What happened to the body of Jesus?


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
So he is meant to have risen physically and showed himself to his disciples, and generally moped around for a bit. The tomb is supposedly open and no body was found. We then understand that he went to be with his father in heaven. How did that happen? Was it just his spirit that traveled to heaven since isn’t heaven purely a spiritual realm? In which case what happened to the vacant dead body? Or was it vaporized somehow?

Or if he and his body were transported then is heaven really a physical place where we keep our bodies? But wait, what happens to those of us (all of us in fact) whose bodies are either cremated or left to rot in the ground? When our spirits reach heaven and we need a body whose body do we get?

And if Jesus is still walking around somewhere did his wounds ever heal up and does his body age?

All suitable imaginative explanations are welcome, as if there could be any other type.
John 20
16Jesus said to her, "Mary."
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher).
17Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.' "

We know that when He returned from the Father to meet His disciples, He still had the scars from before to show.
Cris said:
Was it just his spirit that traveled to heaven since isn’t heaven purely a spiritual realm? ... snip ... Or if he and his body were transported then is heaven really a physical place where we keep our bodies? But wait, what happens to those of us (all of us in fact) whose bodies are either cremated or left to rot in the ground? When our spirits reach heaven and we need a body whose body do we get?

And if Jesus is still walking around somewhere did his wounds ever heal up and does his body age?

Jesus is risen.. as He said, He went back to the Father in Heaven. He said "not all shall die, but all shall be transformed." Elijah was taken up to Heaven (alive) in a chariot of fire. There is a mortal body (what we all have) and an eternal body (what we all will have.)

Cris said:
All suitable imaginative explanations are welcome, as if there could be any other type.

The correct type would be that based on a correct understanding of the Bible.
I think Jesus was supposed to have ascended body and soul into heaven.

That doesn't necessarily mean heaven is a physical place. God works in mysterious ways, after all. :)
Southstar - so does the bible say when and how he returned to the father for the final time?

dr.p - so Elijah had a great exit, and Jesus had what? You'd think the most important being in the history of the world would have made more of a dramatic exit, but it doesn't seem to have been mentioned.

But our mortal bodies have been destroyed when we died, what do we get after judgment day?

And as for an understanding of the bible - like I said - imagination.

James Hi again. Do you think he just walked into the darkness and no one saw him again, or was there a bright light like a Star Trek transporter?

Revelations tends to imply that heaven is a physical place - it will be a perfect Earth and we will all be resurrected, well at least the chosen ones, in apparently new bodies and will inherit the Earth.
I'm kinda fond of the Star Trek transporter picture.

(Nice to see you again, BTW, Cris.)
Lol. I mean like there was meant to have been a special star when he was born so you'd think they'd lay on something special for his big exit. Perhaps a clap of thunder at least.
Cris said:
Lol. I mean like there was meant to have been a special star when he was born so you'd think they'd lay on something special for his big exit. Perhaps a clap of thunder at least.

I don't know.... I think the earthquakes and darkness and dead bodies rising from the graves and temple veil being split when He died were pretty significant... and the disciples saw His ascent on a cloud into Heaven. Besides, did't Jesus kept "my kingdom is not of this world." How could you understand any of it if you keep trying to apply the world to the Bible?
Well He is coming back in the same manner he left.

Acts 1
4 And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, "which," He said, "you have heard from Me; 5for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." 6Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
9 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."

I suppose it would have been pretty spectacular to those witnessing it.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Adstar, dr.p,

So can we assume that heaven is in the sky somewhere since that is the direction he "ascended"? This would be consistent with the ignorance of those times that maintained a flat earth and heaven above.

One would think that if heaven was some form of spiritual plain or extra dimension then the transition would have been instantaneous. So what was the pupose of floating up into the clouds? Was it simply God being overdramatic again, like Elijah in his chariot of fire?
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Jesus is immortal.
Possibly. The myth has indeed had such a powerful impact on society that I suspect it will be remembered for a very long time. And some obscure sect might even try to maintain that the legend was true when everyone else had moved on.

...I think the earthquakes and darkness and dead bodies rising from the graves and temple veil being split when He died were pretty significant...

For completeness - do you have a biblical reference for that please?
Cris said:
Adstar, dr.p,

So can we assume that heaven is in the sky somewhere since that is the direction he "ascended"? This would be consistent with the ignorance of those times that maintained a flat earth and heaven above.

One would think that if heaven was some form of spiritual plain or extra dimension then the transition would have been instantaneous. So what was the pupose of floating up into the clouds? Was it simply God being overdramatic again, like Elijah in his chariot of fire?

Heaven is not in the sky, and that is Biblically inconsistent. Since when was Heaven some sort of spiritual plain. No compass can point to Heaven.

It seems more plausible for Christ to ascend to His Father, rather than descend to His Father if you know what I mean..

You are trying to fill in too many gaps. There are some things we simply don't know and I would assume that is not at all important in the big picture, otherwise God would have told us, eh?

Heaven is not in the sky, and that is Biblically inconsistent.

Ascend usually means going up, and why did Jesus float up through the clouds on his way to heaven, another planet maybe? Is there any references in the bible to heaven being anywhere other than above? I don’t think so. All the myth makers in those times suffered from the same belief that heaven was above (in the sky) since they knew no better.

Since when was Heaven some sort of spiritual plain.

So it’s a physical place then, is that what you are saying?

No compass can point to Heaven.
So it’s outside the magnetic field of the Earth right? But you don’t know where – but it must be in the sky or beyond since Jesus went up and through the clouds.

It seems more plausible for Christ to ascend to His Father, rather than descend to His Father if you know what I mean..

Again that supports the ancient myth that heaven is a place above a flat earth.

You are trying to fill in too many gaps.

Quite right, because myths are usually inconsistent or nonsense when examined closely.

There are some things we simply don't know and I would assume that is not at all important in the big picture, otherwise God would have told us, eh?

This is your target home for your future eternal life and you don’t know where it is, what it’s like, or how you will get there. Right - definitely not important then.
Cris said:

Ascend usually means going up, and why did Jesus float up through the clouds on his way to heaven, another planet maybe? Is there any references in the bible to heaven being anywhere other than above? I don’t think so. All the myth makers in those times suffered from the same belief that heaven was above (in the sky) since they knew no better.

Well that's just your bias talking. By above, we describe Heaven as a place which transcends not a place on top of others.

So it’s a physical place then, is that what you are saying?

I was referring to you saying "some sort". Either it is a "spiritual realm", as you say, or it isn't.

So it’s outside the magnetic field of the Earth right? But you don’t know where – but it must be in the sky or beyond since Jesus went up and through the clouds.

The Bible doesn't say Heaven is in the sky "or beyond". Like I said, there are some things we don't know, but that doesn't at all mean we should fill in the gaps with something that is inconsistent.

Again that supports the ancient myth that heaven is a place above a flat earth.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:9).

Certainly you can infer for yourself that "heavens" does not refer to a place above earth, but a place that transcends (according to context).

Quite right, because myths are usually inconsistent or nonsense when examined closely.

Only if you makeup inconsistent rubbish to try to explain what is not clear. Shouldn't you at least bring a quote from the same book of "myth makers" to prove your point?

This is your target home for your future eternal life and you don’t know where it is, what it’s like, or how you will get there. Right - definitely not important then.

I know what it's like, and I know how I will get there. Since I do not rest in my own abilities, these things are certainly not a priority for me.

My advice is not to dwell too much on these things. But I would be interested if you could bring at least one quote to prove your point. :)
dr.p said:
Elijah was taken up to Heaven (alive) in a chariot of fire.
that would suggest a rocket,or a spaceship,imo,
maybe some ufo riding aliens took the dude up ;)
If One needs the GPS co-ordinates of Heaven to believe it exists, then i feel sorry for them.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
If One needs the GPS co-ordinates of Heaven to believe it exists, then i feel sorry for them.

All praise The Ancient Of Days

I believe very few, if any of us, have the co-ordinates of Kuala Lumpur. I suppose that means it doesn't exist..

Hi Adstar :)