What do you think of this website?

Originally posted by Raha
No, sorry, but this is simply not true.
But, you see, as I said in my post, 'in my experience', this has been true for ME. You cannot state what is or is not true for me, because you have not had my experiences of atheists trying to convert me to their point of view.

Nowhere is stated that in order to be a "good atheist" you must try to deconvert people...
I agree - and, if you reread my post, nowhere did I state that. I only stated what I, personally have experienced.

...which is just the opposite to most religion, where missionary work is always recommended if not mandatory (like with mormons).
I fully agree with this! I'm pretty tired of the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on my front door, too!;)

You are right that some people have an urge to persuade others about their "truth", but it has nothing to do with atheism. It is more like psychological problem.
Yes, probably!

No, really. Without seeking further information it is hardly even belief - more proper term would be "disbelief", because you just deny something without proper framework to explain it. Which is again rather different from religion, where you have a whole "arsenal" of dogmas to backup your belief.
Again, 'in my experience', I've actually had atheists use some of that very dogma you mention to support THEIR claims. And there is something to be said for that. There are so many inconsistancies in the bible and translation problems, that it can be used to support just about anything. Even murder! That pesky 'eye for an eye' thing again! I think I should have not used the wording I did - I apologize. My atheist friends were calling themselves 'true atheists' - and that was my frame of reference. I did not mean to imply that all true atheists are this way.

Also - every religion is "closed system". It provides final answer to everything. There are no questions, no development (at least, no real development. Questions like "how many angels can dance on the top of needle" do count, I hope). But atheism is process connected to science. Most atheists I know are eager to learn more about universe, origin of life etc. And there is nothing agnostic in willingness to accept god if proven by evidence. Atheist who denies evidence is not an atheist. It's dumbass. But of course, the probability of finding such evidence is very low (from atheistic point of view).:D
I agree with the 'closed system' thing. It IS too bad that they ('man-made religions') leave no room for questions. I hope and pray for science and theism to, one day, come together. I believe it is possible. (I, too, am eager to learn more about the universe, origin of life, etc.! I AM a scientist!) But it will take a lot more tolerance and understanding FROM EVERYONE to reach this point.
Re: Re: What do you think of this website?

Originally posted by Redoubtable
I agree: the religious tenets of Christianity are infallible and impervious to the attacks of the unbeliever, and those Islamic occultists are stupid and dastardly for ignoring this obvious truth.

No worries though, the baby Jesus, with his divinely acute vision, pierces through their deceitful veneer. Even now, I can hear His voice in my heart of hearts, telling His disciples to liquidate the duplicitous Muslim horde!
Hooray for Baby Jesus! Hooray!
Nice Christian attitude you have going there. Didn't Jesus saying "Love thy enemy" mean ANYTHING to you?
Is English your first language? . . . or are you perhaps feigning indignation for my benefit?
I am now going to pretend that you can understand the blatantly manifest with all the facility expected of any ordinary human being without a brick lodged in his skull.

Ok . . . now that I've ridden myself of the tiresome onus of explanation, I'll just hope that someone else is kind enough to bother with your need for it!
Originally posted by Redoubtable
I am now going to pretend that you can understand the blatantly manifest with all the facility expected of any ordinary human being without a brick lodged in his skull.

Ok . . . now that I've ridden myself of the tiresome onus of explanation, I'll just hope that someone else is kind enough to bother with your need for it!
Ah. I see. You are incapable of defending your own comments and rudeness, so you've resorted to insults. Typical.
Ok . . . you are one huge moron if you're truly sincere in this righteous criticism of yours.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
I agree: the religious tenets of Christianity are infallible . . .
Hooray for Baby Jesus! Hooray!

The above post is something we mentally capable beings refer to as "sarcasm," in case you were confused.
Your response was as follows.
Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
Nice Christian attitude you have going there. Didn't Jesus saying "Love thy enemy" mean ANYTHING to you?

Perhaps you didn't realize it, but this smug retort here suggests that you took my jocular comments quite seriously.
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Originally posted by Redoubtable
Is English your first language? . . . or are you perhaps feigning indignation for my benefit?
The above was my attempt to determine the nature of your reproval.
Did he really mean that, or is he pulling my leg?

After that, you took umbrage like an tempermental musketeer with a serrated rapier up his ass.

Conceivably, you might've been playing me like a deck of cards the whole time. If you have, then it is incumbent on me to commend you, old boy! You're HOT STUFF 'CAUSE YOU SURE HAD ME!

However, if the aforementioned "indignation" isn't a mischevious feint, and your really grim as the reaper and sore as a leper 'bout this, I recommend you cool down and cut loose, buddyroo.

It was a joke, Joe! a ruse, Roy! I guess you get the picture, and I hope you're hotter than you seem to be, Cat.
Anyways, I'm appalled with the current relgion threads, so methinks I'll do like a banana and split!
So long, Tiger.
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Originally posted by Redoubtable
...Conceivably, you might've been playing me like a deck of cards the whole time. If you have, than it is incumbent on me to commend you, old boy! You're HOT STUFF 'CAUSE YOU SURE HAD ME!

:D Sorry. I just couldn't resist. Some days the only difference between me and a pitbull is lipstick (I'm a gal, so that would be ME wearing the lipstick - don't know any pitbulls who wear it;)). Let's be friends. Sorry if I tweaked you.

BTW - you really have a way with words!!
"...you took umbrage like an tempermental musketeer with a serrated rapier up his ass."
RASTY!! I'm going to have to remember that one!;)
best in the world for this type of stuff...and some of the people are pretty darn smart. reminds me of the taoist story; in the city there is one true master and thirty false one's, and yet the right pupil will end up at the master's table and the bullshits end up at the bullshit master's table.
