What does the word (god) mean to you?


Either way, I find it useful to examine why people believe, or more accurately, why people think they believe, in various gods -both now and in the past. Pressures by their societies and cultures, pressures by the elite class, a need for comfort, the desire to live beyond a single, brief existence in the universe, and so on. Not to mention the almost certain physiological explanation for religious thought and experience: a trick of the mind that drives us to seek out patterns in all we do and succumb to pareidolia. Probably all of the many thousands of gods of humanity, past and present, are anthropogenic. We see images of ourselves in clouds, rocks, pancakes, and the sands of Mars (pareidolia), so it's not surprising we see images of ourselves in our gods.

Its strange that you deride tautology as an academic exercise yet allude to it quite extensively
You mean how I quote various religious texts to demonstrate the validity of various religious texts? Right.
You mean how I quote various religious texts to demonstrate the validity of various religious texts? Right.
I knew it. You only aspired to moderator status to infiltrate the religion forum upper levels to promote your closet-theist agenda... Sad.

BTW, it is most likely that god either does or does not exist.
Maybe he is in unstable existance like those man made chemicals at the end of the periodic table.
Yes. Or, as I pointed out in another thread, he is in a state of quantum superposition such that when he is observed, he collapses into a state that is indistinguishable from non-existence. Veeerrrry convenient. Yes. Very convenient indeed...
Who's doing the observing?
Clearly in this case an ordinary person. If a person who has reached a state of complementary superposition by studying and practicing the lessons of oneness "observes" god, then by definition, this person and god can become one with each other without collapsing either wave function.

Clearly in this case an ordinary person. If a person who has reached a state of complementary superposition by studying and practicing the lessons of oneness "observes" god, then by definition, this person and god can become one with each other without collapsing either wave function.


Looks like in the pursuit of cynicism you have just accidently stumbled across the means for refuting Mayavada philosophy.
