What do you think of this? 2012 and the coming of Nibiru?

Thanks for this. It astounds me how wrong so many of my notions are! :eek:

Let me please elucidate my ignorance.

I thought I had remembered reading that this pyramid was the oldest structure on the planet! <moron>

Would you please take a look at this link and simply tell me if this is BS or not.,617+years+ago&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us

Well one of the first statements is that Khofo (I guess he measn Khufu as there's no Khofo pyramid) is the oldest and biggest - its the biggest but not the oldest (its just the oldest one in Giza)

The pyramids may be the oldest structures still standing although probably not - (Stonhenge is of a similar age to the pyramids but there are older megalithic structures in the UK and Europe) - but they are unlikely the oldest structures built by man - the egyptians didn't start building pyramids until the third dynasty of the Old Kingdom, a good 500 years after the start of the early dynastic periods.
this link might be of some use.


From your Link:

In spite of their unique and extraordinary significance, and although the large majority of the tablets on which they were inscribed were excavated almost half a century ago, the translation and interpretation of the Sumerian literary compositions have made relatively little progress to date.
Well unless your alines had an incredible fetish for chimps and apes.....

Than this is false
I just want to know why people don't translate some of the tablets, not a biggie ... or is it?

Have you ever heard of this man?: Michael S. Heiser

I believe he could translate these instantly and most likely has if he has had the access. This is the guy that has mostly convinced me that Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud.
Well unless your alines had an incredible fetish for chimps and apes.....

Than this is false

Could you please take just a few moments to proof read and spell check your posts prior to submitting them? Your attempts to hang with the skeptical big boys is incredibly silly. I apologize, but I HONESTLY find most of your posts embarrassing to read.
Could you please take just a few moments to proof read and spell check your posts prior to submitting them? Your attempts to hang with the skeptical big boys is incredibly silly. I apologize, but I HONESTLY find most of your posts embarrassing to read.

You actually read them??
Your either too considerate or have too much time:D
Maybe a bit off topic but speaking of pyramids I find the dozens if not hundreds of pyramids found all over china dating waaaaay back when to be fantastically interesting as well...inquire!
You actually read them??
Your either too considerate or have too much time:D
Maybe a bit off topic but speaking of pyramids I find the dozens if not hundreds of pyramids found all over china dating waaaaay back when to be fantastically interesting as well...inquire!

Thanks moementum7! I will do that.

After the all too brief, yet inspiring posted com with SP earlier, I was reading a bit about the Japanese attempting to duplicate the GPOG in 25% scale somewhat recently. They couldn't do it apparently. I guess there are supposed to some Japanese underwater pyramids that are extremely ancient. I even read where where possibly the Hyksos may have been of Asian origin.

Some interesting linkage:


Have you ever heard of this man?: Michael S. Heiser

I believe he could translate these instantly and most likely has if he has had the access. This is the guy that has mostly convinced me that Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud.

I wouldn't go so far as to call him a fraud, its just that people of his ilk have a tendency to start with a conclusion (often based on their religious or political beleifs), then try to make the facts fit the conclusion, ignoring and/or misinterpreting anything that doesn't fit.

Thanks moementum7! I will do that.

After the all too brief, yet inspiring posted com with SP earlier, I was reading a bit about the Japanese attempting to duplicate the GPOG in 25% scale somewhat recently. They couldn't do it apparently. I guess there are supposed to some Japanese underwater pyramids that are extremely ancient. I even read where where possibly the Hyksos may have been of Asian origin.

Some interesting linkage:



There is some interesting evidence beginning to come to light that suggests that man was building structures (and therefore possibly had some kind of civilisation) considerably earlier than previously thought, I have pretty open mind towards that idea - if they were build (and subsequently flooded) around 10kya when sea levels rose at the end of the last ice-age it may shed some light upon the numerous flood myths around the world. I'm a little bit reticent about enbracing the idea wholeheartedly until a few more archaeologists and geologists get a good look at some of the structures that have been found and we gety to grips with the evidence that contradicts such an early start to civilisation as threr's plenty of that too.
Leaving it to guys like Graham Hancock (nice guy that he is) doesn't really cut the mustard for me as his methods and findings have been pretty wide of the mark in the past (he's even admitted that himself)

One thing that I do reject is drawing any kind of link (i.e atlantis) between ancient civilisations found around the world - pointing out that they all built pyramids or pyramid like structures proves nothing to me
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I wouldn't go so far as to call him a fraud, its just that people of his ilk have a tendency to start with a conclusion (often based on their religious or political beleifs), then try to make the facts fit the conclusion, ignoring and/or misinterpreting anything that doesn't fit.

The fraud part seems to come into play in the sense that Michael S. Heiser has pretty much made it clear that Sitchin has either (a) an extremely poor real grasp on Sumero-Mesopotamian writings and translation, or (b), he has purposefully manipulated what he claims are "translations" to support his claims.

I think everyone knows by now that I REALLY do "go in" for this type of stuff. Yep, I wanna believe, and very often do believe in esoteric & adventurous hypothesis for what are some very deep mysteries. It's simply attractive and very entertaining to me. I will defend this "stuff" rigorously, passionately & down right enthusiastically.

HOWEVER(!!!), I pride myself ironically on the ability to reason with the best of 'em with respect to said belief's validity. Now, I myself am no gift to modern genius or exceptionally high levels of intelligence, but I also am not dumb enough to bar myself the quality of intelligent adversity. In short this simply means that I have come to terms with the fact that I can't trust myself.

So in short, I do most certainly listen to intelligent adversity to better and more accurately juxtapose my own POSSIBLY flawed sense of reason and intuition.

The ONLY thing I cannot and will not stand for is childish arrogance and condescending, knowitall, short tempered refutes from those who really just need a switch taken to their arse.

It was a bit sad for me being "hit over the head" by Heiser. I believed Sitchin. The biggest problem for me? Well that comes from the doubt I now have of Sitchin's reliability as a "real" researcher as opposed to someone more so interested selling books. And believe me, the man has sold a few books!

It's the old Carlos Castaneda syndrome all over again.

There is some interesting evidence beginning to come to light that suggests that man was building structures (and therefore possibly had some kind of civilisation) considerably earlier than previously thought, I have pretty open mind towards that idea - if they were build (and subsequently flooded) around 10kya when sea levels rose at the end of the last ice-age it may shed some light upon the numerous flood myths around the world. I'm a little bit reticent about enbracing the idea wholeheartedly until a few more archaeologists and geologists get a good look at some of the structures that have been found and we gety to grips with the evidence that contradicts such an early start to civilisation as threr's plenty of that too.
Leaving it to guys like Graham Hancock (nice guy that he is) doesn't really cut the mustard for me as his methods and findings have been pretty wide of the mark in the past (he's even admitted that himself)

One thing that I do reject is drawing any kind of link (i.e atlantis) between ancient civilisations found around the world - pointing out that they all built pyramids or pyramid like structures proves nothing to me

a) First off, would these civilizations predate those that made detailed topographic maps (that have since been recovered by archaeologists) of geography found several miles below present glacial ice formations?

b) Lets completely disregard Atlantis for a moment. Could you please openly speculate as to why all these different culturally based civilizations would all be building pyramids of one form or another? It must mean something because frankly there are just too many other shapes and forms that would be MUCH easier to construct. Could it be that the pyramid design itself is a derivation attributed more so to some Jungian collective consciousness as demonstrated inherently by mankind itself?
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Well I mean this dudes theory is that we are a hybrid of chimps wierd made up alines and apes.... I mean you don't just magically get a hybrid you actually have to have intercourse for any sort of remote chance. Even than it's skeptical. Anyways these aliens are just some wise guy's idea of a joke.
The fraud part seems to come into play in the sense that Michael S. Heiser has pretty much made it clear that Sitchin has either (a) an extremely poor real grasp on Sumero-Mesopotamian writings and translation, or (b), he has purposefully manipulated what he claims are "translations" to support his claims.

Possibly - as I don't know the guy other than what I've read on wiki (in itself a not always reliable source) I felt I should give him the benefit of the doubt between simply being wrong and being a fraud

a) First off, would these civilizations predate those that made detailed topographic maps (that have since been recovered by archaeologists) of geography found several miles below present glacial ice formations?

Which ones do you mean? I have heard that the one(s) showing the coastline of antarctica are of dubious provenance - not aware of any others

b) Lets completely disregard Atlantis for a moment. Could you please openly speculate as to why all these different culturally based civilizations would all be building pyramids of one form or another? It must mean something because frankly there are just too many other shapes and forms that would be MUCH easier to construct. Could it be that the pyramid design itself is a derivation attributed more so to some Jungian collective consciousness as demonstrated inherently by mankind itself?
Well I have heard some archaeologists suggest that if you wanted to build a large stone structure with simple tools and relatively rudimentary engineering skills / equipment, then a tapering structure like a pyramid is the easiest - I'm neither an engineer not an archaeologist so I dunno if he's right. However pointing out the similarities between ancient cultures is all fine and dandy if we are equally rigorous in looking at the differences.
For example if mesoamerican and egyptian pyramid builders were influenced by another older culture, then we would expect to see similarities in their cultures - other than the fact that they were both sun worshippers (hardly unique or surprising) we see little similarity - we'd expect for example that someone knowlegeable in egyptian heiroglyphics could have a half decent stab at inca/mayan/aztec heiroglyphs - but they can't becuase they are too different.

this makes good viewing (first part of 5 - I'm guessing you can follow the links to the other 4):
Have you ever heard of this man?: Michael S. Heiser

I believe he could translate these instantly and most likely has if he has had the access. This is the guy that has mostly convinced me that Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud.

I'll check it out. As far as I know, the tablets in Philadelphia are still off-limits.
Well I mean this dudes theory is that we are a hybrid of chimps wierd made up alines and apes.... I mean you don't just magically get a hybrid you actually have to have intercourse for any sort of remote chance. Even than it's skeptical. Anyways these aliens are just some wise guy's idea of a joke.

Fedr...come on now brother, lol.
No you don't have to have intercourse between species to have hybrids...heck, even we can do it with our technology.
It's simply gene manipulation.
Throw a little monkey gene in there with some advanced alien DNA...shake, don't stir and BAAAM!...you got a human.
Anyways Fedr, no you don't have to have intercourse to make hybrids.
this is another reason why people like that guy in the video make a living. They make up a name of an alien and then tailor it to make it fit his claims perfectly. These annuna whatever aliens don't exist dude except in his fairy tale. And i hate people like him because in this game of theirs, the instantly we look at it and say, hey that is impossible you cannot roll a seven on a six sided die, poof next day they crossed off the six and wrote a seven in sharpie. i feel that it is a brutal abuse of science

Hi all, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!
Well I mean this dudes theory is that we are a hybrid of chimps wierd made up alines and apes.... I mean you don't just magically get a hybrid you actually have to have intercourse for any sort of remote chance. Even than it's skeptical. Anyways these aliens are just some wise guy's idea of a joke.

DUDE: You are not thinking about the concept with a clear head. How much do you toke and how often. Too much it seems.

Advanced ALIEN (pls. note spelling) race = genetic manipulation ability. Genetic manipulation ability = reproduction without regular coupling activity.