What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?

water, you have shown a bit of genius in this post...! ;)
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It depends on how you define God. If we think of God as a personal entity (like a human being) who has created the entire universe, who thinks, has feelings and so on... then it's pretty illogical, since only living, created, beings need such things. But God is another word for the inmost self of all things, which moves and creates everything (a kind of "force of nature"). And in that case it's not illogical.

The Bible uses the word God to explain nature and our inmost self. Reflect and maybe you'll see.
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If you see "god" as a metaphor, all of the logic reappears. But there's no "if, then" line in thinking there's an actual bearded dude sitting somewhere and crying his eyes out to make rain.
It depends on how you define God.

Yorda has finally said something of value. Thank you.

Since each individual defines god in their own way, no 2 versions of god will ever be the same, as is no 2 fingerprints are the same. And with the numerous versions of god and their respective religions on the market today, god has already been defined as the smallest particle known or unknown to that which is larger than the universe itself and almost everything in between.

No one can ever agree on the definition of god. And that has been shown time and again here and on other forums by theists of every flavor.

Therefore, we cannot define god, not even the God du jour.
[God]...who has created the entire universe
No one created the universe because there is nothing here; hence there is no centre, and no edge. Something did create the stars however.
it's pretty illogical, since only living, created, beings need such things
Which leads us to the question of what created God. Perhaps he created himself; maybe he willed the soul into existence, but I think not. I think God is simply the 'frontman' for life, and whatever created the soul is still back there. Hence the answer to the question that moron posted of whether it is possible to kill God, I think not. Someone will be looking out for him. Also I think God has not existed forever, because the soul has a reference of time
God is uncreated.

He was not created by another,

and He was not created by himself.

He simply IS.

(God is "outside of" or "beyond" Time/Space)
Lawdog: God is uncreated.

He was not created by another,

and He was not created by himself.

He simply IS.

(God is "outside of" or "beyond" Time/Space)
M*W: In other words, your description of God could simply mean positive energy like electricity in the universe that dwells within us and outside of us, that never dies but only changes. This energy would have be the result of the big bang and has been with 'us' since before the beginning of time. The opposite of God then would be negative energy that sucks us away from positive energy. So, when we die, our bioelectrical circuits shut down. They do not die along with us but return to the greater body from which they came. This would be like the soul. It's what enlivens us.
M W said:
lawdog said:
Lawdog: God is uncreated.

He was not created by another,

and He was not created by himself.

He simply IS.

(God is "outside of" or "beyond" Time/Space)
M*W: In other words, your description of God could simply mean positive energy like electricity in the universe that dwells within us and outside of us, that never dies but only changes. This energy would have be the result of the big bang and has been with 'us' since before the beginning of time. The opposite of God then would be negative energy that sucks us away from positive energy. So, when we die, our bioelectrical circuits shut down. They do not die along with us but return to the greater body from which they came. This would be like the soul. It's what enlivens us.

M*Whow do you see that description of god in what lawdog said?
What exactly is Illogical about Leprechauns and Milkshake waterfalls?

Asking for reasons to not believe in something is opening the door to belief in everything.
What exactly is ILLOGICAL about God and God's existence?

I'll tell you what.


knees are hopeless. they're weak and shitty and just not up to the task at hand.
Ask your grandma about her knees (you might need to put a half a day aside) and see what she says.
What sort of god can't even get knees right?

Oh, and did I mention the appendix?
Dee Cee
God is BEING itself, and God also maintains all BEINGS in EXISTANCE. HE is SPIRIT not Energy, not like "the Force", for that is subordinated physical power. God is personal, for to lack personhood would be an imperfection for an intellectual spirit. He is three persons as One PERFECT BEING. He is also Goodness itself and the source of Goodness, and Beauty, He is Oneness and TRUTH itself that is Truth as BEING. You take away everything that you know in all reality, the TRUTH still remains.
Actually there is nothing illogical about god or gods existence, IF you have proof that he exists. This whole thread is a giant circle.

Like my good friend Satyr said, "What exactly is Illogical about Leprechauns and Milkshake waterfalls?"

Nothing! Simply asking the question itself is illogical without first conclusively proving the existence of said Leprechauns, Milkshake waterfalls, and gods.

Conclusively prove these things, then you can construct an argument for the logic of the thing.
God also maintains all BEINGS in EXISTANCE.

But not their knees.

Almost 5 million people (in the US) visit offices of orthopaedic surgeons each year because of knee problems. More than 3 million of the visits are injury-related; the remaining are due to arthritis and other disorders.


He is three persons as One PERFECT BEING.

Being perfect is a hell of a lot easier when you don't have knees.

You take away everything that you know in all reality, the TRUTH still remains.

And the truth is, god should have stuck with quadrapeds.

Wait a few years young man and you'll know just what I'm talking about...
Dee Cee