What does God want?

I have a modest opinion of the "creator". At best, if he existed, he might have been playing with toys that already existed. If you could show that he existed, that would be all you were showing.
Its always quaint when the toys within the most provincial sectors of toy factory talk about "the big picture".

I mean if you start relegating the universe to some cheap facsimile of the "big stuff" (drawing a parallel to orchestrating its operation to a toy workshop), you have already relegated the real estate of your soap box behind quite a large 8-ball when you start to talk on such matters.
Its always quaint when the toys within the most provincial sectors of toy factory talk about "the big picture".

You think it is quaint and so do I.

I see the theist as mere toys speculating upon who built the factory and even speculating upon his family and how said factory owner caused his Son suffering to overcome the problems those toys apparently created by ignoring some rule the factory owner had in place.

What a bat shit crazy story the theist toys tell.

The made up fantasy is so very tiresome and yet it is the only story a theist toy has read... failing to look to other works that show their story is not even a good story or relevant to anything other than the fantacy that it is.

Certainly the toys know nothing yet as toys do speculate about factory owners.

They actually have never seen a factory owner and it seems they may have even invented his Son selecting some living person from times that prohibit investigation.

But wait.. for humans there is no factory or evidence that a factory owner is real yet they continue to speculate that there is one who talks to the toys on occassion.

Dont you love fantasy..I guess many love fantasy given the number of theists determined to create and promote fantasy.

There is no Santa, there is no easter bunny, and perhaps there is no God... unless he can be evidenced by more than the wishful thinking of toys and men..
Its always quaint when the toys within the most provincial sectors of toy factory talk about "the big picture".
I'm not talking about any big picture.

I mean if you start relegating the universe to some cheap facsimile...,
I'm not. I'm saying that IF a god exists, there's no reason to think he's not just an alien life-form, a biological, playing with the same building blocks and laws of nature as we are.
I'm not talking about any big picture.
The universe, the context of the universe and God seem pretty big.

I'm not. I'm saying that IF a god exists, there's no reason to think he's not just an alien life-form, a biological, playing with the same building blocks and laws of nature as we are.
You mean like, aside from scriptural references explaining how the building blocks and laws of nature exist in a relationship of contingency with God, I assume?
The universe, the context of the universe and God seem pretty big.
I'm not talking about the universe. I'm talking about your god playing with his toys.

You mean like, aside from scriptural references explaining how the building blocks and laws of nature exist in a relationship of contingency with God, I assume?
Feel free to quote those verses. Also feel free to explain why something some goober wrote thousands of years ago should be taken seriously.
Ask why do we even stop for a moment to consider if there is a God.

There is only one reason we stop to ask...we only become interested because we encounter some fool posting about God..the posts never start with any proof of God or evidence of God, which tells the story right there..no proof ..please shut up and go away...no proof it is a delusion..please shut up and go away...all the talk and waffle may insulate your delusion from reality but you demonstrate only stupidity to a rational human.
The theist comes here and discusses God as if it was real and we get sucked into their foolish delusion.
The only way they can maintain God is fanciful chat about this or that attribute and we get sucked in chatting about features of a non existent madd up character.
Your intelect is minimal and not able to construct a moral platform without reference to bronze age instruction..from a good book which we could call "How to be immoral armed with bronze age instruction".. .does such reliance on bronze age instruction not indicate just how wacked your thinking can be...there is no God and no matter how hard you wish the fact remains that there is no God..but dont let me destroy your fantasy find some hint of God in your made up book and armed with that go suck your thumb and rub your blanket you delussional bing bats.

Stop pretending ...be honest be real...have the gutz to face reality without inventing an invisable impotent friend who will fry you for eternity if you dont suck up...your stupidity is painful.

But please if you are a theist dont take this personaly your stupidity is not entirely your fault but to continue the fantasy will be your fault.
There is no evidence of God because there is no God is that so difficult to understand.
I'm not talking about the universe. I'm talking about your god playing with his toys.
Well then you are either not talking about God or you are not talking about His toys.

Feel free to quote those verses. Also feel free to explain why something some goober wrote thousands of years ago should be taken seriously.
Well if you are not prepared to discuss God according to scriptural definitions, its probably best if you just listen to looped triumphant kazoo music rather than make the pretense of engaging in discussion on these topics.

If you are not prepared to discuss God, even as a theoretical subject for the sake of argument, it's not clear why one would bother to even put in a token appearance in a thread like this.
Yes, I need to hear your quotes before I can compare them to reality. Roll 'em out.

If you are not prepared to discuss God, even as a theoretical subject for the sake of argument, it's not clear why one would bother to even put in a token appearance in a thread like this.

Just go back to the kazoo music.
If you are not prepared to discuss God, even as a theoretical subject
I am. Do you understand what theoretical means? If you're discounting any connection to reality, then you're talking about speculation, not theory.