What do you think of the war in Iraq?

What do you think of the war in Iraq?

  • Total voters
Justified to or for whom??? ...everyone on Earth?

Bells, the war was justified by the US congress in an almost unanimous vote, and you can't get much better than that! So, yes, the war was justified by the people of the USA.

Was it justified for Sadman Hussy? Probably not!

Anyone can "justify" anything for themselves ...getting the entire population of the world to agree is another story altogether.

Baron Max
It must be a comfort to you to realise that such justifications 'by the people of the USA' came about because your very own President lied to get what he wanted.

I wonder if the vote would have been as unanimous had the Congress been told the truth from the start.
They (congressmen) were operating on false information supplied by Bush's inner circle, and that's unforgivable.

That info was supplied by many intell organizations, not just the CIA or NSA. So are you saying that there was a big conspiracy going on in the western world with all of those intell services? And that President Bush was smart enough to pull it all together and do what he wanted to do? My, my, Spider, you hold President Bush in high regard, huh?

Armchair quarterbacking is okay for football games, but hindsight in international politics is a stupid game to play! A government can't just sit around and do nothing when evidence and/or intelligence is presented. Or is that they way you think government should operate? ...to wait for something to happen, THEN do something?

Baron Max