What do we have to gain from ETs?


Registered Senior Member
I'm leaving this message to ask the question, 'What do we have to gain from ET presence?'

If they are present, can we make interaction two-way to help each other?

It would be really helpful if anyone could provide some solid, factually based responses, but speculation is fine. Its partly through conjecture that things can be probed after all.

Any views on the products of Scientific Remote Viewing to look into the whole realm of ETs?

Thanks a million.

'What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.' - Nietzsche (I think??).
You're correct, it's Neitzsche, and it's one of my favorite maxims.

I think the most obvious thing we would gain from interacting with ETs is technology. If we got it in peaceful trade, who knows what effect it may have on the economy? Maybe they would think our local art and products were neat and a whole new market would open up. If we ended up snaking the tech during a war, we would have to take it apart and see how it works so we could make them (or something like them) for ourselves.

What else could we gain? Everything from cultural habits to STDs. :D (E.T. phone clinic!)

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited February 05, 2000).]

Thanks for that very unique slant on the whole human-ET interaction thing.

Perhaps our wealth of art and creativity could be a 'trade' for technology, I myself had thought that. On thing's for definite and that's our technology would not be of much use to them.

We could introduce them to Jerry Springer in exchange for methods of faster than light travel!

'What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.' - Nietzsche (I think??).
ET or not ET? what is the answer?

OK, I'm in a jovial mood even after a heart attack (not me personally).

The whole scenario kind of reminds me of white mans interaction with ancient people groups, (or should that read backwater natives?)

Lets say the little grey guys do drop in.

"WOW Zylock check out the great food and neat stuff they got around here". "Your correct Trixon, plutonium, asbestos, gold and titanium are my favourite snacks not to mention a good cow mutilation on the side or a female impregnation. What say we give them some trinkets, you know like that old broken down reatomiser or the faulty replicator along with lots of a waste canister. We can tell them its an engine along with an unlimited energy supply, hey we can even give them that old mirror and tell them it an extradimmensional window. It will take them years to figure out they are broken and by then we'll be safely back in Andromeda "Why yes Zylock a very clever idea indeed, that's one advantage of dealing with these backwater savages, they are so naive and starved of attention that they will swallow any story we feed them. Perhaps we can even convince them that we are gods and have them worship us."

Meanwhile back on Earth.

Why yes Mr President we deployed a high level group of representatives from every country along with our most senior scientists.

Well no Mr President we didn't think to x-ray the fuel pods before opening it with all present. It didn't occur to us sir that they were up to no good, I mean they were so nice, friendly and sincere.

Well yes Mr President I do understand that the people of Earth can't spend the rest of their lives with gas masks on.

Moral to the story:

Never trust a so called superior race who claim to be giving you advanced technology (mirrors and trinkets) for your own good and social development. They will eventually steal away the very ground on which you walk and the very soul by which you live leaving you stuck in the proverbial manure.

ET or not ET? I know the answer!

Oh, and what answer might that be, Tony??
Demons??? Come on... give me a break :rolleyes: What even makes you think that they are demons???? All because you fear the unknown, Tony????? You might be surprised....they just might be here to HELP..more than you know!
Interesting analogy, Tony. The only thing I've got against it is this: I'd be very surprised if the aliens (should they come for a visit) were comparable to White Men in intelligence or motives. But you are right, of course -- caution is never a bad idea.

I am; therefore I think.
It's that kind of Paranoia thats resulted in aleins refusing to contact us. We've got more problems then they'd care to handle.

"I hope you all find what you need in whatever hole you peer down, whatever cloud you peek behind, let the disaster dukes masticate on the green grass of hope and love. this year is the most joyous and happy, mournful and sad year I have ever known. life is good bleats the bleating heart, and keeps bleating like an 808. never ever forever tommorow comes, new dawns blister, new songs to be sung. the aeroplane flies high, turns left, looks right. the aeroplane knows you know, sings the song of truth, of redemption, of sorrow, look no further than your dirty feet."____Billy Corgan
AWWW GUYS come on....

Flash, Boris, 17 I was feeling jovial remember?

Sure its got all the halmark Christian paranoia bits but I was only being light hearted not deadly serious. If ya can't poke fun once in a while what can ya do?

17 it was a stab at hummor and if they don't get humor then they have bigger problems than us.

Flash, I am coming to understand that which you hold fast to is along these lines... well if they are so well intentioned then please share their intentions with us. I read somewhere once that they came to save us from ourselves, (early 80's nuclear threat).... Is this what they tell you? Or today it may be along the lines of environmental salvation?

Boris, I'm glad someone sort of enjoyed it. But are you saying were smarter than them or are they smarter than us?

PS can someone teach me how to do the little winky guy at the end of a line?

Hey everyone check it out I got upgraded to a "MEMBER".

Hey Dave W mayhaps ya can xplain how it works?????
Hey Tony, welcome to the "member" club! (whoopty doo ;)) You become a "Member" by posting 30 posts, I believe.

The way you get a "winky" face in the text is to type a ";" and a ")" right next to each other, like this: ;) Check <A HREF="http://www.exosci.com/ubb/faq.html">this page</A> out for more pointers. Also, did you know you can learn about how people do things by clicking the "edit" icon on top of their messages? Of course, it doesn't allow you to change someone else's post, only to view it. But viewing it, you will find out how all the little tricks are accomplished.

As to your question addressed directly to me, I would expect that 1) any alien visitors would be more intelligent than the Renaissance-age Conquistadores, 2) their intelligence will most likely be less similar to ours in quality or quantity than a dolphin's is to a cow's, 3) their motivations will in all probability be as alien as themselves (and in all likelihood, not predictable from our own behavior or history.)

I am; therefore I think.
Let's just say that their intentions are yes, to protect from things that are to come...another time I'll explain that one.. but also to help us spiritually. Do they demand or desire that we worship them? No, they do not. There is not one ounce of evil in them...not one. Their intentions are good in that they have hope for all to advance spiritually...their main goal is to build up not to destroy. They have not shown any signs of "bad fruit" at all.
Thanx Boris,

Hey about the math thing, I know that we base a lot on assumptions. But it does not make it good. ";"")" - Hangin out to see if this worked.

I like the dolphin v's cow thing on intelligence. Kind of like what we keep harping on about "Who can know the mind of God"? And Him being infinitely more brainy than us. ")"")"


Nice guys hey? Can't question it because I've never met them. How often do you guys do lunch or a cow mutilation or whatever it is they do? 1/2 Joke OK. ";"")"

here it is... the secret of the 'winky' heheh
;) (that should show you how to do it)
And i disabled 'smilies' so it shouldn't show up as a face.
Thanx Syber, between you and Big Bad Boris I should make it from normal nerd to computer nerd in say 10 to 20 (years that is).

Cheesy grin time!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Flash:
ha ha ha ...cute real cute :rolleyes:

What, didn't like the cow bit or you did like the cheesy grins?

Seriously, how often do you bump into these guy's? Its great to see you offering up something Flash don't let my strange sense of humor put you off OK. Hey, you mentioned about things to come and protection etc. Anything more???

:D :D :D :D

This little guy is cool!!!
Well to be truthful, I didn't like either one of them.
I "bump" into them quite often...why??? Would you like me to relay something?
Anything more???? How about a great war in which the "good" aliens will SAVE US...in more ways than one!
Originally posted by Flash:
Well to be truthful, I didn't like either one of them.
I "bump" into them quite often...why??? Would you like me to relay something?
Anything more???? How about a great war in which the "good" aliens will SAVE US...in more ways than one!

Thank you Flash,

Sorry you don't like the cheesy grinner. And I can imagine that the reason you don't say much is because dopes like me keep coming up with the wise cracks. I'll try noy to from now on. OK so now I'm with the program, the good aliens protect us from ourselves and the bad aliens. They have proven they are good because they don't go against what we christians term as the Friut of the Spirit, in other words they don't have any bad character traits and are always honest and forthright with you. They also have pure hearts and are spiritualy aware beings. Can I ask one question? (No irreverence intended just curious) What god(s) do they as a spiritualy aware race worship or by what name does he go? How do they see him? How do they communinicate with him? Trances? Chanting? Sacrifice? Pure hearts?
