What do you value the most?

What do you value the most of these options?

  • Christianity - Love

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Christianity - Peace on earth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christianity - Living a long life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christianity - Joy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christianity - Being respected

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Atheism - Love

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Atheism - Peace on earth

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Atheism - Living a long life

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Atheism - Joy

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Atheism - Being respected

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
As well you should ... and what one will see is "a testament to the fact that one can be rabid and irrational without being a theist." Thanks.
You for some reason think that if there was no religion on Earth, that there would be as much violence/war? Why?
I would have expected more christians to post...

You for some reason think that if there was no religion on Earth, that there would be as much violence/war? Why?

Wars are started for silly reasons sometimes...(how about different oppinions, I'm sure oppinions have started alot of wars, and you should also get rid of all the people that are different, since different people just don't match sometimes).

Sometimes we (=all) just miss the point...
Yes and reigion is just one of those different opinions. Notice the lack of stability in countries around the world that are deeply religious...

For example, I honestly think the Iraq war would never have happened if America was as secular as some other parts of the world.
Respect (atheism). A life where people do not respect me, nor others, wouldn't be fun. Everyone needs respect in order too have fun.
KennyJC said:
Yes and reigion is just one of those different opinions. Notice the lack of stability in countries around the world that are deeply religious...
Do you really think religion is the one factor there? It could play a role, but people don't kill eachother because of different religions, there's something else, other kind of conflicts and "he killed those, now I'm gonna kill those!". They are not fighting for peace. I don't know, maybe they forgot what they started to fight about in the first place (which was probably settled eons ago :) ).

For example, I honestly think the Iraq war would never have happened if America was as secular as some other parts of the world.
Was the Iraq war for religious reasons? Sure Bush might have expressed a wish that God be with America...but is that the reason?
Was the Iraq war for religious reasons? Sure Bush might have expressed a wish that God be with America...but is that the reason?

It wasn't for religious reasons, despite the fact Bush said God told him to do it. But with the religious nature of the US they always feel like what they want to do is the right thing which is why support for the war was so great. Secular Europe was dead against it. The citizens of Britain gave Blair hell for going ahead with it. But no, Christian do-goody-good morals in America were all in favour of it.

Religion may not always be directly the cause, but it is the pushing driving force. As the world becomes more secular, conflict will decline.
cyperium said:
Do you really think religion is the one factor there? It could play a role, but people don't kill each other because of different religions,
unfortuenately they do 99% of the time as they have no respect for ones right to live, they think theres an after life dont they, if they had the grey matter to realise that this is a mans one and only chance for a life, they would not kill him, but after all they are only following by example, if there god can wipe out a world of people, what should it matter to them to kill one
cyperium said:
there's something else, other kind of conflicts and "he killed those, now I'm gonna kill those!".
yes like our god allah says we must kill the unbeliever, and those who do not worship the one god allah and the christian god say, go forth and destroy, Deuteronomy " Kill everyone who has religious beliefs that are different from your own." 17:2-7
KennyJC said:
It wasn't for religious reasons, despite the fact Bush said God told him to do it. But with the religious nature of the US they always feel like what they want to do is the right thing which is why support for the war was so great. Secular Europe was dead against it. The citizens of Britain gave Blair hell for going ahead with it. But no, Christian do-goody-good morals in America were all in favour of it.

Religion may not always be directly the cause, but it is the pushing driving force. As the world becomes more secular, conflict will decline.
The do-goody-good reason as you call it is not the reason to my understanding, I would rather say that Bush wanted to be remembered as a hero, not unlike the scenarios made in your movies...should we call it "the American pride?".

To say that it is Christian "do-goody-good" just don't hold it, it's simply a grasp for straws...or if anything, Christianity in your country is making wrong moves and need to shape up, the rest of the christian world actually still believes in peace, compassion, understanding, love and other things that seem so natural for us, and I really do believe that it feels natural for you too, but people are too action-wanting in America, it wouldn't surprise me if many really wanted that war just so something would happen and America would get even more pride to it's status...not that I'm accusing though...
Bush aint Christian, he and dad etc are Luciferians!....does this mean i am saying that if he WAS Christian that'd be a good thang?...am i HELL. they're bost as fukin bad as each other. the BANE of this Earth
geeser said:
unfortuenately they do 99% of the time as they have no respect for ones right to live, they think theres an after life dont they, if they had the grey matter to realise that this is a mans one and only chance for a life, they would not kill him, but after all they are only following by example, if there god can wipe out a world of people, what should it matter to them to kill one yes like our god allah says we must kill the unbeliever, and those who do not worship the one god allah and the christian god say, go forth and destroy, Deuteronomy " Kill everyone who has religious beliefs that are different from your own." 17:2-7
Ok, let me put it this way, religion in itself doesn't kill people (people kill people (ever heard that before?)), honestly, if people followed the law and followed the very widespread knowledge called "right and wrong" then there would be less problems in the world, unfortunatly people get it wrong...and do wrong! In Deuteronomy, what was the context (I'm going to look it up myself, just not right now...but) if you know the context or have it easily available, could you post it? Have a feeling that it could be a single command at a certain situation...

Also, could you bring the context or passage where God said "go forth and destroy", was this tied to a general command or was it a command based on the situation?

However, and nevertheless, most people don't kill because of religion...(and if you imply that 99% that do kill, kill because of religion, then think of the possibility that many of them have religion as a excuse for their own desires, then we have the extremists, which are not really a guideline in religion but rather a side-effect of the human nature to exaggerate and put forth what should be done in ages), many of the extremists however, are *very* desperate, many (probably nearly all) have lost relatives and friends through unnatural means, death is to them very near, hiding just behind the corner, it is not such a ridiculous statement that at such conditions sacrifice their own life for the conception that there may come an end to the suffering of their people and the promise to have eternal life. I don't support them, but can easily understand why such a thing could happen - also remember that we haven't given the third world any status whatsoever (ok, "the third world" - a fitting description of how close we feel that we are to them), we give them food through different help-organisations and we give them charity, but what happened to the respect? We should stop for a second and think about what we are doing!

Don't you think that this alienation is one of the main reasons for their condition? We can see that even though we do have alot of religions here in the western part of the world, there are still not as much war going on between the religions (at least not armed war).