What food last the biggest use by time?

If there is ever a food shortage, I'd be stocking up on coffee and whiskey. I can trade for whatever I want then.
If there is ever a food shortage, I'd be stocking up on coffee and whiskey. I can trade for whatever I want then.
Don't forget cigarettes, diapers, tampons and toilet paper. People were planning on using those for currency if we didn't get the Y2K remediation completed in time.
Was reading the thread about food shortages and I wonder what food should you stock up on that will last the longest?

This one is so easy!!!

Its Grain, off course!!!

Grains can be stored for thousands and thousands of years and retain their potency. You can take a 30,000 year old grain, plant it in the ground, watch is grain and seed. Within a short amount of time it will have turned into a field. The Complex Carbohydrates in Grain feed the Brain directly a high quality fuel. The life essence of the grain's ability to spring forth life mixed with its edible nutritional value makes this stable of our diet the strongest answer I can think of.
I don't know about you, but I don't plan to live for 30K years.

For all practical purposes, obviously canned food. After a few years of food shortages, you will have other problems, like deffending yourself, energy,etc.
Hi Orleander,

Yes, it is fruit cake - so I suppose it must be to do with all the sugar. Also, a lot of people add brandy to it, which could also act as a preservative.