What Do You See In This Graph? :: MUST SEE!!!


Registered Senior Member
Hi everyone!

This is my first ever thread/post here and I wanted to let you all know that I discovered a weird and perplexing graph that looks like an eye in our times-tables in November 2004, after graphing ‘certain numbers’ using Excel. I aptly named it "OneEye" for obvious reasons. It took me 5 years to let everyone know, but I thought the timing was right.

I'd love to hear your views and comments as I didn't make up the numbers and it comes straight from our times-tables after reducing all the digits to single numbers.

If you want to know more, please visit my site @ EyePhi.com that shows and explains OneEye in more detail.

What do you see?

Enjoy! ;-)
I don't get it.
What's the point?
What numbers did you graph?
What is the significance?
I don't get it.
What's the point?
What numbers did you graph?
What is the significance?
Hi OneRaven, thanks for the questions.
1. The point is that I discovered a graph in our times-table by simply reducing each number to a single digit. I didn't make up the numbers at all.
2. The numbers are on my site if you go to EyePhi.com - here is the url - (eyephi.com/oneeye/how-i-discovered-%e2%80%9coneeye%e2%80%9d).
3. The significance is relative to the observer.

I'd appreciate your views?

Thank you and cheers!
looks like he\she mirrored the image at all sides.
Hi John, I (he) didn't mirror the image. The image appeared itself as is, from our times table. I would love to know what you all see?

I've studied Science and maths, seen countless graphs and fractals, but I have never seen anything like this.:bugeye:
3. The significance is relative to the observer.
Like tea-leaves at the bottom of a cup? Or lines of the palm of one's hand?

Have you have no inclination toward there being something common (to all observers) in this pattern? I don't understand why you'd wait five years to reveal something akin to tea-leaves, astrology or tarot cards.

So please, spit it out already. You've sparked some interest(?)...and as much as I can see shapes and form in the OneEye - I see just as many in the sand at my feet.
I bet you could make a ring designed after that, explain to people where the design of the ring came from and make a fortune.
What do you see?
Looks like the flat pattern for those DIY gift boxes;
Like the pattern on the back of an insect I remember seeing as a kid;
Symmetry if folded on a line corner to corner;
Top-down view of the craft in Flight of the Navigator;
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Like tea-leaves at the bottom of a cup? Or lines of the palm of one's hand?

Have you have no inclination toward there being something common (to all observers) in this pattern? I don't understand why you'd wait five years to reveal something akin to tea-leaves, astrology or tarot cards.

So please, spit it out already. You've sparked some interest(?)...and as much as I can see shapes and form in the OneEye - I see just as many in the sand at my feet.
Sure you can. The clouds, the stars, everything exhibits some form or shape within our interpretation of "reality". What makes this one intriguing is that the graph comes about directly from our times tables. Now that's something! Ever seen anything like this without any formulation, unlike fractals? I don't think so.

However, if you go to my site, I show people just how this came about and what it "could" mean to me, as well as others that are, let's say... spiritually inclined.:)

Each to their own though. But thanks for your input.;)

I bet you could make a ring designed after that, explain to people where the design of the ring came from and make a fortune.
I know. Someone else suggested that to me before on another forum. You never know... I may just do that too? God knows I need the money right now!hehe thanks for the advice though. Cheers!

Looks like the flat pattern for those DIY gift boxes;
Like the pattern on the back of an insect I remember seeing as a kid;
Symmetry if folded on a line corner to corner;
Top-down view of the craft in Flight of the Navigator;
Yes... like say a crustacean? Or maybe even a turtle's shell? There's much more than meets the eye... (punn intended!) LOL!

But yes, these have all been seen and well done on being able to. I appreciate that Nesm. If there's anything else you see, feel, or be reminded of, please let me know? I wouldn't mind it if you could mention this on my site, so that others can see and share your insight as well?

I will be posting a list of things seen in the graph of OneEye and what it means to me soon. I just wanted to conduct a study for now and have been doing so on other forums as well recently.

If you want to know how I discovered it, please go to my site EyePhi.com and it will show you there. It's just too long to post here unfortunately and I don't know how to script the tables on this site.

Thanks and Cheers. Keep 'em coming gang!:D
It's pretty, sure, but it's nothing magical. There are a lot of nice symmetries in numbers that can be made into nice pictures. I'm sure there is a bunch of group theory behind that picture. It is a nice example of the beauty of numbers though, which in some ways IS something magical, but it goes a lot deeper into the heart of mathematics than just that picture.

I agree it would be a nice design to use for a ring or something, new-agey types would be impressed by it and like the symbolism (heck I like the symbolism), you might be able to make some money if you market it right. Lol, it'd also make a good symbol for some kind of number theory cult. Oh look, wikipedia says the symmetries and patterns in your square appear in Islamic art, that's cool.
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Here's a matlab filled contour plot for you, also pretty, although looks less like an eye than yours. Contains more information about the numerical values, although the interpolation (which is what makes the nice pattern really) makes it a little less transparent.

I got curious and decided to see what a vedic cube would "look" like. I made these the same way as your eye except that I used a kind of tri-times-table to make it (i.e. a cube of numbers 1-8 in each dimension with the products of 3 numbers instead of just 2 filling the cube), i.e. (XxYxZ), 1x1x1, 1x1x2, etc.

A cube of data is somewhat harder to visualise than a 2D data set, so I had to take slices along the 3rd dimension. By the symmetry of the data the slices look the same no matter which dimension you take them in anyway.


From top left to bottom right the slices are z=1, z=2 ... z=8. Clearly the z=1 slice is the ordinary vedic square, and interestingly (but not surprisingly I guess) the z=8 slice is a mirror of the vedic square. A mirror symmetry is clearly visible in the slice pairs z=(1,8) , (2,7), (3,6), (4,5), which of course is to be expected since this kind of symmetry is present in the vedic square.
All multiples of 9 have digits that add up to 9. That's a simple issue to demonstrate. For example, if we have a number in the hundreds it could be written as:


Here h is the hundreds digit, t is the tens digit and u is the units digit. If I divide by 9 I get:

(100h+10t+u)/9 = 99h+9t with a remainder of h+t+u

If the original number is a multiple of 9, then 9 must also divide h+t+u.

The same works for 3, the sum of the digits must also be evenly divisible by 3.

I've kept this short and simple, but you should see that this applies to integers of any number of digits.
All multiples of 9 have digits that add up to 9. That's a simple issue to demonstrate. For example, if we have a number in the hundreds it could be written as:


Here h is the hundreds digit, t is the tens digit and u is the units digit. If I divide by 9 I get:

(100h+10t+u)/9 = 99h+9t with a remainder of h+t+u

If the original number is a multiple of 9, then 9 must also divide h+t+u.

The same works for 3, the sum of the digits must also be evenly divisible by 3.

I've kept this short and simple, but you should see that this applies to integers of any number of digits.

I'm sure he knows that much already, he would have had to use it to make the picture, or at least it should have obvious when he saw the pattern repeats every 9 integers. The structure of the vedic square set of numbers has a little more richness than just that.
Here's a matlab filled contour plot for you, also pretty, although looks less like an eye than yours. Contains more information about the numerical values, although the interpolation (which is what makes the nice pattern really) makes it a little less transparent.
That is awesome Kurros!!! Thank you so much matey;).

Would you mind if I put this on my site? Also, I've just been asked to co-author a small book on Vedic maths by a renowned mathematician dealing with Vedic maths and I wouldn't mind including your interpolations in the book also. Would that be okay champ? I love it!!!

If anyone else has other graphs you can bring about from the Vedic Square, please let me know and I will post it on my site and maybe even in the up and coming book?

Cheers gang!:D
Err, sure, if you like. They're nothing special really, I don't even know what kind of interpolation matlab used to draw those things, probably just linear. I have a colleage who does a lot of nice volume visualisations using python; I'd kind of like to see what the cubic looks like using some kind of volume density plot, although I think it would probably just come out as a mess.
Err, sure, if you like. They're nothing special really, I don't even know what kind of interpolation matlab used to draw those things, probably just linear. I have a colleage who does a lot of nice volume visualisations using python; I'd kind of like to see what the cubic looks like using some kind of volume density plot, although I think it would probably just come out as a mess.
Ok. I wouldn't mind seeing what that brings up anyway. Thanks for your input Kurros. Cheers!
First rate. Elementary friend. (Despite adherence to one ancient primitive particular paradigm.)


This knowledge is only hidden from those who aren't TRYING to control it all. Secret societies and those in power have used this knowledge for millennium. I suggest reading into the history of the Free Masons, it's origins, etc. Thus, it's knowledge is intentionally glossed over by the institutions run by these men.

It can't be controlled or suppressed though, can it?