What Else Should I Believe In?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Theists quite simply are people who believe in a god(s). I would assume that most of them belong to some kind of religious group. My apologies to the independent god believers if there is such a group, but that's another topic. If you belong to one of the religions that currently has a god(s) as a leader then there is most certainly a long list of other things you must believe in just to stay in the group. Not being of a religious nature I really can't say just how many other things a Xian, Jew or Muslim must believe in. I have a feeling that the lists are quite extensive and that they contain some absolute jaw dropping stuff.

For example, the Xian must also believe in ancient text, angelic creatures with wings, devils that can morph into anything they want while polluting your mind, burning bushes that represent god's voice, god keeping track of your performance, and an assortment of other wondrous things. How many other beliefs must a Xian possess? I'm not sure but I would like to find out, as well as any other religions.

Some of the beliefs one must sustain are probably in the outlandish realm for some of us but it is important to note the extremes to which a religion expects their people to believe. I'm asking for help from the religious intelligencia and perhaps the anti-religious faction that are sure to pounce on some of the more incredible tenets or facts one must adhere to.

I think if there was a complete list of beliefs for each religion it might be easier to understand them. Of course everything is open to scrutiny and debate. Personally I think all religious belief is fairytale so perhaps if I knew everything I should know then I might change my mind or become more convinced that I'm right.

Of course there are offshoot sects of major religions and some of them have some weird and wonderul beliefs also. I think it would be interesting to read every belief and then make a judgement. So I'm looking for contributors, feel free.
Since all religions, apparently, believe that after death we will find out the truth, it doesn't appear to matter what you believe. What you do might well, however, be relevant.
Theists quite simply are people who believe in a god(s). I would assume that most of them belong to some kind of religious group. My apologies to the independent god believers if there is such a group, but that's another topic. If you belong to one of the religions that currently has a god(s) as a leader then there is most certainly a long list of other things you must believe in just to stay in the group. Not being of a religious nature I really can't say just how many other things a Xian, Jew or Muslim must believe in. I have a feeling that the lists are quite extensive and that they contain some absolute jaw dropping stuff.

For example, the Xian must also believe in ancient text, angelic creatures with wings, devils that can morph into anything they want while polluting your mind, burning bushes that represent god's voice, god keeping track of your performance, and an assortment of other wondrous things. How many other beliefs must a Xian possess? I'm not sure but I would like to find out, as well as any other religions.

Some of the beliefs one must sustain are probably in the outlandish realm for some of us but it is important to note the extremes to which a religion expects their people to believe. I'm asking for help from the religious intelligencia and perhaps the anti-religious faction that are sure to pounce on some of the more incredible tenets or facts one must adhere to.

I think if there was a complete list of beliefs for each religion it might be easier to understand them. Of course everything is open to scrutiny and debate. Personally I think all religious belief is fairytale so perhaps if I knew everything I should know then I might change my mind or become more convinced that I'm right.

Of course there are offshoot sects of major religions and some of them have some weird and wonderul beliefs also. I think it would be interesting to read every belief and then make a judgement. So I'm looking for contributors, feel free.

there are also inherent contingent beliefs in atheism - like for instance the belief that consciousness is reducible to matter, abiogenesis, the cessation of the self with the corporeal body etc etc
there are also inherent contingent beliefs in atheism - like for instance the belief that consciousness is reducible to matter, abiogenesis, the cessation of the self with the corporeal body etc etc

That sounds cerebral against believing the sacrifice of an animal appeases a god or eating cow upsets a god or ordinary water becomes holy when a priest blesses it or I should bow facing Mecca. At least the atheists are dealing with the observable universe but hey, why not include the atheists' beliefs?
there are also inherent contingent beliefs in atheism

Incorrect. While you'll find most atheists don't offer much in the way of belief to afterlives and whatnot, they are in no way contingent to atheism.

Sorry to spoil your evening.
Thanks Snake....just thinking that thinking of atheists the way religious people do is just another thing you have to believe in if you want to be religious.

I'm starting to think that most people believe in more things that aren't based on reality than are. It seems as if there is a mountain of things one must also believe in if one believes in a god. WTF? Are we misusing the imagination?
Incorrect. While you'll find most atheists don't offer much in the way of belief to afterlives and whatnot, they are in no way contingent to atheism.

Sorry to spoil your evening.
you have direct perception of abiogenesis, the materially reducible composition of consciousness etc?
That sounds cerebral against believing the sacrifice of an animal appeases a god or eating cow upsets a god or ordinary water becomes holy when a priest blesses it or I should bow facing Mecca. At least the atheists are dealing with the observable universe but hey, why not include the atheists' beliefs?
there are also cerebral renditions of your low brow take of theism
The Roman Catholic church has a set of beliefs. I think they are called dogma, but I am not sure of this term. If you wanted to convert to Catholisim, you would be expected to accept that list of beliefs. There are some implied beliefs (validity of the bible, the infallibility of certain of the pope's decrees, et cetera), but I do not think they are included in the list of dogma.

I suppose that other religions have different lists for potential converts.

BTW: The Society of Friends (commonly called Quakers) have no such list. A convert to this religion is expected to display behavior acceptable to members of the meeting (local church) that he wishes to join.
you have direct perception of abiogenesis, the materially reducible composition of consciousness etc?


You claimed that these beliefs are 'contingent to atheism'. I pointed out that you were wrong, which you are. Why did you give me the above pointless question?

Abiogenesis/consciousness are irrelevant to my lack of belief in gods, (my atheism).

Wake up.
You can believe anything you want to, that is the beauty of thinking... A true belief in God is only trust, you cannot "choose to believe", you either believe or you don´t. There are hypocrites in both sides, and if your heart is sincere, both sides are just as beneficial for the person, both sides have something to teach.

You claimed that these beliefs are 'contingent to atheism'. I pointed out that you were wrong, which you are. Why did you give me the above pointless question?

Abiogenesis/consciousness are irrelevant to my lack of belief in gods, (my atheism).

Wake up.

I see, its just a coincidence that atheists tend to believe that consciousness is a materially reducible phenomena and that life ultimately arose from matter
I see, its just a coincidence that atheists tend to believe that consciousness is a materially reducible phenomena and that life ultimately arose from matter.
Logical fallacy: Non Causa Pro Causa (I suggest you look it up).
"Tend to" is not the same as being contingent upon.

There are atheists who have no belief with regard to the existence or non-existence of the non-material.
I also know atheists who believe fully in the existence of the non-material.

So please explain how these beliefs that you state are contingent in atheism?
God's name is spelled with a capital 'G'.
X does NOT= Christ. His name is NOT abbreviated with an 'X'. :(

We can argue/discuss this for years. The bottom line is you choose where you go when you leave here. My belief is if you want to go to Heaven, then believe in God, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins, resurrected, and is now alive inside you in the form of the Holy Spirit. Read your Bible. Join a good, (preferably non-denominational) church where you'll learn/grow/fellowship. Be a good Christian. It really is that simple. :worship:

Want to go to hell? Reject everything I said above. Except Jews. I think they go to Heaven because they're God's "chosen people." I'm not clear on the whole Jews thing.

I know there are different religions/beliefs. I believe mine are true, but everyone probably thinks the same about theirs. So don't flame me about Hindus or whatever. I'm not here to convert anyone.

Only God knows our final outcome anyway. ;)
God's name is spelled with a capital 'G'.
X does NOT= Christ. His name is NOT abbreviated with an 'X'.

Your god may be called "God", but other peoples' god might not be. Some might be called Timothy. Or Bob.

And X IS a valid abbreviation of Christ - as per "Xmas" - which has been used in religious writings since the 1600s or so, and actually first appeared, it seems, around 1100 CE.

The X is the Greek letter "Chi" - which is the first letter in Christos.
Do some research on it. Internet is such a wonderful place. :D

Apologies if you find it offensive - but perhaps that is your sensitivity and not the fault of others.
God's name is spelled with a capital 'G'.
X does NOT= Christ. His name is NOT abbreviated with an 'X'. :(

We can argue/discuss this for years. The bottom line is you choose where you go when you leave here. My belief is if you want to go to Heaven, then believe in God, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins, resurrected, and is now alive inside you in the form of the Holy Spirit. Read your Bible. Join a good, (preferably non-denominational) church where you'll learn/grow/fellowship. Be a good Christian. It really is that simple. :worship:

Want to go to hell? Reject everything I said above. Except Jews. I think they go to Heaven because they're God's "chosen people." I'm not clear on the whole Jews thing.

I know there are different religions/beliefs. I believe mine are true, but everyone probably thinks the same about theirs. So don't flame me about Hindus or whatever. I'm not here to convert anyone.

Only God knows our final outcome anyway. ;)


You really bring out the evil in me.
I see, its just a coincidence that atheists tend to believe that consciousness is a materially reducible phenomena and that life ultimately arose from matter


Well, Sarkus beat me to it. Enjoy your study.
Atheism seems consistent with various other beliefs such as:
  • Consciousness is due to the activities of the brain and ceases when the brain ceases to function. The belief in a consciousness independent of some material source (artificial or natural) seems very much like believing in the existence of a soul.

  • Abiogenesis. The alternative seems to be some supernatural origin of living creatures. Such an origin seems a bit like a god to me.
I can think of some others, but the above two seem to be almost corollary to an atheist view.

Since my atheist friends are almost all mathematicians, engineers, scientists, et cetera, I hesitate to add some other beliefs to the above two. Perhaps atheists who are not technophiles believe in ESP, alien abductions, Bermuda Triangle phenomena, and other concepts alien to the atheists in my circle of friends.