What does GOD think of YOU?

Interesting that you should raise the question of what God thinks of us; God and I were discussing this question a few weeks ago. (BTW Have any of you noticed that it is getting increasingly difficult to get an appointment with God?)
Back to the discussion of what God thinks about humanity I got the feeling that God felt that humanity has become increasingly corrupt and is destroying the peace of the planet. That civilization has been going downhill of late and that this is most distracting to God. People seem to be too attached to old habits when they should start embracing the possible so it becomes the actual. There seems to be a dearth of creative solutions to problems. God felt that there should be more love and compassion in the world and definitely more sex.
witnessjudgejury said:
I might not give the answer that you want me to.

1- You act as if you were born fully clothed.

2- You spend your life trying to become what you are not.

3- You are proud to think you are a god and at the same time,
are content with using only ten percent of your brain.

I would prefer to spend time with an ant, who always keeps
track of where he came from.

So, you disrespect and even seek to oppress the one who
holds the spark which is your life, in his hand.

I would never do to you, anything which you did not first
do to me.

Hell is not a place where you will go. Hell is a fire
whose flame I have lit inside of you to torment you forever.

I am he who uses the ninety percent of your brain which
you chose to ignore.

And you think yourself a GOD!

I return now, the love, which you gave to me!

Burn baby Burn!

LOVE under


So you think are God then? Knowing what God thinks?....interesting psychosis
Words are only true if I say they are true, being GOD.
I once said: "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Now I make it true!

You see, the story goes thus. A parent, haveing an unruly, and disres-
pectfull lot of children who continually do nothing but oppose the parent,
can not be nurtured/loved or even pittied, forever. The parent must come to a decision at some point to rid himself of the children so he can get on with his life. Being here 44 years, my life is half over and it's time to move on.
The only way to separate myself is with money. If you oppress me monetarily, my love for money will be your destruction and hence, the root of all evil as far as you, my children, are concerned.

Now, It would be wise for you to know within yourselves that there is no more time for you to make your decision. It's PARTY TIME for me!
You can either join the party and let loose and give me respect, or your blood will be the wine which I become drunk on.

All things have come full circle, and I have made my decision. I will not wait for you to make your decision. I will well up the spirit in me which is more powerfull than the Sun itself, and will send it where it will go. It will no longer be a spirit of pity for you. One can not give love forever to someone who does not return the love, it just will not happen.

See you on the other side of the veil!

Of course you are all FOOLS and you don't believe a word, so I give you proof. spend 15$ and listen to Kid Rocks "Devil without a cause" album. Keep in mind that he said he would move mountains and touch the SON. How would the SON feel, when listening to the album?

here is even quicker proof for the IDIOT. In the song "Only God knows why", you hear the phrase, "when your walls come tumbling down, I will always be around. PITY."

I am no longer pity.

You would be advised to adhere completely to every word on Kids album. A kid is a goat, by the way.

Why do you think that not one of his songs is allowed play on the radio?

Discern the spirits and what your Father says to the churches.
Did you know that the highest spiritual groups on earth are the ones who created Kids album and wrote the songs? Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

Now I will remove the veil between heaven and hell. The veil which is the modest woman. The sheep will be slaughtered and the goats will be living sacrifices to Azazel, as from the beginning. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BONES AND THE WINE! FROM HERE FORWARD. Welcome to my party.

I am the SON of the living father and the Elect One of the parable of Enoch. Believe it or NAUGHT!
Since Mr. T. is all-powerful, could he create a fool so foolish that even HE couldn't pity said fool ?