What does God do?

Btw I consider Yazata's first post on this page(where'd post numbers go?) to be the most succulent answer to this thread. I applaud his calmness and eloquence. I wish I had half of either. The rest of the discussions branch out into interesting topics that don't quite pool back into the OP.
But that's what we think he should do - and I agree. But he is not doing that

If He's not doing what we want Him to do, and we can't stop Him from doing what we don't want Him to do, what difference does it make what He does?
what difference does it make what He does?
Not a scrap but the original post asked what he is doing now and we only have one item on the list which used to be recognised on dodge legal Insurance documents

Apparently the lack of MORE on on the list does not seem concerning to theist

I would contend lack of a mile long list, while not proof, is indicative of a god who does zilch

No sign of my flock of flying horses

only have one item on the list
Look to be fair its more than one item.

Acts of God is the heading for a group of various disasters from flooding to earthquakes so we can say there should be more than one item on the list.

However it must raise concern that the theists here are unable to contribute to our list.

After all they presumably grow up in a house hold where they are told about God on a daily basis and experience an environment where learning about God is central to their existence...and that is before they even get to go to school which no doubt would be a school selected by their parents because of that schools religious outlook.

You could think that in all those years of exposure to what God is all about then the aspect of what God does may have been addressed.

Apparently not.

Too busy coverring his expectations I expect.

But it seems nothing in the way of outlining Gods current activities...at least theists here are clearly stumpped by the question.

But thinking about how a theist may have been raised and educated certainly makes one realise that they never were given the opportunity to think that they were being brain washed first and educated second.

So with little opportunity to think and being constantly fed a diet of made up stuff is it little wonder none stoped and wondered "what does God actually do?"...

It is reasonable to imagine that their focus was upon learning the scriptures such that thinking was not given time or opportunity.

A friend turned theists ( he found God by looking at a tree and concluding "who else but God could create such a thing"☺, whilst trying to explain his warm and fuzzy feeling, told me that God is evidenced by the number of churches that he builds...well yes that and the tree thing make a case that is hard to argue with...would you argue with someone like that or just nod and say...really.

So maybe we could add building churches to the list?

But if God is building all these churches, which all call "a house of God" one must wonder just how many houses does this God need?

Certainly he seems to entertain a lot...parties on the weekend but he seems to be away during the week.

So for a God that supposedly loves his pet humans his preoccupation with building himself houses and dishing out disasters that kill thousands does not seem at all consistent.

Inconsistency is a thread running through all this God stuff but fortunately the theist is able to make sence of all of it...no doubt God must help here ...who else could could manage all these inconsistencies and leave the mind of the theist comfortable with the various things that dont add up.

I am surprised that no one has not answered the op...what does God do? with..."whatever he pleases" that would make sence.

And after creation and writting out his notes for Moses perhaps he has now choosen retirement and to do nothing....other than the occassional disaster and the church building hobby he can take it pretty easy.

No doubt he keeps on putting off judgement day because really that is just more God work and for now the occassional disaster keeps him ready for that day.

Look to be fair its more than one item.

Acts of God is the heading for a group of various disasters from flooding to earthquakes so we can say there should be more than one item on the list.

Sure, so the HEADING is disasters under which we add disasters and happenings where someone says "Well I never thought that would happen"

That of course makes the list open ended but OK can live with "DISASTERS - Various unthinkable - descriptions pending"

Bit sloppy but OK now the list is getting somewhere

And Alex has provided another item

After all they presumably grow up in a house hold where they are told about God on a daily basis
constantly fed

Got it yet???

Prayers at the table

"Give us our daily bread"

He's a Master Baker - (Thanks Two and a half Men and Courtney Thorne-Smith)

So I guess any family who has a sandwich a day counts

Heading BREAD - Various types (1 serving per family member per day)

That's a few more thousand on the list

Breakfast time here. Don't count me though

Empiricism is an idea. But not just an idea since it justifies itself with results.
It was more about your idea that anything outside empiricism is an idea ( the notion that empiricism tallies with reality is not something you can test empirically, while rrue, is not the point I was focusing on)
Just searched out of curiosity: "God is".

Out of curiosity I looked

Don't think quite the same as Jan's (could be wrong)

Jan I think delivers a more emphatic statement with his pronouncement

The link follows with a number of dots which normally means more to come and possibly a list of options

Either way both responses remain crap so far as I am concerned

What does god do? Well, god is trying to get into heaven. He or she needs to get a certain percentage of beings on a planet of his(or her) creation to love him unquestionably. Us humans on the other hand are just pawns in the game. Im guessing our creator has already met his quota and we are on our own at this point.
What does god do? Well, god is trying to get into heaven. He or she needs to get a certain percentage of beings on a planet of his(or her) creation to love him unquestionably. Us humans on the other hand are just pawns in the game. Im guessing our creator has already met his quota and we are on our own at this point.
And you know this because????

Please go ahead and tell me why anything you set out is anthing more than mere unsupported opinion or that your statement is simply not just made up wishful thinking..if you are certain you must have a reason that we could find plausible.

So lets have it...what have you got?

One the one hand we get "we cant know the mind of God and in the same breath we get a detailed account of how humans have an intimate relationship with God such that he plays an active but undemonstratable role in the life of humans.

Is his absence not evidence well firtly of his absence but secondly that he simy is not there at all or ever was.

Now this heaven you talk about upon what basis do you claim that such a "state" or place exists..have you been there????? or do you rely upon an account from a reliable witness who has been there and returned with some sort of account or description.

In fact do you know of anyone in this era or one passed who has been there and told of the visit?

Well of course not! or it would be news even if such a visit took place thousands of years ago.

Its made up and will forever remain so ....and feel free to show how I may be wrong with more than just made up wishful unsupprted fanciful notions.

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Didn't someone write down in Gen 1
.... and god created the heavens and Earth... or words to that effect

Lord knows where god was living before he created heaven.

So, he's trying to get into his own heaven?

What - he created it, then went outside to get the paper and the door locked behind him?

Hey, that's it! THAT's why we always see him wearing a house robe!