What does it mean to be Covariant?

And as Guest has pointed out you have once again included a suspiciously spurious comment in your 'demonstration of understanding' which is both at odds with what it refers to and is completely out of place in the post as a whole. Can you tell us what he's referring to?

Hows it out of place? How is it spurious, explain how it's spurious? I know what is meant by it, so..?

Secondly, this is not what this thread is about; before I was accused for lying by yourself and guest, I have shown consistently to know what a frikken Hilbert Space is. It's not my fault you cannot back up your claims.
Hows it out of place? How is it spurious, explain how it's spurious? I know what is meant by it, so..?
Really? Go on, I'll give you another chance....

before I was accused for lying by yourself and guest, I have shown consistently to know what a frikken Hilbert Space is. It's not my fault you cannot back up your claims.
Here you confused states and operators. You also fail to understand what properties trivially follow from a Hilbert space. Nowhere have I seen you show a working understanding of what a Hilbert space is, so the evidence is you consistently have shown you don't. Its not my fault you can't back up your claims. I keep giving you the opportunity, like giving you a chance to alter what Guest has quoted you saying, but you never step up.
I have shown consistently to know what a frikken Hilbert Space is. It's not my fault you cannot back up your claims.
On the contrary. You've demonstrated that you lack even the understanding needed to paraphrase meaningfully! But please, continue to prove my point...
The finite norm is defined as:

$$<\psi|\psi>= \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} |C_n|^2= ||\psi||^2$$

on the $$\ell$$ finite dimensional space.
What does this mean?
Don't patronize me, I am quite aware of what a Hilbert Space is.
You really don't. Not more than a week or two ago, you didn't even know set builder notation, nor how to delimit simple intervals on the real line. I cannot even remember when I was taught the latter, but I believe the former was taught in maths class as the very first thing in my first year in high school (gymnasium). 3 years before I went to university. Where Hilbert spaces was 2nd year material.

I flat out refuse to believe that you picked up the 3 or 4 years of mathematical training you need to get to Hilbert spaces from your current (rudimentary) proficiency level in less than two weeks. It's impossible.

So you're simply lying. Again. And because we know that you don't know, that means that your post on the definition of Hilbert spaces is by necessity garbled plagiarism. Again. And to top it off, you even have the gall to report others for calling you out!

I predict that you're not long for this forum.
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I did put up: You said I lied about knowing what a Hilbert Space was, but my post above contradicts that statement.
No, it doesn't.

It's perfectly obvious from that post that you don't know what a Hilbert space is: You didn't even explain the two operative terms in the definition: complete space, and inner product space. It degenerates into trivialities and nonsense from there.

As has been pointed out numerous times: You're a fraud. You borrow the terminology and pretensions of science, but everything you post is devoid of understanding or insight.
Hows it out of place? How is it spurious, explain how it's spurious? I know what is meant by it, so..?
Look again:
The finite norm is defined as:

$$<\psi|\psi>= \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} |C_n|^2= ||\psi||^2$$

on the $$\ell$$ finite dimensional space.
There's something in this sentence that's very strange if one is familiar with the notation and nomenclature. What is it?
Secondly, this is not what this thread is about; before I was accused for lying by yourself and guest, I have shown consistently to know what a frikken Hilbert Space is. It's not my fault you cannot back up your claims.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Sometimes the best defense is retreat. You're being massacred and rather than live to fight another day, you continue throwing pointy sticks at the advancing tanks.
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Perhaps you could explain what $$\langle \psi | \psi \rangle$$ actually is?

I wonder what I was talking about.

I was speaking about the norm of a vector wasn't I? By memory I can say that you define the definate norm as $$||\psi||=^{def} <\psi|\psi>^{\frac{1}{2}}$$ Which is the positive square root of the positive $$||\psi||$$ side. I'm not aware of what is wrong with this?
I wonder what I was talking about.

I was speaking about the norm of a vector wasn't I? By memory I can say that you define the definate norm as $$||\psi||=^{def} <\psi|\psi>^{\frac{1}{2}}$$ Which is the positive square root of the positive $$||\psi||$$ side. I'm not aware of what is wrong with this?

For instance, I assume these things are well-known, or atleast I hope because I have committed it to memory.

For example, knowing such relationships to the probability amplitudes, you can state that $$|\psi>=a-ib$$ and $$<\psi|=a+ib$$ where $$<\psi|\psi>=a^2+b^2$$ making a real positive number.
For example, knowing such relationships to the probability amplitudes, you can state that $$|\psi>=a-ib$$ and $$<\psi|=a+ib$$ where $$<\psi|\psi>=a^2+b^2$$ making a real positive number.

Ok, that's a good effort. Some slight misunderstandings though; $$| \psi \rangle$$ and $$\langle \psi |$$ are, as you imply, vectors (or to be sightly more pedantic since they abstract as opposed to "real" vectors like force - they are elements of a vector space) and you seems to have equated them to the complex numbers $$a \pm i b$$. Can you please explain what you mean?

Maybe it would be enlightening if you wrote down $$\langle \psi | \psi \rangle$$ in the language of wave mechanics. That way it's pretty clear what you are physically talking about.
Ok, that's a good effort. Some slight misunderstandings though; $$| \psi \rangle$$ and $$\langle \psi |$$ are, as you imply, vectors (or to be sightly more pedantic since they abstract as opposed to "real" vectors like force - they are elements of a vector space) and you seems to have equated them to the complex numbers $$a \pm i b$$. Can you please explain what you mean?

Maybe it would be enlightening if you wrote down $$\langle \psi | \psi \rangle$$ in the language of wave mechanics. That way it's pretty clear what you are physically talking about.

That was just an example, I never thought about expressing it any other way. As for wave mechanics, what did you have in mind? I thought maybe $$|\psi>=exp(-ipx)$$ would suffice, or maybe $$|\psi>=e^{i(kx-\omega t)}$$ for a wave mechanical approach?
Can you please explain what you mean?
GD has read the definition of $$\langle \psi | = (|\psi\rangle)^{\dag}$$, ie the "Take its conjugate" definition, and in an attempt to look like he knows what he's doing he's go to the only bit of complex analysis he knows and done the $$zz* = |z|^{2}$$ formula, probably motivated by the mention of amplitude in the explanation of wave function norms. Hence why he seems to be mixing things up, equating a complex amplitude with a state.

That was just an example, I never thought about expressing it any other way.
What an odd thing to say, since if you'd read books or lecture notes on this stuff you'd have been people do things differently.