What do you think of Islam?

I don't particularly like it, but I don't lose any sleep over it either. What is there to like about islam for a kafir :p
Its like all religions, it has its nice ppl and has its fundies, im not particularly fussed about it either way so long as they dont try and convert me.
It is a concept based on the intense hallucinations of an epileptic (Mohammed). It has no credibility and should be eliminated from the world as soon as possible.
I do not care that much about it, and I would not grieve for its passing... well, neither would I for any other religion.
mohammed said:
i want to make a survey about how many people like islam and who don't.

It is a philosophical set of instructions that cannot adapt to change.
Boy you really are going to bring out the "flamers" posting an open ended question like this......You are going to get alotta "Islam is primitive" or "Islam supports terrorism" etc.... yet alotta people on these boards are Christians so they should be loving those that are different than them (They worship God and We worship God) then you will get the Atheists who will say that they shouldnt be treated unfairly because they dont believe in God yet they will show total disrespect to those who do(as you can allready see) fortunatly the Koran tells us that this would happen:

Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths:
But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His light,
Even though the Unbelievers may detest (it.)

surah 61:8
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)
All faith based deity centered religions need to be eradicated from the world, Islam being one of the worst. Islam relegates living human beings to autonomous walking corpses awaiting an imaginary afterlife. It stifles growth in the mind and destroys our sense of value as evolved intelligent creatures.

Islam replaces reality with fantasy.
Cris and (Q), never ones to pull any punches, have summed it up quite nicely I think.

But I don't dislike Islamic dogmatists anymore than I dislike other religious dogmatists. No less either.

Desert Amish.
I have three problems with Islam;
Firstly, I just don’t believe it. I see no reason to believe the word of one man.
Secondly, Muslims think that it’s there duty to impose Islamic law over everyone else, and that is something I just don’t want.
Thirdly, I don’t like people telling me I am going to go to hell, and not wanting to be my friend because of their religious beliefs.

I have no real problem with people leading their life their way or believing what they want. Good Muslims lead good lives. I have no problem with Islam in Islamic countries, but Islam wants to impose onto my life and that’s where the problem lies.
surenderer said:
Boy you really are going to bring out the "flamers" posting an open ended question like this......You are going to get alotta "Islam is primitive" or "Islam supports terrorism" etc.... yet alotta people on these boards are Christians so they should be loving those that are different than them (They worship God and We worship God) then you will get the Atheists who will say that they shouldnt be treated unfairly because they dont believe in God yet they will show total disrespect to those who do(as you can allready see) fortunatly the Koran tells us that this would happen:

Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths:
But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His light,
Even though the Unbelievers may detest (it.)

surah 61:8
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)

You are right about the flamers but wrong about the atheists. Atheists problem with religions is that they are always used to degrade ond dominate the non-believers this is clear to anyone who can read. Atheists don't beg for fair treatment of themselves so much as for EVERYBODY they have no hell or god given punishments for non-atheists.

Amazing that the man who wrote the quran predicted that one day some people would see it for what it really is ;) (out of respect for you as a PERSON [not as a muslim] I won't elaborate, I wouldn't have even posted this if it wasn't for your reply)

I am not undestanding your comment about christians can you elaborate?
I have nothing personal against islam, to me it's just another religion, and there all lunacy.
Atheists problem with religions is that they are always used to degrade ond dominate the non-believers this is clear to anyone who can read.

Are you kidding me?? Have you seen what people are writing in this thread about muslims/islam? Do you notice that 9/10 of them are atheists? As far as Christianity I am refering to the folowers of Faldwell and Robertson

Amazing that the man who wrote the quran predicted that one day some people would see it for what it really is ;) (out of respect for you as a PERSON [not as a muslim] I won't elaborate, I wouldn't have even posted this if it wasn't for your reply)

Saying that is kinda like someone who says "I'm not the I told you so type so I wont say it" you have allready said what you mean by that cruel comment yet that is fine because it only enforces my point
People were not flattering ISLAM show me who said MUSLIMS were bad people or anything about muslims as human beings.
Why should I respect islam when islam has no respect for me? I will give you respect as a human being not as a follower of islam which, as we know, has no respect for me.

Oh and yes I would agree with you about the type of "christians" who follow tele-Evangelists like Falwell and Robertson.
surenderer said:
Are you kidding me?? Have you seen what people are writing in this thread about muslims/islam?

Expressing your dislike of a religion is a far cry from being forced to live as a second class citizen under religious rule. Secular society aims to treat everyone equally the rules protecting jews, muslims christians hindus buddhists and atheists are the same. The same is not true under sharia and that is a fact.
Fundamentally I see very little difference b/w Islam and Xianity. Without knowing the subtle nuances it’s hard to distinguish them apart from one another. Due to their prostelyzing nature I’d put both below their Eastern counterparts.

That said, I think people look at the sad state of the Middle East and then blame Islam for why it is as such. I don’t THINK that’s the case. I think that the reality is that Islam just happens to be the dominant religion in the Middle East. In actuality it wouldn’t matter if the religion was Pokemon Game Boy Advance. The societies in the ME, as a whole, are at a medieval level of development and, perhaps because of this, so is the religion – as practiced there. Elsewhere (say in the US or AU), where Islam is third or fourth generation, you really can’t tell a Muslim from a Xian.

So maybe more telling questions are:
1) Where are you from (point of reference)?
2) In general, what do people think of ME Arabic culture?
M*W: I've known Jews, Christians and Muslims, at work and on a personal basis, and here's what I believe: the Jews I've worked with have been very loyal to me. They look for honesty, integrity and sincerity. Christians, on the other hand, cannot be trusted. One day, they're your friend, the next day, they're your enemy. They're unpredictable, and they're hypocritical. Muslims are the most peaceful, and the most compassionate. If I were dying in the hospital, I would hope to be attended by a Muslim physician. They are the most caring, compassionate and sincere of any nationality of physician. That tells me a lot. Christian physicians don't give a dam about their patients. I've seen this so many times. Jewish doctors tend to be more aloof and hardened with their patients. Muslim physicians are the only sincere ones, except for maybe Hindus. We are blessed in America to have such diverse cultures, but I will back the Muslims over all the other foreign medical graduates.
*aches in the heart on account of the unhappy actions of Christians who would cause such distrust*

Muslims are unique, and yet normal. This is the way with everyone. Islam holds truth, just as every institution holds truth. There are many beautiful aspects of Islam, and yet, also many dreadful aspects. Yet this can be said of anything when understood or used wrongly. The pure passion of a Muslim is to be admired, for it allows for such compassionate doctors, as M*W said. However, when directed down a wicked path, that passion can be a great and terrible thing. What do I think of Islam? I think its general desire is for goodness.
Here is my answer :

But set thou thy face to the right Religion before there come from Allah the Day which there is no chance of averting: on that Day shall men be divided (in two). al-Qur'an 30:43