what happened 40,000 years ago?


Registered Senior Member
read this article about Graham Hancock
he believes thatpre-40,000 years ago there was not much creativity, and then WHAM along came more and more advanced techne and cave art.....he recokns this sudden unexplainable happening came about trough our ancient ancestor discoverning naturally growing psychedelic plants.....

tell me what you think about what he is saying....
I've heard that before, except I thought it was spores, not bacteria that were sent, sort of a variation of the panspermia idea. I think it's plausible, given a climate change about then that sent primitive humans out of the jungle, and into the grasslands, where food source became more varied. It might have coincided with the domestication of cattle, and we know what grows in cow dung.
spidergoat said:
I've heard that before, except I thought it was spores, not bacteria that were sent, sort of a variation of the panspermia idea. I think it's plausible, given a climate change about then that sent primitive humans out of the jungle, and into the grasslands, where food source became more varied. It might have coincided with the domestication of cattle, and we know what grows in cow dung.

yes, it's straight from Terrence McKenna. didn't hear mention of him in that article! strange
i dont know if i go wit te spores...DNA thing toug. it is like a mushroom myth....ie., that now, instead of 'God' it's some aiens and mushroom spores creating us....so, it begs the inevitable question--as in the 'so who made 'God'...ad infinitum question, it changes ito so who made them aliens??
A very interesting article. Crick's theory actually tallies in a way with a whimsical idea I had about God, life, the universe and everything a few years ago when I was into some very nice 'erb and which led me into writing a novel about it.

I won't tell you what the story entails because it hasn't been published and I don't want my ideas to be plagiarised, but I do agree that drugs did inspire mankind's original thoughts about gods and the wonders of the universe and art is indeed a spiritual expression when it comes from the soul.
spuriousmonkey said:
So if we want to be civilized again we should give up 'the war on drugs'?
ok ...i will now be bold enuf to claim thepossibility that the so-called 'anti-christ' is not a person, place, thing, but a mindset. which is the prohibition of psychedelics......J>M. Allegro in his book The Sacred Mshroom and the Cross suggests that te mythic name 'Chrit' is referring to the 'Chrestos'--a psychedelic unguent which was part of the Christian ritual. annointment of a sacrament.

so thatsthat......then we have what it actually does to communities. it creates gangsterism. and the money from the war on drugs is used to fuel the military and their corporate wars

lol.. i've never heard anyone do that. w/ "Chrestos" and everything (assuming that's true).

could be.
phlogistician said:
So duendy your 'gorgeous' friend was a parent and a drug user? Or dealer, if they kicked her door in?
ypu have been askin a lot of questions mr, and i have answered some you've thrown at me.....though i am suspicious where all this is going. i sense i know your political leanings...but let me ask you these..my turn:
do you agree with the war on drugs?
if so, why?
This is from the article, which I liked;
"I believe these hallucinogenic experiences are the basis for all modern-day religions. If you think about it, why would we ever have cause to imagine a spirit world? Our uncreative ancestors didn't, but then they found these drugs and saw for themselves the spirit world, and realised there was more to life. I think religion resulted from the need to explain these supernatural encounters."

One thing about the hallucinagenic drug experience is the inner mind is really quite lucid during the 'high', but the problem is the physical body and outer mind are rendered incoherent by the drug. This means it is often near impossible to communicate the experience / information / levels of consciousness that are experienced. The cognative factulties are disabled. What makes thsi worse is that once the drug has worn off enough fo reffective communication to take place the experience of consciousness has been lost.

The person effected bu the drug seems incoherent and debilitaled (and physically is) but this does not mean they are at all levels of consiousness. I believe the effect of hall. drugs is to temporarilly wipe clean conditioning, the outer distractions of senses and disable to some extent the ego. What is left is an experience of self and of a purer from of consciousnes. But of course thi sis glimsed through the haze of the drug and the halluinations. The problem with all this objectively is that to look at the person's outer state all this seems far from believable and indded noone would believe it.

But yes in answer to yout thread, I believe drugs can be an entrance to spirituality. although I will qualify that with saying they also canNOT be and can just F**k people up instead. Its a risky experiment.
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we cant homogenize all psychedelics into one 'goo'. There are many different varieites, and different amounts, mixes. then there is the very important aspect of set&setting to consider. Also psychedelics are non-specific, meaning that it is very much an individual unique relationship, and forthcoming experience

When you say that looking at someone who is psychedelized, one sees debilitation.....well again it depends on dosage, etc. Actually one can be...VERY VERY aware...of movement, and balance, and a vital 'hereness' and intensity, etc. So much so, it is more so that the so-called sober people the ecstatic might observe are the wooden clumsy and unaware ones

And i appreciate your experience/interpretation, but mine and others, is that the whole process from ingestion through to climax of ecstatic experience to the 'come down' will gradually reintegrate into one's ordinary state, and this integration brings really deep insight and deep relaxed feeling

i am suspicious with the attitude which seems to assume one can dispense with psychedelics and become 'enlightened' or whatever. Obviously we saw this dream in the 60snand 70s with tsome Guru/Buddhaetc seekin Hippies, and the growth of the so-called New Age, but from what i have seen and learnt, a lot of that is hypocritical and phony, and a kind of self aggrandizement. Also remember that Indigenous peopls who use a psychedelic sacrament do not have that attidue towards psychedelics. For them is it something rthey take as a commmunity and/or individually at certian special occassions during the year
duendy said:
do you agree with the war on drugs?
if so, why?

Is there one? I see each drug being treated individually. Lines like 'The War on Drugs' seem to be used by the press, not the Police.

Recently, Cannabis has been re-classified as a class 'C', which could be seen as a positive move, but since July this year, 'Magic Mushrooms' in any form, even fresh, are now a class 'A', which seems a backward step.

I don't have a problem with recreational drug use per se. If people want to indulge in a relatively safe substance, that's their choice I think. I dislike the way drugs are smuggled and sold, and that entire culture however.

I'd be happy to decriminalise any 'home grown' fauna used for personal use, and concentrate law enforcement on abused pharmaceuticals.

Or legalise and tax everything, and put the illegal dealers, smugglers and gun runners out of business.
duendy said:
we cant homogenize all psychedelics into one 'goo'. There are many different varieites, and different amounts, mixes. then there is the very important aspect of set&setting to consider. Also psychedelics are non-specific, meaning that it is very much an individual unique relationship, and forthcoming experience

Yes they are all very different and different combinations produce different results. And yes everyone gets something different from them. But these are all the outer effects of the drugs.

I say that at the centre of each experience of each different drug, the same thing is touched upon. The same consciousness or awareness (whatever you want to call it). If it is not the same awareness that is reached whichever drug is used to reach it, there is no basis for assuming anything real is being reached or connected with.

duendy said:
When you say that looking at someone who is psychedelized, one sees debilitation.....well again it depends on dosage, etc. Actually one can be...VERY VERY aware...of movement, and balance, and a vital 'hereness' and intensity, etc. So much so, it is more so that the so-called sober people the ecstatic might observe are the wooden clumsy and unaware ones

Yes it does depend on dosage. At lower dosages, senses are heighted (senses of touch, taste, sound etc). At these doses ones cogno motor abilities can be improved. Abilities to play a game, through a ball accurately etc - spacial judgement is improved. But at higher dosages a simple task such as making a cup of tea becomes a near impossibility. And yes there is a general heightened awarenes at all doses. In fact the senses still remain hightened at higher doses but are also distorted by the outer hallucinagenic effects.

It is only at the higher doses that the state of reaching a purer state of consciousness is reached, and this high point is the same whether we take any natural or synthetic hallucigen.

duendy said:
And i appreciate your experience/interpretation, but mine and others, is that the whole process from ingestion through to climax of ecstatic experience to the 'come down' will gradually reintegrate into one's ordinary state, and this integration brings really deep insight and deep relaxed feeling

Yes there is a deep realxed feeling after, mainly at lower doses.
Yes you always take part of the experience with you into your 'normal' life, you never completey forget or undo the experience.
But you do not take the knowledge or full rememberence of the short time you are experiencing the real high - the experience of real consciousness detached from the usual self.

I dont disagree with any thing you say or any of your experiences, but My drug taking was conducted over a many years and involved a number of different drugs. It was conducted usually in calm and ambient environments (away from the madding crowd so to speak).
The purpose was obviously pleasure seeking but also exploration of consciousness. It was conducted with like minded individuals and it did not take the form of mindless drug addiction. You may not initially agree with what I say but please dont dismiss is lightly.

duendy said:
i am suspicious with the attitude which seems to assume one can dispense with psychedelics and become 'enlightened' or whatever. Obviously we saw this dream in the 60snand 70s with tsome Guru/Buddhaetc seekin Hippies, and the growth of the so-called New Age, but from what i have seen and learnt, a lot of that is hypocritical and phony, and a kind of self aggrandizement.

I hear what your saying, but it all depends on the individual and I dont think you can generalise like that.

My feeling is that if there is any inherent reality in the drug experience (and not just hallucinagenic delusion) it must come from abilities that are already withing us - the drug only acts as a trigger. After all some people are born with abilities to have contact with the spiritual - phsycics etc. (again many are phony but some are not)

duendy said:
Also remember that Indigenous peoples who use a psychedelic sacrament do not have that attidue towards psychedelics. For them is it something rthey take as a commmunity and/or individually at certian special occassions during the year

Yes I am aware of this, it is socially accepting and in fact socially bonding aswell.
But is there not usually some form of initiation or rite when first taking the hallucigen, where a larger dose is given. and do not he shamans take larger doses than the general community ?

But to conclude I am now convinced that the correct and only advisable way to access higher consciousness is;
purifying mind and body.
enlightening the intellect as much as possible through study.
engaging in breathing and meditation excercises.

But I totally undersatnd if you disagree with that, but in my opnion in the end the drug will always cloud the potential these heightened states of awareness have.

(although a good dose of phsycadelics is a hell of a kick start to this process - he he) :D
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phlogistician said:
Is there one?

me:: BELIEVE IT there is alright. dont just tink it is some quaint little jargon. it really is war and people are realy dying--not only in its effects, such as te inevitable gangsterism, but for example crops of illegal plants being sprayed with deadly toxic chemicals that also spays over te people down below? etc etc etc

I see each drug being treated individually. Lines like 'The War on Drugs' seem to be used by the press, not the Police.

me::no. it is a lumping together of all ''controlled drugs'.....if you get cuaght growing say cannabis or importing it.you will be treated as harshly as for coke etc

Recently, Cannabis has been re-classified as a class 'C', which could be seen as a positive move, but since July this year, 'Magic Mushrooms' in any form, even fresh, are now a class 'A', which seems a backward step.

me::not only is it a backward step, it is totally and utterly against our human rights!

I don't have a problem with recreational drug use per se. If people want to indulge in a relatively safe substance, that's their choice I think. I dislike the way drugs are smuggled and sold, and that entire culture however.

me::you mean all of it beng in the hands of criminals? which is caused by the war on drugs......but dont blame youraverage seller. i say this cause you were a bit judgemental about someon who might sell LSD. you termed them 'low lives'.
s i would like to ask you then: IF a person dos want to inulge what is their rightful freedom to--to take recreational drugs, just who would tey get them off if is was' for dealers? how could you get your potatoes if it wasn't for a grocer?

I'd be happy to decriminalise any 'home grown' fauna used for personal use, and concentrate law enforcement on abused pharmaceuticals.

me::i am vry vetrry anti te pharmacetical industry, and tey have a huge hand in te propaganda and demonization and persecution against recreational drugs......for obvious reasons

Or legalise and tax everything, and put the illegal dealers, smugglers and gun runners out of business.
i would want people allowed the freedom to grow their own yes. and/or have access to places like in Holland. togther wit education---real education about drugs, and the dangers of drugs which have been purified like heroin, crack, coke etc. all inspired by the drug war and the CIA!
Light Travelling said:
Yes they are all very different and different combinations produce different results. And yes everyone gets something different from them. But these are all the outer effects of the drugs.

I say that at the centre of each experience of each different drug, the same thing is touched upon. The same consciousness or awareness (whatever you want to call it). If it is not the same awareness that is reached whichever drug is used to reach it, there is no basis for assuming anything real is being reached or connected with.

me::not really sure what you mean.

Yes it does depend on dosage. At lower dosages, senses are heighted (senses of touch, taste, sound etc). At these doses ones cogno motor abilities can be improved. Abilities to play a game, through a ball accurately etc - spacial judgement is improved. But at higher dosages a simple task such as making a cup of tea becomes a near impossibility. And yes there is a general heightened awarenes at all doses. In fact the senses still remain hightened at higher doses but are also distorted by the outer hallucinagenic effects.

me::i have never personally liked the term some poeple use to describe psychedelic experience as 'distorting' the senses. it gives the idea that there is 'definate' sense which is made dis-torted. i feel that more so our USUAL senses can be distorted via cultural indoctrination, and that psychedelic experince counteracts that conditioning....sometims extremely dramatically

But in my experience it is only at the higher doses that the state of reaching a purer state of consciousness is reached, and this high point is the same whether we take any natural or synthetic hallucigen.
me::what do you mean by 'a purer state of consciousness'? can you define what yo mean better?

Yes there is a deep realxed feeling after, mainly at lower doses.
Yes you always take part of the experience with you into your 'normal' life, you never completey forget or undo the experience.
But you do not take the knowledge or full rememberence of the short time you are experiencing the real high - the experience of real consciousness detached from the usual self
me::gain, i am not sure what you are meaning here.....?

I dont disagree with any thing you say or any of your experiences, but My drug taking was conducted over a many years and involved a number of different drugs. It was conducted usually in calm and ambient environments (away from the madding crowd so to speak).
The purpose was obviously pleasure seeking but also exploration of consciousness. It was conducted with like minded individuals and it did not take the form of mindless drug addiction. You may not initially agree with what I say but please dont dismiss is lightly.

me::i try not to dismiss anything, but explore about stuff

I hear what your saying, but it all depends on the individual and I dont think you can generalise like that.

me::you mean about givin up of psychedelic experince and guru-seeking?........its just i see a lot of phoniness with all of that. psychedelics usually very powerfully cut right through BS

My feeling is that if there is any inherent reality in the drug experience (and not just hallucinagenic delusion) it must come from abilities that are already withing us - the drug only acts as a trigger. After all some people are born with abilities to have contact with the spiritual - phsycics etc. (again many are phony but some are not)

me::Yes...i agree ...they are a 'trigger'. Albert Hofmann also says that. as for men who say they are touched with god or are more advanced etc etc. well errr ood for them if that what they believe. but i am not gonna follow them. all of us have our own capacities. we cant look-up to others and allow them to become our gods and we ther chillen

Yes I am aware of this, it is socially accepting and in fact socially bonding aswell.
But is there not usually some form of initiation or rite when first taking the hallucigen, where a larger dose is given. and do not he shamans take larger doses than the general community ?

me::have a fascinating book called Shamanism: The Foundations of Magic, by Ward Rutherford. He argues that shamanism is not to be confuused with the more agrarian vegetative ritals which were more part of the Goddess stream. for in he former the shaman tends to be male and becomes te authority--even often tims hving sole right over taking te sacrament, whilst the latter was more ecstasy for ALL. he explains that the shaman saw that as a threat to his authority......i of course am thus much more attracted to ecstasy being avialable for all, and free interpretaion of exerience, though insight into our interelation with Nature i feel is vitally important

But to conclude I am now convinced that the correct and only advisable way to access higher consciousness is;
purifying mind and body.
enlightening the intellect as much as possible through study.
engaging in breathing and meditation excercises.

me::i tend not to for various reasons we may discuss IF i doesn't disturb you

But I totally undersatnd if you disagree with that, but in my opnion in the end the drug will always cloud the potential these heightened states of awareness have.

(although a good dose of phsycadelics is a hell of a kick start to this process - he he) :D
duendy said:
.me::what do you mean by 'a purer state of consciousness'? can you define what yo mean better?

sorry cant be more help than that :confused:
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Light Travelling said:
Just experiences had....difficult to articulate.... sometimes difficult to even cognise.... I could dismiss ..except I have met others with similar to report....

sorry cant be more help than that :confused:
too vague for me to respond to

you see i am sure we could relate about seeing behind social masks. tat is when psychdelicized the ability to see behind a particular MASK a person (straight) may be wearing