What do ET aliens really doing ?


Registered Senior Member
I have been some UFO research for past weeks, and have listened and read to a lot of Dr. Greer's work. In one of the interviews, this military officer, prob retired, can't find the video now..but he mentioned that in the 60's, US has concluded something very very horrible about ET aliens. First they found out that one of the species look exactly like us. He said it dusturbed many generals...what the hell u gonna do..one could be seating right next to you in a restuarant! Second, these aliens are surveying us....and from other reports, prob for thousands of years. And not only there are few, another military officer mentioned, if you have watched Dr. Greer's press conference back in 2001..he mentioned he cataloged 47 of them.

The question is, what do you think ET aliens purpose is if they come here? What do they do when they circle around somewhere and then go away?
Intergalactic hide and go seek. :confused:

I would think at first it would be observation and research. You never want to jump head first into a pool unless you know it's not shallow.
You would have to show me some more conclusive data than annecdotal account and imagery that cannot be validated. If, indeed, ET Intelligence is visiting our planet, there is no way to accurately hypothesize their intentions without more data.

Curious, though: what leads you to believe that Dr. Greer isn't simply misguided or wrong? What makes you so sure that ET visitation is the only explanation for mass belief in modern mythos?
Originally posted by SkinWalker
You would have to show me some more conclusive data than annecdotal account and imagery that cannot be validated. If, indeed, ET Intelligence is visiting our planet, there is no way to accurately hypothesize their intentions without more data.

Curious, though: what leads you to believe that Dr. Greer isn't simply misguided or wrong? What makes you so sure that ET visitation is the only explanation for mass belief in modern mythos?

He has about 500 military officials to back him up. Including many retired generals..etc..

Dude just stfu, answer this, Do you understand the universe? Do even understand how the universe works? Have you even been even in space? How the F you backing up your claims. I am backing up my claims with evidence..and all you can do is bull about it..man..grow up.
Anyhow. I have my own story about why Aliens visiting. Since I have no idea how the unverse works and no one does. I will make an example to our local. Its not even a theory, but its an interesting story.


There is an island on our planet. On that island isolated in the middle of an ocean. On that island, live very primitive man for some reason. (As the aliens see us) These primitive wear some clothe, and cook food using wood (USA), etc while others just eat raw meat and walk naked (third world countries or lower) And all these groups are seperated on the different parts of an Island. All these groups, see the island as their world. They have never been outside this world (island).

While the ones that are not isolated, many different countries. Mostly much more advanced than primitives, some are more advanced than others. Every one of these countries signed a contract (agreement) that they will not disturb those isolated primitives in any major way OR they didn't sign anything (since i'm theorizing, I will do a lot ORs). With the agreement, only official (agreed) science communities might come on long range ships (water) from very far distant away and study them. Sometimes those ships do not satisfy collected data, some planes (spy planes) will go over the island at a very high altitude. Then they have to find out, how come these primitives exist on this island. So they have abduct and study them. Then if there is no contract or anything, any of the countries will try to study them.(science communities) What do you think happens, when different countries try to go in the same place, prob causing conflict (normally).

So few years later, the primitives who cook and wear clothe..start building little wooden boats. The farthest they can go is a half of a mile. Some of them (NASA) finds disturbing things and seen these tiny little ships from distant away. So these primitives go back and are scared. THey keep it secret within the community that built that little boat. Everyone else is out of the loop. So as they reported to their elder people, (government) They decided on building more of these boats..and try to make them more advanced so then can go a little farther and builded some kind defense (like booby traps) around the water. As we have placed weapons in space. So now these primitives know something is outer there (government) and will not let the others know. Uhh you know..I don't know the rest of the story...we shall see...
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Originally posted by AlexKN1
He has about 500 military officials to back him up. Including many retired generals..etc..

What are their names and ranks?

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Dude just stfu,

Less likely than ET visitation.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
answer this, Do you understand the universe?
Do even understand how the universe works?

More and more every day.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Have you even been even in space?

Have you? (please say "yes!" Please say "yes!") What's going to space got to do with it?

Originally posted by AlexKN1
How the F you backing up your claims. I am backing up my claims with evidence..

I'm just asking to see, or at least be pointed to, the evidence.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
and all you can do is bull about it..man..grow up.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
...I am backing up my claims with evidence..and all you can do is bull about it..man..grow up.
Actually, SkinWalker's response was rather polite, and certainly undeserving of your venomous post. Exactly what evidence have you presented? You are merely quoting another individual, who has presented no solid evidence either.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by AlexKN1
Anyhow. I have my own theory about why Aliens visiting. Since I have no idea how the unverse works and no one does. I will make an example to our local.

That wasn't exactly a theory, since none of your hypotheses were supported by testable evidence. As far as how the universe works, ask a question. Perhaps there are things about the universe that you don't know, but others have good theories about. The kind of theories that can be backed by testable evidence (like e=mc^2).
Originally posted by kazakhan
Disclosure Project
This place contains lots of info.
I find hard to believe all these people are delusional, at least some part of it has to have some truth in it?

I quickly browsed this site, unfortunately, I haven't the time to look at every link, but from what I saw it consists mainly of annecdotal accounts and inappropriate assignment of UFO acknowledgement through the public statements by elected officials about the cold war.

Nothing in there suggests that there is anymore credibility than cults such as Hari Krishna, Jim Jones, Branch Davidians, or Heaven's Gate. In fact, an atheist would argue that the fact that millions of people the world over think that they've had conversations with god, so why can't millions of others believe to have conversations with aliens?
Disclosure Project

I have read most of Greer's voluminous book the Disclosure Project and came away quite impressed with...

1.) the veracity of the witnesses most of whom are military personnel or civilian pilots.
2.) the reproducibility and internal consistency of reports spanning 1940s to the present.
3.) the scientific plausability of what is reported.

It seems to me that either all of these people are lying, massively deluded, or are reporting something real.

the truth is often stranger than fiction.
Originally posted by AlexKN1
I have been some UFO research for past weeks, and have listened and read to a lot of Dr. Greer's work. In one of the interviews, this military officer, prob retired, can't find the video now..but he mentioned that in the 60's, US has concluded something very very horrible about ET aliens. First they found out that one of the species look exactly like us. He said it dusturbed many generals...what the hell u gonna do..one could be seating right next to you in a restuarant! Second, these aliens are surveying us....and from other reports, prob for thousands of years. And not only there are few, another military officer mentioned, if you have watched Dr. Greer's press conference back in 2001..he mentioned he cataloged 47 of them.

The question is, what do you think ET aliens purpose is if they come here? What do they do when they circle around somewhere and then go away?

Im going to ask you, english is not your native language is it? and if it is, Seriously start looking over what you type, it makes your stories (yes stories) much more credible in the first place
Re: Re: What do ET aliens really doing ?

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Im going to ask you, english is not your native language is it? and if it is, Seriously start looking over what you type, it makes your stories (yes stories) much more credible in the first place

And I care?
you should, it makes you look like an uneducated hillbilly , and or just an idiot, though i suppose the two are very similiar
While I disagree with much of what AlexKN1 has stated previously in the Pseudoscience forum, I have to say that you really should cut others a bit of slack when it comes to grammer.

Many, as you suggested, are not native-English speakers. I believe AlexKN1's first language is Russian.

One could argue that making wild assumptions about another's education level based upon speech or writing ability in a second language makes one look silly.

I won't argue that point, however.

But one could. :cool:
I really should, but I really doubt that others enjoy having to pick their way through gibberish
Originally posted by SkinWalker
While I disagree with much of what AlexKN1 has stated previously in the Pseudoscience forum, I have to say that you really should cut others a bit of slack when it comes to grammer.

Many, as you suggested, are not native-English speakers. I believe AlexKN1's first language is Russian.

One could argue that making wild assumptions about another's education level based upon speech or writing ability in a second language makes one look silly.

I won't argue that point, however.

But one could. :cool:
