What Else Should I Believe In?

As an atheist, I do not feel obligated to spell god with a capital g. To me, god is in the same category as leprachauns, unicorns, et cetera.
Logical fallacy: Non Causa Pro Causa (I suggest you look it up).
"Tend to" is not the same as being contingent upon.

There are atheists who have no belief with regard to the existence or non-existence of the non-material.
I also know atheists who believe fully in the existence of the non-material.

So please explain how these beliefs that you state are contingent in atheism?
true, but they don't define the non material as conscious, hence, "non material" becomes another addition to "material"
true, but they don't define the non material as conscious, hence, "non material" becomes another addition to "material"
You're saying that these people think of non-material as material??

You seem to be arguing for the sake of it, LG.
You obviously have nothing sensible left to say?

If so - please explain this comment of yours so at least the rest of us can grasp what you're trying to say.
Theists quite simply are people who believe in a god(s). I would assume that most of them belong to some kind of religious group. My apologies to the independent god believers if there is such a group, but that's another topic. If you belong to one of the religions that currently has a god(s) as a leader then there is most certainly a long list of other things you must believe in just to stay in the group. Not being of a religious nature I really can't say just how many other things a Xian, Jew or Muslim must believe in. I have a feeling that the lists are quite extensive and that they contain some absolute jaw dropping stuff.

For example, the Xian must also believe in ancient text, angelic creatures with wings, devils that can morph into anything they want while polluting your mind, burning bushes that represent god's voice, god keeping track of your performance, and an assortment of other wondrous things. How many other beliefs must a Xian possess? I'm not sure but I would like to find out, as well as any other religions.

Some of the beliefs one must sustain are probably in the outlandish realm for some of us but it is important to note the extremes to which a religion expects their people to believe. I'm asking for help from the religious intelligencia and perhaps the anti-religious faction that are sure to pounce on some of the more incredible tenets or facts one must adhere to.

I think if there was a complete list of beliefs for each religion it might be easier to understand them. Of course everything is open to scrutiny and debate. Personally I think all religious belief is fairytale so perhaps if I knew everything I should know then I might change my mind or become more convinced that I'm right.

Of course there are offshoot sects of major religions and some of them have some weird and wonderul beliefs also. I think it would be interesting to read every belief and then make a judgement. So I'm looking for contributors, feel free.

Intresting request. I'm Christian, before I was baptized it was required that I understand the extent of my dedication. It was also required that I completely understand Why the bible is the best source and why we as Christians have trust any it.

Faith is trust in God. It's what you call assured trust. Both Trust and Faith must be based on something concrete and proven, otherwise it is blind.

When baptised I knew that the Bible was proven in 5 categories

PsychoticEpisode, there is a wrong way to do everything. However there is only one right way. As result most are thought things about the scriptures, that don't make sense to other parts of the scriptures, or they may have added some new understanding, some still are trapt in tradition and reason why something was done become irrelevant.

I was not taught the bible had contradictions. I was taught to understand the bible seemlessly and to understand it requires study, research and meditation. it requires taking in knowledge of all sorts.

Hope that helps.
I'm Christian, before I was baptized it was required that I understand the extent of my dedication. It was also required that I completely understand Why the bible is the best source and why we as Christians have trust in it.
M*W: The same faction who baptized you also taught you their doctrine. The same thing occurs with every christian church I have ever heard about. A friend of mine has a moderately retarded child. This child has been taught by his Baptist parents that Jesus created him and that's why he was born. When the boy was about 12, he was baptized, but I don't think he has the mental capacity to understand who Jesus was or what the bible says as he has never been able to read. He wanted to go through the ceremony, because that's what his mother/family encouraged. He doesn't understand simple things, so I doubt he understood what was happening. At the baptism, he started screaming in fear that he was being drowned. I just don't understand why this was allowed to go as far as it did. They gave him a certificate of baptism, but all this hoo-ha wasn't anything but show.

My point in telling this story is to show that even the church authorities don't regulate things with sincerity. When I converted to catholicism, I had to study for a year before I could get baptized, and even so, that was my second baptism, the first was Methodist, because of course the RCC wouldn't accept my first baptism. Now I look at all of this is just for show. There is no reality in any of it. It's something to help to brainwash people, and it mean's absolutely nothing!!! It's a lie.

Faith is trust in God. It's what you call assured trust. Both Trust and Faith must be based on something concrete and proven, otherwise it is blind.
M*W: You are right about this, having trust and faith means nothing. It is blindly believing something that isn't there.

When baptised I knew that the Bible was proven in 5 categories
M*W: Can you show us the proof you had before you could be baptized? We'd all like to know what was expected of you as far as what was required. From the list you provide, the bible is not proven in any of these categories. How is it that you could believe the bible stands true in these areas? As I see it, you are simply believing what you are told so you can reach a milestone in your religion which means something to you. It's not real!!!

I was not taught the bible had contradictions. I was taught to understand the bible seemlessly and to understand it requires study, research and meditation. it requires taking in knowledge of all sorts.
M*W: Of course you weren't taught the bible had contradictions! No christian church will teach you the truth! That's what I get so lividly mad about! Innocent people believing in lies! I'm afraid you've only taken in christian knowledge and NOT general knowledge about religion. There is a difference. You gained specific knowledge for a specific purpose -- membership in a church that expects you to donate money. They really don't care about your soul or about your learning the truth.

Sciforums is the greatest place I've ever found to learn the truth. Oh, I've read thousands of books, and bought most of them, but there's no knowledge to be gleaned like what you can gain from others.


it mean's absolutely nothing!!!

faith means nothing

M*W: Of course you weren't taught the bible had contradictions! No christian church will teach you the truth! That's what I get so lividly mad about!

Innocent people believing in lies!

membership in a church that expects you to donate money.

They really don't care about your soul or about your learning the truth.

Sciforums is the greatest place I've ever found to learn the truth. Oh, I've read thousands of books, and bought most of them, but there's no knowledge to be gleaned like what you can gain from others.

You are contentious Medicine Woman. Do you not see it? You are obstinate to religion. I understand why.

I can be litigious at times too but contentiousness coupled with presumptousness creates arrogance. Must I really commit to the record the obvious statement, "You know nothing about me"?

In any case I've recognized that two contentious people will rarely come to any understanding or agreement. I will always listen carefully to your post but forgive me If I not reply to post like the one above.

Consider it my new standard.

P.S. I appreciate your thoughts in the last quote, they were thoughtful and revealing. Learning through others begins in just such a fashion.
As an atheist, I do not feel obligated to spell god with a capital g. To me, god is in the same category as leprachauns, unicorns, et cetera.

True. I'd add elves and spongebobs in the same category. Don't know, however, if Pixies (or is it Pichristies) would fit.
I think the answer to What else should I believe in? is probably an easy one. Believe in limitless possibilities.