What does the word (god) mean to you?


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Registered Senior Member
Please post your religion if so and what you believe the word (god) means.
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Can't see the issue with gender and religion but I will say that god means the topmost form of eternity, knowledge and bliss
This dude thinks it means a universal and all-powerful male figure that created life and the universe itself, sometimes responds to prayer, and is involved in the lives of humans, who he cares about.
gender dont matter but I would like to see what people of different religions and athists believe (god) means.
This dude thinks it means a universal and all-powerful male figure that created life and the universe itself, sometimes responds to prayer, and is involved in the lives of humans, who he cares about.

your defintion is incomplete, since there are other entities that could fit this definition - better to speak for yourself and not others
The word god represents a concept created by man's imagination and lies outside of any factual reality. As with any such fantasy it can be used to describe an unlimited number of interpretations as has been demonstrated throughout recorded history. It has been used to describe an intelligence that controls a particular weather element, or specific aspects of nature, or all of nature, or particular solar bodies, or parts of geography (e.g. the god of the oceans). Pantheists see the whole universe as a god, others see a god as a creator of life or the universe itself. Others see a god as an all encompassing immaterial intelligence, while other see a god as a being who resides in a particular imaginary paradise.

Like any fictional construct a god concept can have almost any interpretation limited only by imagination. As with any competitive endeavor man's imagination will always lead to an ultimate fantasy as we see with the current popular Abrahamic constructs - simply an all-encompassing being with properties that are simply a list of extreme super superlatives.

What we can be quite sure of is that no such man made fantasies are in any sense real.
God is the sentient and intelligent creator that is behind our very existence. Some more rational religious moderates seem embaressed to state this is in fact what it is, and so get more and more vague to cover up their blushes.
God is an entity that exists only if one believes in GOD and wishes GOD to exist. GOD is the most powerfull entity in the universe, GOD in physical universe is anti-chaos and total equality amongst all things in all aspects, what this universe will become soon...

The word god represents a concept created by man's imagination and lies outside of any factual reality.

evidence against this is that religion transcends borders of geography, chronology and culture - kind of difficult to work out why so many people in so many places in so many different eras "imagined" the same thing

As with any such fantasy it can be used to describe an unlimited number of interpretations as has been demonstrated throughout recorded history.

persons who actually study world religion tend to come to different conclusions

It has been used to describe an intelligence that controls a particular weather element, or specific aspects of nature, or all of nature, or particular solar bodies, or parts of geography (e.g. the god of the oceans). Pantheists see the whole universe as a god, others see a god as a creator of life or the universe itself. Others see a god as an all encompassing immaterial intelligence, while other see a god as a being who resides in a particular imaginary paradise.

haven't established the premises behind your opinion - ie why do you think so

Like any fictional construct a god concept can have almost any interpretation limited only by imagination. As with any competitive endeavor man's imagination will always lead to an ultimate fantasy as we see with the current popular Abrahamic constructs - simply an all-encompassing being with properties that are simply a list of extreme super superlatives.

doesn't escape the tautological argument that this tendency to catergorize something as ideal within all societies indicates that such a thing actually exists

What we can be quite sure of is that no such man made fantasies are in any sense real.

why? on the strength of your opinions?
God is the sentient and intelligent creator that is behind our very existence. Some more rational religious moderates seem embaressed to state this is in fact what it is, and so get more and more vague to cover up their blushes.

I would agree with this

God is an entity that exists only if one believes in GOD and wishes GOD to exist.
this .....

GOD is the most powerfull entity in the universe, GOD in physical universe is anti-chaos and total equality amongst all things in all aspects, what this universe will become soon...

and this contradict each other
god is the reason that in SCIFORUMS the 'religion' sub-forum has 178,000 posts, second only to 'free-thought', and is ranked third in threads.

evidence against this is that religion transcends borders of geography, chronology and culture - kind of difficult to work out why so many people in so many places in so many different eras "imagined" the same thing
You jest surely? The evidence is that every culture developed their own imaginative vaiations, that’s why we have thousands of different religions cults and sects, because there is no common theme, apart from human imagination.

“ As with any such fantasy it can be used to describe an unlimited number of interpretations as has been demonstrated throughout recorded history. ”

persons who actually study world religion tend to come to different conclusions
Other than human imagination? Such as? And you have evidence and facts, right?

haven't established the premises behind your opinion - ie why do you think so
What opinion? I was stating simple facts.

doesn't escape the tautological argument that this tendency to catergorize something as ideal within all societies indicates that such a thing actually exists
Again you jest with such BS, surely? The commonality is human imagination which certainly does exist. Show an a credible alternative.

“ What we can be quite sure of is that no such man made fantasies are in any sense real. ”

why? on the strength of your opinions?
No of course not; just merely the obviously childishly simple issue of credibility.
The commonality is human imagination which certainly does exist. Show an a credible alternative.

The commonality is the human experience. Denying God is tantamount to ignoring the elephant in the room. Oh, proof.....hmmmmm, errrr......... credible proof ...... ehhh..........Everything around us? oh! that's right! science explains that! oh, wait there is that problem....... where it came from! oh, well that'll it work itself out. And when we figure it out, and we will, what will be said then?
You Are Gods

"It is only through the psyche that we can distinguish whether God and the unconscious are two different entities. Both are border line concepts for the transcendental contents. But empirically it can be established, with suffient degree of probability, that there is in the unconscious an archetype of wholeness which manifests itself spontaneously in dreams, etc, and a tendency, independent of the conscious will, to relate to other archetypes to this centre. Consequently, it does not seem improbable that the archetype produces a symbolism which has always been characterised and expressed the Deity.... The God-image does not coincide with the unconscious as such, but with a special content of it, namely the archetype of the Self. It is this archetype from which we can no longer distinguish the God-image empirically."

Psychology and Religion: West and East - Carl Jung

"I am the one who comes from what is whole. I was given from the things of my father. For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.

Whoever has ears to hear should hear. There is light within a man of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine it is darkness."

Jesus – Gospel of Thomas

“They have not known, and they do not understand;

In darkness they keep walking about;

All the foundations of the earth are made to totter.

I myself have said, 'You are gods,

And all of you are sons of the Most High.”

Psalms 82:5
"I displayed to you many fine works from the Father. For which of those works are you stoning me?" The Jews answered him: "We are stoning you, not for a fine work, but for blasphemy, even because you, although being a man, make yourself a god." Jesus answered them : "Is it not written in your Law, `I said: "You are gods"'?

Hermes: Hush, son! and understand what God, what Cosmos is, what is a life that cannot die, and what a life subject to dissolution.

Yea, understand the Cosmos is by God and in God; but Man by Cosmos and in Cosmos.

The source and limit and the constitution of all things is God.
Corpus Hemeticum


The commonality is the human experience.
Of what? We all like answers to things that are not explainable and when we can’t find a real answer we tend to imagine one. That is human nature around the world and for all time.

Denying God is tantamount to ignoring the elephant in the room.
BS. Then show me the elephant.

Oh, proof.....hmmmmm, errrr......... credible proof ...... ehhh..........Everything around us?
And the connection between everything around us and the fantasy of a god is? And the proof of the connection is?

Come on, you have to do some work here.

oh! that's right! science explains that!
Explains what? It doesn’t matter what science explains. The point is there is absolutely nothing that indicates a god might exist, or needs to exist – the idea is pure fantasy.

oh, wait there is that problem....... where it came from!
Why is that a problem? Why does anything have to come from anywhere?

oh, well that'll it work itself out.
It will? Why care?

And when we figure it out, and we will, what will be said then?
And your point is?

"It is only through the psyche that we can distinguish whether God and the unconscious are two different entities. Both are border line concepts for the transcendental contents. But empirically it can be established, with suffient degree of probability, that there is in the unconscious an archetype of wholeness which manifests itself spontaneously in dreams, etc, and a tendency, independent of the conscious will, to relate to other archetypes to this centre. Consequently, it does not seem improbable that the archetype produces a symbolism which has always been characterised and expressed the Deity.... The God-image does not coincide with the unconscious as such, but with a special content of it, namely the archetype of the Self. It is this archetype from which we can no longer distinguish the God-image empirically."

Psychology and Religion: West and East - Carl Jung
Wonderful poetic gibberish.

"I am the one who comes from what is whole. I was given from the things of my father. For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.

Whoever has ears to hear should hear. There is light within a man of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine it is darkness."

Jesus – Gospel of Thomas
More wonderful gibberish written by experienced mythmakers assigning a saying to another mythical character.

“They have not known, and they do not understand;
In darkness they keep walking about;
All the foundations of the earth are made to totter.
I myself have said, 'You are gods,
And all of you are sons of the Most High.”

Psalms 82:5
What might this mean? Oh right just more religious gibberish.

"I displayed to you many fine works from the Father. For which of those works are you stoning me?" The Jews answered him: "We are stoning you, not for a fine work, but for blasphemy, even because you, although being a man, make yourself a god." Jesus answered them : "Is it not written in your Law, `I said: "You are gods"'?
And this piece of fiction is relevant because?

Hermes: Hush, son! and understand what God, what Cosmos is, what is a life that cannot die, and what a life subject to dissolution.

Yea, understand the Cosmos is by God and in God; but Man by Cosmos and in Cosmos.

The source and limit and the constitution of all things is God.
Corpus Hemeticum
So will you be quoting anything factual and potentially useful anytime soon?


“ evidence against this is that religion transcends borders of geography, chronology and culture - kind of difficult to work out why so many people in so many places in so many different eras "imagined" the same thing ”

You jest surely? The evidence is that every culture developed their own imaginative vaiations,

just as we have many variations of names for things like water, trees, man woman etc

that’s why we have thousands of different religions cults and sects, because there is no common theme, apart from human imagination.
but why the imagination of some transcendent realm that is very similar accross the board and a means to connect to it that is very similar accross the board?

“ “ As with any such fantasy it can be used to describe an unlimited number of interpretations as has been demonstrated throughout recorded history. ”

persons who actually study world religion tend to come to different conclusions ”

Other than human imagination? Such as? And you have evidence and facts, right?

Its not uncommon for persons innvolved in such studied to come accross similar threads

here is one such view


“ haven't established the premises behind your opinion - ie why do you think so ”

What opinion? I was stating simple facts.

You gave an opinion (Religion is an imagination) and didn't say why.

“ doesn't escape the tautological argument that this tendency to catergorize something as ideal within all societies indicates that such a thing actually exists ”

Again you jest with such BS, surely? The commonality is human imagination which certainly does exist. Show an a credible alternative.
In short, the tautological argument is that the large percentage of people's minds are designed in very specific ways to interact with this world and it doesn't appear to be co-incidence - like for instance we experience a need for water, and water exists, we experience a need for love and affection from others, and that also exists - so if large numbers of people are experiencing a need for god, it must indicate that there is something to fulfill that need since we don't have experience of any general desire manifest on an international communal level that this world does not have the capacity to fulfill.

“ “ What we can be quite sure of is that no such man made fantasies are in any sense real. ”

why? on the strength of your opinions? ”

No of course not; just merely the obviously childishly simple issue of credibility.

you don't state who's credibility - in other words who's authority
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