What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?

.to bad he didnt make Centuars.

Nope and I'm guessing he didn't make Centaurs either.

So go on then. Explain to me how it is that a perfect being can get knees so wrong? It just ain't logical.

Dee Cee
Well James they say that the devils in the details :)

Anyway enough of this nonsense.
I've been on my feet all day and my knees are killing me.
Logic dictates a tube of deep heat and a long lie down.

Dee Cee
ahhhh Yeh........NO.

"oh no!!! He wont waste his time on our inanity!!!!"

Go play with you cousins the monkeys.

I have already provided proof on the other thread.
No, you only provided claims of proofs. They failed to be be proofs in every essential aspect.

God is BEING itself, and God also maintains all BEINGS in EXISTANCE. HE is SPIRIT not Energy, not like "the Force", for that is subordinated physical power. God is personal, for to lack personhood would be an imperfection for an intellectual spirit. He is three persons as One PERFECT BEING. He is also Goodness itself and the source of Goodness, and Beauty, He is Oneness and TRUTH itself that is Truth as BEING.
And since you cannot demonstrate that any single aspect of these assertions has any truth, then all that you have in the end is a fantasy.

my fantasy may someday become your nightmare
Why might it? Not only is there no evidence for the existence of gods there is also no evidence that shows how they might exist or how they might be possible.

Your suggestion is yet another fantasy.
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water said:
What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?
Creating a planet in 7 days isn't illogical?
*steps back*
Okaaaay, I'm callin' trhe insane asylum now.. :bugeye:
Omnipotent beings are physically, logacally, and completely impossible.
Hapsburg said:
Creating a planet in 7 days isn't illogical?
*steps back*
Okaaaay, I'm callin' trhe insane asylum now.. :bugeye:

The Genesis account doesn't say God created a planet in 7 days. it says he created everything ('all of creation') in 6 days (and took a nap on the 7th ;) )
DeeCee said:
What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?

I'll tell you what.


knees are hopeless. they're weak and shitty and just not up to the task at hand.
Ask your grandma about her knees (you might need to put a half a day aside) and see what she says.
What sort of god can't even get knees right?

Oh, and did I mention the appendix?
Dee Cee
I hate to say it, but it's not much of an argument in favour of evolution, either!

What is logically impossible about God? God can be defeated by logic. He chooses not to manifest himself in any form whatsoever, precisely because of the possibility of his being put to the test. Thank god (who does God thank?) logical thought wasn't around in Moses' day, because otherwise, it might have gone like this:

Moses: Thank you, God, for these mighty tablets upon which you have engraved Your Commandments (didn't you have a pen and paper handy.... oh, well). While we're here talking, can I ask you, is there anything you cannot do?

God: There is nothing I cannot do, Moses.

Moses: Can you predict the future?

God: I can see all of Creation, both the before and after, to Eternity in both directions.

Moses: Well, don't worry - I'm not going to ask you about what Free Will really means in that case, then! But I've written on this piece of paper an event that will definitely take place or not take place. If you think the event will take place, strike down the tree on the left. If you think the event will not take place, strike down the bush on the right. I'll be waiting....

God: You........... underhand little Mortal.

So God struck down Moses instead.

(The piece of paper had "God will strike down the bush on the right" written upon it).
§outh§tar said:
The Genesis account doesn't say God created a planet in 7 days. it says he created everything ('all of creation') in 6 days (and took a nap on the 7th ;) )
Even more illogical. :D
water said:
What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?
water, that depends on, for each of the following statements are they true or false?

(1) God can do anything.
(2) God knows everything.
water said:
What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?
I agree that it depends on how you define "God".

Let's imagine that you have assigned "God" any trait, personality, concept, purpose etc. At a guess I think this accounts for 100% of all Gods ever come up with. If you disagree with this, please let me know.

Okay - now we must take as accepted that there is no actual scientific evidence for the existence of "God". Again, if you disagree, please post the evidence.

Right - on to the logic....

There are an INFINITE possible "Gods" - i.e. you could define your god with any one (or more) of an infinite number of traits, personalities, concepts, achievements, purposes etc.

For any ONE of them to be correct is thus a simple probability of 1/infinity, which as any mathematician will tell you is ZERO.
It is thus illogical to BELIEVE that such a God, with ZERO PROBABILITY OF BEING TRUE, exists.

Now you could argue that "God" is in fact ALL of them - and that what other people define as "god" are merely just facets of the "One True God".

What you are in essence saying is that God is a conceptless, purposeless, traitless, personalityless (etc) "thing" (and I use that word as the only one I can think of to describe something without concept, without purpose, trait, personality etc). As soon as you assign ANY concept, or trait, or personality you are back to being just one in an infinite number of other possibilities - and thus ZERO chance of being right.

So - this "thing" with no concept, purpose etc - what about this definition of "god"? Is it illogical to believe in the existence of this "thing"?

How can one believe in something that you can not assign anything (trait, concept etc) to? It is illogical.

So - there you are - the illogicality of God and God's existence.

Obviously I have not included the definitions of God that are provable - e.g. I could define "God" as being our sun, containing all the characteristics, traits, etc of our sun, and nothing more.
This "God" is therefore just a label for something else.
He is three persons as One PERFECT BEING
I used to consider this: God being created by a trinity, but when we look at the trinity we find that there is no creator of the universe (there is nothing here except stars and planets created by God), and the mind (IMO) is simply the result of the soul, so the biggest question in my mind is what created that?
Perhaps with all of God's power he simply willed such things into existence! However this would imply the mind being quite separate to the soul, because there is an element of justice and conscience within it.
Sarkus said:
Okay - now we must take as accepted that there is no actual scientific evidence for the existence of "God". Again, if you disagree, please post the evidence.
[Scientific Reasons to Believe] The veracity of scientific evidence is debated in scientific circles where some claim evidence and others bash the claim - why expect it to be any different elsewhere? Evidence is concrete to those who present it - others are free to accept or reject it as such.
Right - on to the logic....

There are an INFINITE possible "Gods" - i.e. you could define your god with any one (or more) of an infinite number of traits, personalities, concepts, achievements, purposes etc.
Here, brother Sarkus, you only argue against some atheistic conception of a god (anything). A theist will only see one view of a god as possible or probable. I am certain many traits included in your infinite set don't belong with each other.

Probabilities concerning gods can't be treated so simply with any robust conclusion. There are dependent traits, independent traits, mutually exclusive traits and complementary traits - we first have to analyse and work out which is which so as to avoid incorrectly calculating any probability.
sarkus i cant help but point out the gaping hole in your logical reasoning.
some words highlighted have been substituted to illustrate.
Sarkus said:
I agree that it depends on how you define "God".

Let's imagine that you have assigned "humans" any trait, personality, concept, purpose etc. At a guess I think this accounts for 100% of all humans ever born. If you disagree with this, please let me know.

Okay - now we must take as accepted that there is actual scientific evidence for the existence of "humans". Again, if you disagree, please post the evidence.

Right - on to the logic....

There are an INFINITE possible "humans" - i.e. you could define a human with any one (or more) of an infinite number of traits, personalities, concepts, achievements, purposes etc.

For any ONE of them to be born is thus a simple probability of 1/infinity, which as any mathematician will tell you is ZERO.
It is thus illogical to BELIEVE that a human, with ZERO PROBABILITY OF BEING BORN, exists.
i dont know. maybe you where making a joke that i didnt get, or something.

This "God" is therefore just a label for something else.
most words are labels.