What does Religion create.....

nova900 said:
Here's a few verses:
Just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!
Lot's more what that came from.
But hey like Godless said..."we took it out of context"...if that's the case then maybe when we read the good and sweet stuff that's in the bible we are also taking it 'out of context' and it means just the opposite.

And again, as in my part of your quote, I say this is just god's fury. And yes, anything that depicts god telling others to be mean is taken out of context. I do believe you have to keep up with a conversation in order to join one. He had already given me these quotes in a link, and I replied.

I do believe you have to read a more original version to get the real meaning of Ezekiel(unfortunately that's taken out of context.) It's stating that the evil will come and kill those that have been doing wicked things in their lives.
Perishiko said:
It's stating that the evil will come and kill those that have been doing wicked things in their lives.

Yes, and in the case of the god as depicted in the bible...he is the evil!