the shock of shocks you found out that there wasn't any Santa Claus! And babies did not come from the stork! Why did you stop reasoning at this point? All you need to do is think and you will realize that there isn't any god either. Take it another step and discover what religion is really about. It's about money and power.
M*W: You're right. There is no god, and there is no savior. What we see is what we get.