What good was the Inca or Aztec religions?

The proposition infers justifiable genocide. What if the Aztecs, and all the other civilizations lost to the same principle, had their own Holocaust museums? I wonder if you could find a district in any city large enough to hold them all.

Our own culture has a history of human sacrifice that continues even today. It's just the religion that's so different. All they wanted was rain. All we want is (fill in your rationale for supporting a war).
The Aztecs had conquered every other tribe in the region and amalgamated them into their empire. They were not the kindest of overlords, and there was considerable animosity among the subjugated peoples. When Cortes showed up, many of them volunteered to fight with him against the Aztecs.

A good deal of the barbaric treatment of the Mesoamericans was at the hands of other Mesoamericans.

Imagine for an instant what the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians would have done to their Russian occupiers if the NATO powers had ever actually mounted an invasion of the Eastern Bloc!

In the 1960 Olympics (if I have the date right, I was a teenager not paying much attention to international politics) the Russian team and the Hungarian team found themselves in a playoff match for the ice hockey championship. This wasn't too long after the failed Hungarian uprising, which the Russians put down with tanks.

The Hungarians didn't give a damn about the medal. They spent the whole game being penalized for beating the crap out of the Russian athletes with their hockey sticks.

Now imagine this with real weapons?


As for the question in the O.P., there was much more to the Inca and the Olmec/Maya/Aztec civilizations than their religions. At the time of the European conquest of the New World, there was very little difference between the Christianity of Europe and the religion of the Aztecs. They were both utterly barbaric. Would whoever contemplated the righteousness of obliterating their two thousand year-old civilization have recommended the same treatment for Europe? They had just finished a century of non-stop war (if I have my timeline correct) between the Catholics and the newly minted Protestants, and sometimes among the various Protestant sects over things like the number of angels on a pinhead. There was also considerable civil violence as the Inquisition was in full force and anyone the people in charge didn't like (or merely coveted their assets) could be burned at the stake or killed in other imaginative ways.

An outsider like a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Confucian, or Aztec might very well have overlooked the whole Renaissance thingie and dismissed them all as hopeless, constantly warring barbarians. Would they have been justified in obliterating European civilization if the sandal was on the other foot and they had the horses and the steel technology, while the Europeans were carrying Bronze Age weapons and had to walk everywhere?

The world lost considerably more than the religions when two of its precious six independently-created civilizations were destroyed in the name of motherfucking Jesus. The Aztecs had a written language (invented by the Olmecs) with libraries full of books. The ignorant asshole Christians burned them down. We'll never know how much literature and philosophy was lost forever.

The destruction of an entire civilization (much less two, although I don't know as much about the Incas because I didn't live 100 miles from the border of their country for 45 years) is the greatest sin that can possibly be committed. There is no way Christianity can ever atone for this, until it finally disappears.
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The Aztecs had conquered every other tribe in the region and amalgamated them into their empire. They were not the kindest of overlords, and there was considerable animosity among the subjugated peoples. When Cortes showed up, many of them volunteered to fight with him against the Aztecs.

A good deal of the barbaric treatment of the Mesoamericans was at the hands of other Mesoamericans.

Imagine for an instant what the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians would have done to their Russian occupiers if the NATO powers had ever actually mounted an invasion of the Eastern Bloc!

In the 1960 Olympics (if I have the date right, I was a teenager not paying much attention to international politics) the Russian team and the Hungarian team found themselves in a playoff match for the ice hockey championship. This wasn't too long after the failed Hungarian uprising, which the Russians put down with tanks.

The Hungarians didn't give a damn about the medal. They spent the whole game being penalized for beating the crap out of the Russian athletes with their hockey sticks.

Now imagine this with real weapons?


As for the question in the O.P., there was much more to the Inca and the Olmec/Maya/Aztec civilizations than their religions. At the time of the European conquest of the New World, there was very little difference between the Christianity of Europe and the religion of the Aztecs. They were both utterly barbaric. Would whoever contemplated the righteousness of obliterating their two thousand year-old civilization have recommended the same treatment for Europe? They had just finished a century of non-stop war (if I have my timeline correct) between the Catholics and the newly minted Protestants, and sometimes among the various Protestant sects over things like the number of angels on a pinhead. There was also considerable civil violence as the Inquisition was in full force and anyone the people in charge didn't like (or merely coveted their assets) could be burned at the stake or killed in other imaginative ways.

An outsider like a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Confucian, or Aztec might very well have overlooked the whole Renaissance thingie and dismissed them all as hopeless, constantly warring barbarians. Would they have been justified in obliterating European civilization if the sandal was on the other foot and they had the horses and the steel technology, while the Europeans were carrying Bronze Age weapons and had to walk everywhere?

The world lost considerably more than the religions when two of its precious six independently-created civilizations were destroyed in the name of motherfucking Jesus. The Aztecs had a written language (invented by the Olmecs) with libraries full of books. The ignorant asshole Christians burned them down. We'll never know how much literature and philosophy was lost forever.

The destruction of an entire civilization (much less two, although I don't know as much about the Incas because I didn't live 100 miles from the border of their country for 45 years) is the greatest sin that can possibly be committed. There is no way Christianity can ever atone for this, until it finally disappears.

It seams you are an individual buried in hate.
You sensationalize beyond true . I don't know how much American history you know , because you just slap a few words, Apparently you don't have much of knowledge if European history based on your writing
There are different accounts of the conquest of Mexico. First, look at how the Spanish tell it:

[After telling the Cholulans that they should abandon their Idols, end human sacrifice, and stop practicing sodomy, all of which offended Christians, Cortés asked them through Doña Marina]: To what purpose had they quite recently prepared many long and strong poles with collars and cords and placed them in a house near to the Great Temple? Why for the last three days had they been building barricades and digging holes in the streets and fortifying rooftops? Why had they removed their children and wives and property from the city? [He told them that] Their ill will, however, had been plainly shown, and they had not been able to hide their treason, they had not even given us food to eat, and as a mockery had brought us firewood and water, and said that there was no corn. Cortés added that he knew there were many companies of warriors cached in ravines near by the city to carry out their treacherous plans, thinking that we will take that road to Mexico [Tenochtitlan] and hoping that with the help of those with us to trap us, this night even, to execute their treacherous plans. So in return for our having come as brothers to tell them what Our Lord God and the King have ordained, they wished to kill us and eat our flesh, and had already prepared the pots with salt and peppers and tomatoes. If this were what they wanted, it would have been better for them to make war on us in the open field like good and valiant warriors, as did their neighbors the Tlaxcalans.

Cortés then told them he was certain all had been planned in the city and that they had even promised their Idol, the patron of warfare, that twenty of us should be sacrificed before it, that three nights ago they had sacrificed seven Indians to obtain victory, which was promised them; but as [the Idol] was both evil and false, it neither had, nor would have power against us, and all these evil and traitorous designs which they had planned and put into effect were about to recoil on themselves. That was the speech that Doña Marina translated for them.

The priests, Caciques, and captains understood it perfectly, said it was true but that they were not to blame for it, for they were following the orders transmitted by the ambassadors of their master, Moctezuma.

Then Cortés cried out, "Royal laws command that treason cannot remain unpunished; for your crime, you must die!" Saying this, he ordered a musket to be fired (which was the arranged signal) and a blow was given to them which they will remember forever, for we killed many of them and burned others alive, so that they gained nothing from the promises of their false Idols.

Now, an account by native Mexicans (although subject to Spanish editing):

Here it is told how the Spaniards came to Tlaxcalla, which was [at the time] called Texcallan.

[The first part of this chapter explains how the Spaniards reached Tlaxcala. While there, the Tlaxcalans persuaded the Spaniards to attack the city of Cholula, considered to be a shrine to the idol Quetzalcoaltl. The Tlaxcalans proved to be among the most loyal of the Spanish Indian allies, who were as responsible for the conquest of America as the Spaniards.]

They [the Tlaxcalans] drove them, they proceeded to guide them. They took leave of them after they had them enter their palace. They honored them greatly, they provided them with everything they needed, and attended to them and gave them their daughters.

Then [the Spaniards] asked them: Where is Mexico? How far is it? They [the Tlaxcalans] answered them: "It is not far now." Perhaps in three days you will arrive. It is a very good place. And [the Mexicas] are very valiant, great warriors, conquerors, who go conquering everywhere."

But the Tlaxcalans in past times had been at war with, had risen up with rage and anger against the Cholullans, They [the Tlaxcalans] disliked, hated, detested them; they would have nothing to do with them. So they told [the Spaniards]: "They [the Cholullans] are very evil, and they are our enemy. Those of Cholula are as valiant as the Mexicas. They are friends of the Mexicas."

When the Spaniards heard this, they went to Cholula, taking those of Tlaxcalla and Cempoalla with them dressed for war. When they arrived, they shouted for all noblemen, rulers, captains, chiefs, and also the men of the town to assemble in the courtyard of the gods [probably of the Temple of Quetzacoatl].

When they had all gathered, [the Spaniards and their allies] blocked the entrances, all of the places where one could enter. In the first moment, people were murdered and beaten. Nothing like this was in the minds of the Cholulans. Without swords or shields they met the Spaniards. Without warning, they were treacherously and deceitfully slain. They were ambushed because the Tlaxcalans persuaded [the Spaniards] to do it.

Was it about religion?

Also, don't forget, the Spaniards introduced a pandemic in Mexico which was, effectively, a biological weapon.

I doubt seriously anyone can stand on a soapbox and crow about religious superiority very long before being confronted by one's own prejudice and ignorance. That goes for all of us.
OMG, I just googled it, and it turns out the Aztecs were pretty blood-thirsty; so I was wrong.


Yeah. As blood thirsty as crusaders and inquisitors, slavers etc. Could they match Moses, Abraham and Joshua?
I agree with Fraggle Rocker.
But I don't blame the relegion for things that was done in it's name.
But I still hate what they did! It's a big tragedy! a whole human culture was lost! a different isolated world, it can answer many questions (about the human nature and civilisation, like a test continent, where humans were isolated, and effcorse we will not know if they knew other places than the two Americas, because the conquerers burned everything!), to also know more about their myths, and relegions, their science and such things..Such architecture, they may had clues and ancient books and stuff about their history and how were built and etc... It's a complete tragedy indeed.
It's a complete tragedy indeed.

And so, for every genocide that was committed from the point of view that one culture is superior to another, tragedy is the legacy, and so we universally want an end to all genocide, which is why we never entertain, in the context of a people's right to exist, ethnocentric ideas about one religion being more valid than another.


Bosnian victims of Christian Serbs

And so, for every genocide that was committed from the point of view that one culture is superior to another, tragedy is the legacy, and so we universally want an end to all genocide, which is why we never entertain, in the context of a people's right to exist, ethnocentric ideas about one religion being more valid than another.

However, it still exists everywhere, even if it's not by killing, and the examples are so many..


Bosnian victims of Christian Serbs

There was victims both of Muslims and Christians.