What do we have to gain from ETs?

Hey Tony (water) *s*,

I like your cheesy grin dude... but then maybe I'm just weird.

Ya know guys... I really do believe there is 'something out there', I think there is a 'spiritual world' but I don't think any of us know or possibly CAN know what truly IS.

I think I've seen this idea posted on this board before, but I would like to restate. When we are faced with a phenomena of some time (seeing a vision, having a cat abducted heheh, watching lights in the sky or whatever) we cannot know what really is the cause of it. If a being causes you to believe it (they) is (are) god... that is just your perception, not necessarily reality. We need to approach this whole field with open-minded curiosity, with a good dose of skepticism thrown in.

Disbelieve what you see, question what you hear, examine what you feel.

It's all fun
If you are making reference to what I was telling, Tony ..that's not what I believe. I do not think they are "god". If you were speaking in general..oops *S*
nope, it was a 'general' comment. I have a very strict personal policy not to rag on ppls ideas or beliefs. I believe in non-interference when it comes to that sort of thing. For those of you who will (inevitably) ask... if the person's belief includes justification for hurting others, I attack the action, not the person.


It's all fun
U think thats pretta good?




La La. LA LA. LA LAA!!!

HAIL SATAN! Remember, we are all gods.

(bwahah) yeah.... 'horror' site pretty cool.
I want a 'hampster dance' icon :p

It's all fun
water?? we? who?? (heh)
So, you're an 'engineer' from Oz... (shrug) I dunno. Maybe it has to do with your job =P

It's all fun
If anyone is interested, there is a book by Jim Schnabel, "Remote Viewers:The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies," which had many passing references to ET encounters via remote viewing, usually inadvertently. As far as human history goes, I have to agree that whenever a technologically advanced race encountered a less advanced one(as far as technology goes)it was always the latter which suffered. Lastly, it's premature to know what the intentions are of "ET" or indeed the "ETS" however if one wants to accept the latest theories concerning the abduction phenomenon, it's not a pretty picture i.e. the creation of a hybrid species. It's just a theory of course, but if it is true, one can only assume that in time the hybrid species would be expected to supplant the former species i.e. Homosapiens.