What Do Muslims Believe about Jesus?

Muslims are willing to die for their principals, while christians would rather kill their principals so they may have life.
then thank G-D that all Muslims have good principles... otherwise we're all f*(ked :rolleyes:

by the way, what if 2 Muslims have 2 different principles, are they going to die before changing their principles?
This thread is about Muslims and their belief in Jesus, you are a JEW who dont believe in Jesus, what the hell are you doing here ???

otheadp said:
as for no mingling of religion and state, flores you gotta be kidding me
give me an example of non-Islamic arab countries except Syria and Lebanon

why not syria & lebanon?
flores, what do you mean "principal"? do you mean "principle"? or principal as in "principal character"?

If you mean "principle" then you are wrong for even muslims are killing for "principle". Like when they kill apostates, gays, suspected adulterers, blasphemers, and hindus.
why not syria & lebanon?
because they have Christian populations, so they're not automatically Islamic (although Islam dominates there)
DoctorNO said:
flores, what do you mean "principal"? do you mean "principle"? or principal as in "principal character"?

If you mean "principle" then you are wrong for even muslims are killing for "principle". Like when they kill apostates, gays, suspected adulterers, blasphemers, and hindus.

Then they have chose the wrong principle to live by..The principle of judging others and hating.

The christians have clearly decided to justify the torture and killing of their messiah, innocence, or principle inorder that they may have eternal life and that's a sick principle, as sick as judging people in the name of god....They're all sick. Different sides of the same coin...and that sick coin is called "Lack of responsbility and integrity and abuse of religion".
Proud_Muslim said:
This thread is about Muslims and their belief in Jesus, you are a JEW who dont believe in Jesus, what the hell are you doing here ???


you should not say belief of Jesus, you should say perception of jesus. Us muslim don't believe in jesus, we perceive him as a prophet. We only believe in god. Jews also believe in god only and they perceive Jesus as a prophet or a rightous man.
otheadp said:
according to Judaism, Jesus (if he existed) was no prophet

How do you know? A prophet is a messanger of god. Only god knows the number and names of messangers that were sent, so why do jews insist of limiting the numbers of these prophets. You don't have to listen to them, not every messanger is sent for all people, messangers are sent to few people at a time to renew the orignial message, there is no reason to discredit them....unless they preach something that is off base from the original message....like become blaphsemous and call themselves gods or sons of god and such..then you have all the right to discredit them..But as long as they are glorifying god and seeking nothing for them, I see no harm in them.
You people amaze me. You talk about good deeds and principles and loving acts. Don't you ever ask yourself WHO created all misery in the first place? Jesus healed the lepers. Who created the sickness of leprosy? God. Thousands of innocent people die in earthquakes. Who created the earth with moving tectonic plates? God. Makes you wonder why he designed the earth that way, eh? Does the earth really need moving tectonic plates and parasites that cause leprosy?

And talk about your double standard! You say it was cruel for xtians to glorify in the savage death of jesus. Well how about when god (according to the koran) replaced jesus with a totally innocent stranger??? Here's this poor sucker wondering how the hell he looks exactly like jesus all of a sudden and why he is being tortured and crucified when he DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! God made this poor innocent man suffer and die a terrible death. Couldn't god just make jesus ascend into the heavens like mohammad did without hurting anybody else? Oh such good principles god has.

If you look at religion logically and ask some very basic questions, it doesn't make sense.
Flores said:
Muslims are willing to die for their principals, while christians would rather kill their principals so they may have life.[/FONT]

My principal isn't very nice. He's actually kind of a jerk. He gives too many detentions. I wouldn't kill my principal though.
Proud Muslim,

According to Christian belief one can only be saved through accepting Jesus as the Saviour, doing good works, giving to charity and prayer. Does Islam have any similar "minimum requirements" shall we say, concerning salvation?