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this website tries to I find it extremely offensive that it tries to bash Christianity by posting fake verses from the Bible and so on. The webmaster is stupid and can't accept that the Bible is truth. That goes for anyone who makes up verses and says theyre from the bible or whatever my dad told me everything on this site is lies


One set of idiotic fantasies criticising another set of idiotic fantasies.
Actually God told me yesterday that he was sad to see liars make up some fake thing called the Bible. He said it is even sadder to see people follow it zealously. And you know what the saddest part is? I'm telling the complete truth. You have no evidence to prove me wrong.
The bible cannot be counted as truth because there isn't enough evidence to back it up as truth. You can believe in your heart that it is true, but you can't force that onto other people. It isn't your responsibility to either. Let people figure out the beliefs that fit them- contrary to popular belief, not everyone thinks christianity is that great.
Originally posted by ScrollMaker
Actually God told me yesterday that he was sad to see liars make up some fake thing called the Bible. He said it is even sadder to see people follow it zealously. And you know what the saddest part is? I'm telling the complete truth. You have no evidence to prove me wrong.

I do not need any evidence. I know you are right. I called The Almighty and asked him about you. He said you are telling truth indeed. He also said that we should not care about Him any more. We are grown ups. We do not need a father any more.
“The Nuh”

“The ReliGious Truth.Com”
…Another webpage for lost souls or about to lose it!

Demijan Omeragic known to his very few friends as “The Nuh”

..to expose the Truth & the true teachings. I have many Christian friends that know very well that I do not hate Christianity. I am also very far from hating any religion at all.

If that was true he should expend the time selling his religion instead of bashing other religions. People bashing a religion its because they need convictions to hold onto their own.
I spoke with god. He said I should feed him more. No wait, that's dog. I've never met this god guy you're talking about.
Truthfully? I find most of the comments on some of these religion threads more offensive than the website you linked. There seems to be a lot more hate and intolerance (not to mention out and out NAASTINESS toward each other) here than at that site.

Most of the problems seem to lie with interpretations. You can look at some passages in 5 different Bibles and come away with 5 different interpretations. Some of the problems also have to do with people picking and choosing the portions of their religious books that they agree with and ignoring the rest of the book. I see religious intolerance becoming an epidemic since 9-11, and we (you and I) are the only ones who can stop it. And it SHOULD be stopped right now! Extremist fundamentalists of ANY religious faction (and, yes, atheism IS a religion as well - see definition below) are hateful and dangerous. It's part of what has gotten America into the mess we are now in. Try a little tolerance once in a while. Your mainstream Muslim is no different than your mainstream Christian or Jew. Most of them just want to live together in peace.

From dictionary.com

A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Interesting, don't you think?
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Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Is this definition complete? If so, I do not like it very much. I do not think it is good definition. According to my opinion, every religion is some kind of framework at the first place. A framework of thoughts, ideas and behavioral normatives based on certain beliefs, that further develops those beliefs but sets their limits at the same time.
God, on the other hand, is not the necessary condition of any religion. There is quite a lot godless religions around. Buddhism is the most notorious example. But some ideologies - like communism, for instance - are also religions from this point of view.
Atheism is not religion, because there is no framework. The sole content of atheism is the claim that there is not any god. And that's it. So if you just stick to this idea without seeking farther information, than atheism is just kind of belief.
But if you try to learn more, if you are open to new ideas and discoveries, than atheism is just a way of thinking – nothing more, nothing less.
Personally, I regard myself atheist, but being confronted with clear and logical evidence of some kind of Creator, I would embrace that idea quite happily (the rate of my happiness being relevant on the nature of this Creator – Judeo/Christian/Islamic God would not make me particularly happy, for instance). So my atheism is just a result of my observations and thinking, I am not dependent on it in any way. That’s the basic and crucial difference between religion and atheism. Yes, I oppose religion to some extent, because I came to conclusion that most religions are bad and do more harm then good, but I never say anything to anyone who is sincere believer and good, loving and sincere human being at the same time. Unfortunately, I know only very small number of such wonderful individuals. Most so called believers I know are hypocritical, judgmental, self-righteous and pretty hostile sometimes.
Originally posted by Raha
Is this definition complete? If so, I do not like it very much. I do not think it is good definition. According to my opinion, every religion is some kind of framework at the first place. A framework of thoughts, ideas and behavioral normatives based on certain beliefs, that further develops those beliefs but sets their limits at the same time.
No, it's not complete. Here is the complete version:
1a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
1b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

God, on the other hand, is not the necessary condition of any religion. There is quite a lot godless religions around. Buddhism is the most notorious example. But some ideologies - like communism, for instance - are also religions from this point of view.
My point exactly. One can make a 'religion' out of anything. Bowling, golfing, dissing God and the people who have theistic beliefs... The last one describes most of the true 'atheists' that I know.

Atheism is not religion, because there is no framework. The sole content of atheism is the claim that there is not any god. And that's it. So if you just stick to this idea without seeking farther information, than atheism is just kind of belief.
I disagree. In my experience, the framework of true atheists is to try to convince others that God does not exist. Just as the framework of theists is to convince others of the existence of God. The rub is... neither side CAN be proven. We all make a conscious choice about our belief systems.

The sole content of atheism is the claim that there is not any god. And that's it. So if you just stick to this idea without seeking farther information, than atheism is just kind of belief.
Again, I disagree. To me, 'without seeking further information' makes it more of a 'religion'. (The 'conscientious devotion' thing)
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(continued from above)

But if you try to learn more, if you are open to new ideas and discoveries, than atheism is just a way of thinking – nothing more, nothing less.
Personally, I regard myself atheist, but being confronted with clear and logical evidence of some kind of Creator, I would embrace that idea quite happily (the rate of my happiness being relevant on the nature of this Creator – Judeo/Christian/Islamic God would not make me particularly happy, for instance). So my atheism is just a result of my observations and thinking, I am not dependent on it in any way. That’s the basic and crucial difference between religion and atheism.
This sounds more agnostic to me, only because you are being open-minded enough to allow yourself to change your mind by the presentation of clear and logical evidence. Unfortunately, we know that none exists to prove either existence or non-existence.

(Again, from my trusty dictionary.com);)
Agnostic: One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.

Yes, I oppose religion to some extent, because I came to conclusion that most religions are bad and do more harm then good, but I never say anything to anyone who is sincere believer and good, loving and sincere human being at the same time. Unfortunately, I know only very small number of such wonderful individuals.
And here, I agree with you COMPLETELY!

Most so called believers I know are hypocritical, judgmental, self-righteous and pretty hostile sometimes.
I TOTALLY AGREE!!! That's was I was talking about in my first post. Most threads in the religion forums that I've been perusing (here and elsewhere) have a LOT of seriously nasty folks in there duking it out over stuff that can never be proven. What the he** is the matter with people?! BE NICE!! (dang it!!:D )

Off subject but an interesting crack-up nonetheless:
I looked up 'theist' on my trusty dic.com and, CHECK THIS OUT! (I just LOVED this!)

Theism: Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world.

Theism (and I THINK this is pronounced tee-ism but I'm not sure):
The morbid condition resulting from the excessive use of tea.

Separation of the religious and non-religious

Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
I find most of the comments on some of these religion threads more offensive than the website you linked. There seems to be a lot more hate and intolerance (not to mention out and out NAASTINESS toward each other) here than at that site.
(This is because the religion forum mixes apples with oranges, which always elicits a difference of opinion as well as a good debate, at the very least, or provokes a nasty fight. Personally, I believe that a lot of time and website space is taken up with the arguments of religion vs. science and fanatasy vs. reality. This being the case, the argument will never change, and the members of the religion forum will continue to clash.)
Most of the problems seem to lie with interpretations. You can look at some passages in 5 different Bibles and come away with 5 different interpretations.
(Yes, interpretations differ, don't they? You can put an apple in front of five people, and you'll get five different interpretations.)
I see religious intolerance becoming an epidemic since 9-11, and we (you and I) are the only ones who can stop it. And it SHOULD be stopped right now! Extremist fundamentalists of ANY religious faction are hateful and dangerous.
(I've edited your post a bit to address certain points. Since 9-11, the crusades seem to have started up all over again! You're right, there is more religious intolerance in this country today, but it's really more of a global intolerance brought on by the multitude of religious factions. How can we, as human beings, change things? We need to realize that God is One and We are God. Therefore, we don't need man-made religions to guide us or save us. Man-made religions have gotten in the way of our evolutionary and spiritual progress. We need to return to our basic purpose here as vehicles to carry the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth. Until we understand this, we will continue to destroy God's creation.)
Re: Separation of the religious and non-religious

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
...Until we understand this, we will continue to destroy God's creation.) [/B]
All that you said...
So sad, but too very true. You're a good Medicine Woman. ;)
Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
I disagree. In my experience, the framework of true atheists is to try to convince others that God does not exist.
No, sorry, but this is simply not true. Nowhere is stated that in order to be a "good atheist" you must try to deconvert people, which is just the opposite to most religion, where missionary work is always recommended if not mandatory (like with mormons). You are right that some people have an urge to persuade others about their "truth", but it has nothing to do with atheism. It is more like psychological problem.

Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
Again, I disagree. To me, 'without seeking further information' makes it more of a 'religion'. (The 'conscientious devotion' thing)
No, really. Without seeking further information it is hardly even belief - more proper term would be "disbelief", because you just deny something without proper framework to explain it. Which is again rather different from religion, where you have a whole "arsenal" of dogmas to backup your belief. Also - every religion is "closed system". It provides final answer to everything. There are no questions, no development (at least, no real development. Questions like "how many angels can dance on the top of needle" do count, I hope). But atheism is process connected to science. Most atheists I know are eager to learn more about universe, origin of life etc. And there is nothing agnostic in willingness to accept god if proven by evidence. Atheist who denies evidence is not an atheist. It's dumbass. But of course, the probability of finding such evidence is very low (from atheistic point of view).:D
Originally posted by jesseOC

this website tries to I find it extremely offensive that it tries to bash Christianity by posting fake verses from the Bible and so on. The webmaster is stupid and can't accept that the Bible is truth. That goes for anyone who makes up verses and says theyre from the bible or whatever my dad told me everything on this site is lies

I agree: the religious tenets of Christianity are infallible and impervious to the attacks of the unbeliever, and those Islamic occultists are stupid and dastardly for ignoring this obvious truth.

No worries though, the baby Jesus, with his divinely acute vision, pierces through their deceitful veneer. Even now, I can hear His voice in my heart of hearts, telling His disciples to liquidate the duplicitous Muslim horde!
Hooray for Baby Jesus! Hooray!