What existed before paganism?

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Judging by the first human artifacts, the original religion was a fertility cult.


Hey, is that medicine woman? ...oh baby! Hubba hubba.
Yeah. Fertility cults seem the be the more common among early human religions, as shown by examples of clay pottery and such stuff in the original places of human settlement. Fertility cults are generally, as that statues well shows, female-centred.

There is some evidence to suggest that the first theistic cults were goddess cults, and it was like that for tens of thousands of years. Then, quite suddenly, in the 10,000s BCE, when we invented writing and literature, something happened.
Some people, I've read, think that it was the development of literature that jump-started increased use and stimulation of the the "masculine" part of the brain, which prompted the increased development in the concept of male deities in human religions.
Prior to those tree hugging, mystical pagan worshippers, what did people do on Sundays?

Your OP is replete with logical fallacy from the very first word. You assume not only that your god is the correct one but that the god(s) worshiped by other religions before your own were not only of the wrong god but that they had some ritual of "hugging trees."

Since the OP is clearly some sort of bigoted and undereducated response from one religious cult against all others, this thread is closed. Should Mr. Bannan wish to continue the conversation, perhaps he would be willing to create a more detailed OP that is less bigoted and demonstrates some modicum of genuine desire to have a conversation rather than simply berate all cults other than his own.
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