meaning to life: FUN

I debate to learn, have fun (competition), and to defend my beliefs. I've learned a lot from others and helped fine tune my values. Amazing thing happen when you force people to leave the humdrum daily life and think.

another reason to post and another meaning to life, thought.

have fun

I differentiate between purpose of life and meaning of life.

The two concepts are often mixed together and confused.

What you are really doing is giving or finding purpose to your life. The meaning of what you are doing is something quite different.

Maybe your right but I do hold one thing as true to the meaning of life: It is different for everybody.
I hope you find yours soon. I cant believe that there is a grand scheme of things, like humanity has a purpose, to do so would be religious ;) So everybody must find their own reason of existence. The purpose and reason in life seem to be the same anyway.
"One reason I love the intellectual nature of Christianity is because God transcends the universe. A lot of arguments about omnipotence and this and that fail mainly because a four-dimensional being is imperfectly describing God's attributes and knocking down a straw man.

This is in a slightly different context. It pertains to the trinity. I composed it today. Its part of a larger unfinished work. See what you can glean from it:

I feel compelled to point out the paradoxical nature of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. God is one yet God is three persons (note Christianity does not support polytheism nor is it a tritheistic faith). The three-in-oneness of God is extremely hard to fathom at best and some, myself included, might say impossible. I called the trinity a paradox rather than a contradiction because our transcendent yet immanent Creator is beyond perfect perception to us. I do not mean to imply we can just wish away "contradictions" concerning God's nature at will. What I mean is synonomous to what numerous sciptural passages teach:"

Sorry for coming on this so late but I just had to reply.

The holy trinity is in no was difficult to understand. Have you ever read the Enders Game series? Good books. It is a sci-fi/fantasy that explores just that, at least in the 3rd or fourth books. The father son and husband analogy works quite well also. Also Christianity has no intellectual nature. Simply stating that we cannot hope to understand it so we wont try is not intellectual.

And off the subject:
I thought that we were still considered 3 dimensional since we can only move through time in one direction?

It is 11 dimensions now if you buy in to super string theory.
Originally posted by Cris
Here are some links that explore these ideas further. If you have not met this thinking before then you may well see it as quite radical, especially Transtopianism. Even if you might not agree with these movements they will perhaps give you a view to alternative philosophies. Note that some of these articles are by leading research scientists, and heads of University departments.

Sorry, Cris, I didn't notice your reply here until today.

But thanks for the links, I'll check them out.
Hi to old friends and new. I think one of the main reasons for this debate is indeed to find some meaning for life. And I think the meaning of life is to evolve, as is the nature of the universe. We merely follow the rules of the universe. To evolve is to experience, to be sentient. We (fictional soul givers) created single-celled bacteria and algae out of the elements, for the sole purpose of experiencing them evolve into the millions of life forms that have ever graced this planet, in the same way that we were created. Life forms are like the nerve endings of the universe and we all have a role to play. You will evolve, because we meant you to! And you will try to emulate us, by creating artificial life and intelligence that you can gain experiences and knowledge through, which in turn, will try to emulate you, because that’s how you programmed it! And so on and so forth, that’s how it is in the whole universe; it’s just a series of evolutionary events.
Let me give you an insight into what the universe is like: Consider and imagine, the beginning of an organic life form if you will, from the very first moment of conception, to the splitting of the first cells, the development of the cells into bodily organs, blood and bone. Consider and imagine if you can, the chores, interactions and instant communications performed by the various cells. Imagine, first the vigour and then the deterioration in the cells, as the body goes through puberty, then grows old and dies.
Imagine the huge number and many types of bacteria, which shared, aided and fed off this body while it was alive and which is now thriving on the dead cells, the dead body, having transformed, into a live body of bacteria, fungus and algae. Now imagine, that the dead body, which is crawling with bacteria, is full of insect eggs, also containing their own bacteria and also containing their own cells. The eggs mutate, become larvae and begin to feed on the dead cells and live bacteria, developing into healthy insects, which then become part of the food chain themselves, thereby assisting in the survival of the animal they came out from and ensuring their own survival in the process.
Can you imagine the number of complicated, interactive processes that took place during the life and death of this body at molecular level? Could any human be physically aware of any of these processes in action? The answer is no! Can any man-made machine, ever compute the number of processes and give any meaning to them? The answer is no! I’m just trying to emphasise the scale of complexity here...
Can a body survive without certain cells? The answer is yes! And there are also certain cells that are fundamental to the healthy survival of a body, but no cell can survive without a body. No man is an island, no planet is an island and no cell is an island. All cells are subject to processes taking part in every region of the body. Imagine your solar system as a tiny cluster of cells and your galaxy as a minor bodily organ, within a body that is alive and vigorous. The processes taking part in the body are all interrelated, relying on one another for the body to function properly, but the tiny cluster of cells within the bodily organ I mentioned, would only be aware of a tiny bit of the process. And, as the tiny cluster of cells would be akin to your solar system, at molecular level you would be able to see the sun, the planets and moons, at sub-molecular level you would be able to see life forms, at sub-sub-molecular level you would be able to see the cells in the life forms and at sub-sub-sub-molecular level you would be able to enter a new universe. This is what the universe is like, organic, concentric, never ending!
Nothing is static, everything changes and there is a purpose to everything. The truth is, that all intelligent life forms—-including us—-are limited in our knowledge by local constraints determined by our species and purpose. Ponder this: The cells in a finger, can never know the origins of the body, in the same way as cells in a shin bone, can never know of the existence of fingers—all knowledge has limits--.
(Mostly an extract from my fantasy adventure novel -The Guru Cake- by G N Kosta, copyright)
why I post

Concider this

I post here maily beacue it gives me a place to "meet" people with similar intrests, alo ithelp we debate things better.

Plus it's just plain fun!!
why I post

Actually, I don't post all that much. I love to read some of the regulars here tho. :) I have often said that some of the longer threads are a delight to read.

It seemed to me that the thread starter was asking "why do we bother posting here at all?" This may be a slightly off para-phrase, but if that was what was being asked, then I must say, that it is a question I have often posed to myself.

One notices that a depressingly large number of posts are replies to die-hard religionists. A statement as absurd as -
"if you don't believe in god, you should better be right, or you will burn in hell forever"
can generate a surprising number of long detailed replies.

IMO, this is a pity, and a waste of the talents and time of the ppl who reply to these in the first place. For one, the religionists (here at sciforums) do not seem to be interested in any meaningful debate. As a result, many long and well thought out replies only result in one line comebacks or petty insults.

And the other, IMO more important issue, is that these talented posters have wasted their time. Time in which they could have presented or addressed more interesting issues. Instead, they resorted to the (intellectually easy) excercise of dis-proving christianity. IMO, almost any person with a minimum capacity for intelligent thought soon comes to the conclusion that christianity is bunk.

A moment of silence for all those threads that could have been ... :( :(

Another thing which struck me was the fixation some of the strongest anti-religionists have [against] christianity. I have often wondered how they would fare when addressing the fundamentals of other religions. For instance, what do the anti-religionists have to say about the concept of "enlightenment"?
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I am sorta new here ( well not really ), But I love the community. People here have amazing knowledge. We have all kind of people here. Some believe in God some don't. Some like to talk about religion some like to talk about science. I think it is very informative and great learning experiance.
I am logged in here all the time since I work at the place where we have to be on internet. So it is just very nice informative place to hang out as well as to share ideas and learn from others.
I noticed that a reason given for posting here was "intellectual stimulation" or something along those lines.

To me this seems ridiculous. No "intellectual stimulation" arises from debunking ridiculous myths that a normal 12 yo can see through.

The average "atheist" (if I might use that term for the anti-religionists) presents far better material than ANY religionist on this board. It's almost comical to see some of the "discussion" here -

tiassa: (2000 word reply, with numerous footnotes and references)
KalvinB: "Is that so? Says who? You are an idiot who will burn in hell." (full reply in 15 words or less)

One fails to see what stimulation is gained from matching wits with a religionist .... :(
there's two meaning-of-lifes (you don't have to tell me that me and my english sucks)

there's meaning of your life and meaning of all life in universe.

first one you can read from your biography when you are dead (it's hard i know, but those who believe in god, can do it)

we can't know the second one because no one has told us that (it's not in any books).

purpose of your life is simple. you can choose it.
Why Am I here?

If anything we must admit been an atheist can be lonely at times,
most people do not want to discuss religion with you, cause we don't believe anything they have to say, they know this, so they really dont want to be arguing with you for their cause. However athiests are not chasing people to convert to atheism, I never hide the fact that I'm an athiest, sometimes I do find physical people who will discuss my points of view with an open mind, however that happens rarely.

I come here to meet, discuss, learn, win, loose, motivate, be motivated, by other like minded individuals, I also learn from thiest a great deal, I learn why I really don't belive for instance, the zeal of Tony1 & Sir Loon, the desperation of their ranting, is basically the same desperation of churches, going out of bussiness, (i.e. not long ago I read about a priest who preached from the top of the roof, of his church in order to recruit followers, must of been going broke the guy!! :D) So I learn to defend my points of view from the zealot religious nuts out there, physically or digitally.

I also come here for fun, entertainment in a intelectual activity such as this is enjoyable, and it keeps out of trouble.

A plus, I get to practice at my typing and spelling
:p :D, my girlfriend would say I needs lot of practice at both. :D :rolleyes: