What God Would Say

It can be argued that God would declare, "Be honorable." This is overtly obvious and you don't need to be a Prophet to know this. From this statement there can be generated an infinity of similar statements, such as 'Be honorable to your neighbor two doors down', 'Be honorable to your neighbor three doors down', Be honorable to your neighbors on other continents' and 'Be honorable to your neighbors who live on islands that are not large enough to be considered a continent'. DE

god is not honorable .
Evolutionist still on board, right? So is it that from Millers experiments we draw conclusions that it is plausible to believe that rest of the theory is right?

The Millers experiments are not evidence for evolution. Some people argue that the results support a hypothesis known as ABIOGENESIS, which basically says that the first chemical replicators were formed by natural processes. The idea assumes that the very first steps in the formation of primitive life forms did not involve any magic tricks by some unknown super-being.
Scientists like to find the simplest natural explanation for phenomena, not some crazy complicated, off-the-wall, outlandish, fantastic, unlikely explanation for which there is no evidence.

After the first replicators formed, then evolution was possible. The theory of evolution requires that characteristics are reproduced in offspring.
The distribution of characteristics, height, strength, speed etc. varies over time giving rise to different life forms in different environments.

If you throw a million dice on the floor, then remove all the ones that didn't show a six, then throw those, repeatedly, eventually you'll get a million sixes.
That is a rough analogy for the theory of evolution, a theory that has been accepted by most scientists since about 1870.

A scientific theory is not some random idea and it never contains miracles. Scientists are pretty strict about that.

There is still a Flat Earth Society and the members meet regularly, presumably to discuss new evidence that the earth is flat.

Creationists also have meetings.
The Chicken and Egg puzzle is easily solved.
An egg on its own wouldn't survive as it is necessary for a chicken to sit on it to keep it warm.
Therefore the chicken came first.
A BBC program called QI called it as the egg came first. Sorry can't recall series or episode

Going on the line birds came from dinosaurs who laid eggs. The eggs formed inside (obvious) before being laid

Instead of dinosaurs hatching birds started to emerge
