What do you think of this? 2012 and the coming of Nibiru?

At World's End

Registered Member
Are humans really genetically tempered by aliens? What about the story of Atlantis? Also, it's bizarre that humans have both blood types of chimps and apes, A and B. Maybe humans are hybrids of Anunnaki aliens, chimps, and apes?
Also, what is this 2012 end of era predicted by Aztecs and other cultures?


Really strange to me!
Oh dear - pseudoscience here we come

Are humans really genetically tempered by aliens?

doubtful - there's nothing unique about our genes that would suggest any non-terrestrial influence

What about the story of Atlantis?

just that - a story

Also, it's bizarre that humans have both blood types of chimps and apes, A and B.

why is it bizarre? - we share common ancestors with them so things like that are to be expected

Maybe humans are hybrids of Anunnaki aliens, chimps, and apes?

and maybe the answer is the simple one we already have, that indicedtally didn't require anything to be made up in order for it to work

Also, what is this 2012 end of era predicted by Aztecs and other cultures?

considering the aztecs never predicted their own demise, you'll forgive me if I base the likelihood of this prediction coming true upon their previous successes in that field

Strange indeed how that guy gets airtime with such vapid nonsense if it wasn't racism with a thin veneer of pseudoscience it would be simply bad joke
Chin up.
It's supposively happend many times in the past already.
That doesn't mean t his time is different (by way of speculation).
this is another reason why people like that guy in the video make a living. They make up a name of an alien and then tailor it to make it fit his claims perfectly. These annuna whatever aliens don't exist dude except in his fairy tale. And i hate people like him because in this game of theirs, the instantly we look at it and say, hey that is impossible you cannot roll a seven on a six sided die, poof next day they crossed off the six and wrote a seven in sharpie. i feel that it is a brutal abuse of science
We are aliens ourselves...so are we genetically tempered? Life tempers our genetic, a mechanism of biochemical Autonomous engineering.

So complex yet so simple in action, it is difficult to realize this engineering is in fact the seed of us.
Are humans really genetically tempered by aliens? What about the story of Atlantis? Also, it's bizarre that humans have both blood types of chimps and apes, A and B. Maybe humans are hybrids of Anunnaki aliens, chimps, and apes?
Also, what is this 2012 end of era predicted by Aztecs and other cultures?


Really strange to me!

It has exactly the same amount of credibility as Santa and the Easter Bunny.
Are humans really genetically tempered by aliens?


What about the story of Atlantis?

What about it? It’s a story.

Also, it's bizarre that humans have both blood types of chimps and apes, A and B.

It’s not bizarre, it’s biology.

Maybe humans are hybrids of Anunnaki aliens, chimps, and apes?

No. (Double

Also, what is this 2012 end of era predicted by Aztecs and other cultures?

It's a fable/fantasy.

Really strange to me!

No, not really.

There ya go Mr. At World's End, that about wraps it up. :)
well unless your annunuki aliens had a fetish for chimps i dont think it is possible.
Here's what I think is really bizarre. See, if Atlantis was just a joke, then how come the world's second biggest ocean is named after it? :confused:
Oh dear - pseudoscience here we come

doubtful - there's nothing unique about our genes that would suggest any non-terrestrial influence

just that - a story

why is it bizarre? - we share common ancestors with them so things like that are to be expected

and maybe the answer is the simple one we already have, that indicedtally didn't require anything to be made up in order for it to work

considering the aztecs never predicted their own demise, you'll forgive me if I base the likelihood of this prediction coming true upon their previous successes in that field

Strange indeed how that guy gets airtime with such vapid nonsense if it wasn't racism with a thin veneer of pseudoscience it would be simply bad joke

In reference to your avatar; Bob is NOT gay! This is not open for debate. ;)
Here's what I think is really bizarre. See, if Atlantis was just a joke, then how come the world's second biggest ocean is named after it? :confused:

It's not - its named after a woman from greek mythology called Atalanta

The Atlantis stiory is a little like old bible stories - they may contain a few small nuggets of truth in them, but due to their being handed down verbally over generations the facts, fiction and embelishments become indistinguishable from each other - it's possible that it stems from the minoan eruption/exposion of around 4kya - or may even relate to older folk tales of relatively sudden innundations of around 10kya when sea levels rose at the end of the last ice age. What we do know for sure is that there is absolutely zero evidence of a sudden jump in technology in surrounding civilisations like Egypt etc that corresponds with these dates as the Atlantis myths proclaim - For example Egyptian architecture and engineering for example demonstrates a gradual evolution from simple to complex throughout the history of its ancient civilisation - Egyptian pyramids and south american pyramids were not build at similar times either, so its difficult to present these as a result of an exodus of a technologically advanced people from a doomed island.
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heard several different versions of atlantis.
got a hunch it has something to do with s much larger type cosmic calendar...what that means exactly I don't know.
It's not - its named after a woman from greek mythology called Atalanta

The Atlantis stiory is a little like old bible stories - they may contain a few small nuggets of truth in them, but due to their being handed down verbally over generations the facts, fiction and embelishments become indistinguishable from each other - it's possible that it stems from the minoan eruption/exposion of around 4kya - or may even relate to older folk tales of relatively sudden innundations of around 10kya when sea levels rose at the end of the last ice age. What we do know for sure is that there is absolutely zero evidence of a sudden jump in technology in surrounding civilisations like Egypt etc that corresponds with these dates as the Atlantis myths proclaim - For example Egyptian architecture and engineering for example demonstrates a gradual evolution from simple to complex throughout the history of its ancient civilisation - Egyptian pyramids and south american pyramids were not build at similar times either, so its difficult to present these as a result of an exodus of a technologically advanced people from a doomed island.

Isn't it true however that the great pyramid FAR out dates the others in Egypt and that the others in no way compare to the exactness and magnitude of the great pyramid?
Isn't it true however that the great pyramid FAR out dates the others in Egypt and that the others in no way compare to the exactness and magnitude of the great pyramid?

If you mean the large pyramids at Giza, then no - they are among the newest of the egyptian pyramids - the older ones are far more rudimentary - people often make this mistake - the largest pyramid at Giza is also the oldest one at that particular site, but its far from being the oldest one in Egypt overall.

Here's the Djoser pyramid - the oldest in egypt - built around 250 years before the great pyramid at Giza - pretty basic isnt it?


If you were to look at them in chronological sequence you'd see a general trend of them getting bigger and more elaborate / precise - that doesn't really fit with the atlantis stories of a sudden jump in technology resulting from an exodus of wise ancients.

The meso american pyramids are an even less good fit - none of them are over 3k years old
This myth comes from Zacharia Stechin's interpretation of the tablets that depict the Sumerian creation myth.

I've been trying to find alternate "word for word" translations with little luck. So basically I'd say to the scientific community, if you want to debunk Stechin, at least do a word for word translation of the tablets.
This myth comes from Zacharia Stechin's interpretation of the tablets that depict the Sumerian creation myth.
The atlantis myth or the ape/alien hybrid myth?

I've been trying to find alternate "word for word" translations with little luck. So basically I'd say to the scientific community, if you want to debunk Stechin, at least do a word for word translation of the tablets.

No they just need to debunk his findings/predictions based on those translations - if they are wrong, then regardless of how well translated the tablets are, they are still just stories.
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If you mean the large pyramids at Giza, then no - they are among the newest of the egyptian pyramids - the older ones are far more rudimentary - people often make this mistake - the largest pyramid at Giza is also the oldest one at that particular site, but its far from being the oldest one in Egypt overall.

Here's the Djoser pyramid - the oldest in egypt - built around 250 years before the great pyramid at Giza - pretty basic isnt it?


If you were to look at them in chronological sequence you'd see a general trend of them getting bigger and more elaborate / precise - that doesn't really fit with the atlantis stories of a sudden jump in technology resulting from an exodus of wise ancients.

The meso american pyramids are an even less good fit - none of them are over 3k years old

Thanks for this. It astounds me how wrong so many of my notions are! :eek:

Let me please elucidate my ignorance.

I thought I had remembered reading that this pyramid was the oldest structure on the planet! <moron>

Would you please take a look at this link and simply tell me if this is BS or not.,617+years+ago&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us