According to your warped logic, everybody is an atheist. So why not just say what you believe? Everybody is in atheist. Is anybody supposed to take somebody seriously that claims all people are atheists?
I don't expect a blind-faith believer to take anyone serious that doubts their blind-faith. That would be contrary to their blind-faith and, once other positions are seriously entertained,
blind faith is no longer possible. The continuation of blind-faith, therefore, is evidence that rational thought isn't taken seriously.
That having been said, everybody
is an atheist. Everyone rejects gods of some sort or another (unless they try the intellectually dishonest and non-demonstrable argument that "all of humanities gods are simply the same 'one' god"), making them atheists with regard to those gods. There are thousands of extant and extinct gods invented by human society and yours is but one of these (since there is no evidence that it can be factually elevated above yours).
The difference between you and I is that I take my atheism
one god further and see no good reason to believe in yours either.
But, unlike you, I at least recognize that I can no more disprove the existence of Zeus or Thor than I can Yahweh and I can only tell you that
there almost certainly are no gods based on the available evidence. And that, my friend, is the definition of atheism.
I believe that there almost certainly are no gods. My knowledge of your god, the Gods of Polynesia, the Andean gods, the Mesoamerican gods of 600 years ago, the Greek gods of over 2000 years ago, the Egyptian gods of over 4000 years ago or the Near Eastern gods of 10,000 years ago, is all circumspect in that I realize I cannot
fully test the universe for their existence. This is an
agnostic position in that I realize the limits of knowledge.
There are a number of dillemas that occur when using the incorrect definition of atheism. When defining atheism as those who believe there is no God, these dillemas are not present. When defining atheism as everbody that is not theism, you get multiple dillemas. Including the one that everybody is not theism, and therefore, everybody is atheism.
The grammatical construction of this point is somewhat questionable and leaves much to be desired and citing yourself only compounds the problem.
If you have no gods to which you believe require appeasement, your an atheist. If you believe that there exist one or more gods that require appeasement, you're a theist. Its just that simple.
You might be an agnostic-atheist or an agnostic-theist, that is to say, one who believes there are no gods but realizes the issue cannot be tested; or one that believes there is one or more gods but realizes the issue cannot be tested.
Any more questions?
Citing yourself to demonstrate your point is a circular argument.