Originally posted by alanH
Aghart: I think that "one dimensional" stuff is more the boilerplate of the anti-Bush crowd. It was kind of interesting, I was talking with my mother on Mother's Day, and she hates Bush like poison, but even she sees now that he's no idiot, like she originally thought.
I admit I don't rate Bush very highly, but I still feel that moving US forces to new bases in Eastern Europe could open a can of worms. The governments of Bulgaria and Romania and other countries in the region may welcome the US with open arms but that's because all they have in their eyes are $ signs. All over the world this move will be viewed with tremendous suspicion.
The reason for this is as I've stated before, there is no military or political need for this redeployment unless the USA intends to dominate the middle and near east. Even restricting reaction to this site, this will be 'bread from heaven' for Allah's mathematics and his cronies. This could end up a huge 'own goal' with consequences for the whole world. If the US want's to cut costs and punish the german government, fine, send the forces in question back to the states.
I'm only one person and am not psychic, and if you have seen my posts dotted around you will know I am not anti US, but I tell you, this will be a huge mistake made worse because there is no need for it.