What did Jesus say?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Several of the Gnostic Gospels have quoted words actually spoken by the living Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas, the Twin, who Jesus spoke with in person:

Jesus said, "If you bring forth wht is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

~ The Gospel of Thomas 32:10-11

What Jesus actually said to his followers and what ws written in the NT don't agree:

Jesus said, "... the companion of the [Savior is] Mary Magdalene. [But Christ loved] her more than [all] the disciples, and used to kiss her [often] on her [mouth]. The rest of [the disciples were offended] ... They said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you as [I love] her?"

~ The Gospel of Philip 63:32-64

What do you believe -- what Jesus actually said to his followers or what Paul said Jesus said?
I'm in the middle of Q: The Lost Gospel by Burton L. Mack. It contains a purported reconstruction of the original Q document, and even has separated out its different times of composition. The first sayings of Jesus were apparently "Wisdom" teaching, later on adulterated with eschatological (concerning the Last Prophet) and Apocalyptic (concerning the End of the current system and the new Kingdom).

Mack's theory is that the original "Jesus people" who compiled Q weren't Christians at all - in the currently accepted sense. They had no concept of the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection; they followed Jesus because of the love that he preached, and a new way of living.

That Gospel of Philip sounds like an attempt to "sex up" the Bible story, if you ask me, MW! :p Sounds like Philip said to himself, "So this guy picks up 12 other guys and wanders around with them, telling them specifically to leave their wives behind..... too gay!"
Silas: I'm in the middle of Q: The Lost Gospel by Burton L. Mack. It contains a purported reconstruction of the original Q document, and even has separated out its different times of composition. The first sayings of Jesus were apparently "Wisdom" teaching, later on adulterated with eschatological (concerning the Last Prophet) and Apocalyptic (concerning the End of the current system and the new Kingdom).

Mack's theory is that the original "Jesus people" who compiled Q weren't Christians at all - in the currently accepted sense. They had no concept of the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection; they followed Jesus because of the love that he preached, and a new way of living.

That Gospel of Philip sounds like an attempt to "sex up" the Bible story, if you ask me, MW! :p Sounds like Philip said to himself, "So this guy picks up 12 other guys and wanders around with them, telling them specifically to leave their wives behind..... too gay!"
M*W: It would seem that way. We had a lengthy post some time ago about Paul's homosexuality. Even Jesus has been called gay. I doubt that, because I believe he and MM were married with kids.
Medicine Woman said:

What do you believe -- what Jesus actually said to his followers or what Paul said Jesus said?

Have you been able to accomplish what 2000 years of scholarship has not, that is, finding the first instance where Paul ever quoted Jesus?

Paul was busy formulating his own Doctrines in the Name of Jesus, but never actually even pretended to refer to anything Christ said or taught. It was Paul's position that the important thing Christ accomplished was in offering Himself as a Sacrifice -- that it was Christ's Death that was pivotal, and NOT His Life or anything that he preached. Infact Paul was active in advancing the notion that everything Christ taught was superceded by His Death and Sacrifice -- that whatever he taught while alive no longer counted or was no longer in effect.

What is it that is written by Paul in the NT that doesn't agree with what Jesus said here? Can you explain? I don't know what you're referring to. I'm interested because just recently I had an interaction with a co-worker. It was one of those "more than coincedental" interactions...not that I believe anything to be coincedence anymore. Part of the conversation was about the book "The Davinci Code". She had read it, and was telling me about it. She had also read a biography of Mary Magdelene, and she suggested that I read these books. Throughout this past year, since this experience happened to me...with the rock star...God has used different people to speak to me...to teach me things that I need to know...works of art sometimes...songs, poetry, movies, paintings, and books. I just got the strong feeling that God was going to convey something to me through her...and through this book that I'm supposed to read.

I was thinking about Mary today...what it must have been like to have been in her shoes. A former prostitute and all of the baggage that came with it...how she must have been treated by everyone...but particularly by men, and in a sexual way. Hurt, jaded, demeaned, abused, numb, cold, ashamed, alone...hopeless. And then to have been saved. Knowing the love of Christ is so amazing...His love is incomparable. But to be His wife...to have Jesus as a husband. To try to imagine just how grateful she must have been. She must have thought she died and went to heaven. How grateful must she have been...now that's redemption. And that is Him...that is so Him...to restore her and redeem her in that way...that's exactly what He is like...that is so Him. To take a broken and hard hearted prostitute, and heal her and redeem her and restore her with His love, and to be the wife of Christ Himself. She must have felt like the luckiest woman in the whole world. I can relate...because of what he's done for me...I feel that way too. But I know there is no such thing as luck.

Anyway, I'm interested in what you're talking about if you care to explain a bit.


The only gospels I believe in are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These non-canonical books of the bible were written by various churches who heard the good news of Christ, but without any foundation. A commitee of church leaders put the bible together based on what was historically accurate. Remember, this was about the time of the eyewitnesses' deaths. Their sons got in touch with the churches and helped sort out what was correct and what wasn't. The books that didn't make the cut were excluded from the bible.

I pray that I have spoken truth.
Why would Jesus' love for mary be different than for others? "He" wasn't even a man, but God!

So... He was married to God... a real wedding, not like those we have on earth... people never stay together forever, but he always stays with God, because he was really Married to Him!

Then again... all men were married at that time, so maybe he was married too... but that's still not real marriage...
Leo Volont: Have you been able to accomplish what 2000 years of scholarship has not, that is, finding the first instance where Paul ever quoted Jesus?
M*W: Paul NEVER quoted Jesus. Paul created the myth of christianity based on his own delusions.
Leo Volont: Paul was busy formulating his own Doctrines in the Name of Jesus, but never actually even pretended to refer to anything Christ said or taught. It was Paul's position that the important thing Christ accomplished was in offering Himself as a Sacrifice -- that it was Christ's Death that was pivotal, and NOT His Life or anything that he preached. Infact Paul was active in advancing the notion that everything Christ taught was superceded by His Death and Sacrifice -- that whatever he taught while alive no longer counted or was no longer in effect.
M*W: My post was referring to the Gnostic Gospels, not what Paul wrote. The Gnostics knew Jesus, lived in his time, and quoted him directly unlike Paul whose work was fictional.
Lori_7: MW, What is it that is written by Paul in the NT that doesn't agree with what Jesus said here? Can you explain? I don't know what you're referring to. I'm interested because just recently I had an interaction with a co-worker. It was one of those "more than coincedental" interactions...not that I believe anything to be coincedence anymore. Part of the conversation was about the book "The Davinci Code". She had read it, and was telling me about it. She had also read a biography of Mary Magdelene, and she suggested that I read these books. Throughout this past year, since this experience happened to me...with the rock star...God has used different people to speak to me...to teach me things that I need to know...works of art sometimes...songs, poetry, movies, paintings, and books. I just got the strong feeling that God was going to convey something to me through her...and through this book that I'm supposed to read.
MW*: Lori, I have only recently been reading The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels (Professor of Religion at Princeton -- I believe). Translations of the Gnostic Gospels indicate first-hand evidence of Jesus' actual words to MM, Philip and Thomas. That's as far as I have gotten in the book. What Paul wrote (Epistles were written BEFORE the NT Gospels and influenced the writers of the NT Gospels) was not first-hand. Paul created the myth of Jesus, including Jesus' words, when he had never met Jesus. The closest person to Paul who would have known Jesus is Peter, but Peter rebelled against Jesus and even later against Paul, so Paul cannot be trusted as a biographer of Jesus. Paul has a long criminal history of being a liar, thief and murderer. He tried to destroy the Jerusalem church and threw Jesus' brother James off a balcony to his death. Paul did everything he could to destroy what Jesus taught. That is the basic difference between Paul's epistles which influenced the gospels. Everything quoted by Jesus in the NT is a lie! Paul made it all up. Paul was delusional -- history confirms that. All christians who believe in the words of Paul, believe a lie. If you really want to know Jesus, look to sources other than the NT.
Lori: I was thinking about Mary today...what it must have been like to have been in her shoes. A former prostitute and all of the baggage that came with it...how she must have been treated by everyone...but particularly by men, and in a sexual way. Hurt, jaded, demeaned, abused, numb, cold, ashamed, alone...hopeless. And then to have been saved. Knowing the love of Christ is so amazing...His love is incomparable. But to be His wife...to have Jesus as a husband. To try to imagine just how grateful she must have been. She must have thought she died and went to heaven. How grateful must she have been...now that's redemption. And that is Him...that is so Him...to restore her and redeem her in that way...that's exactly what He is like... that is so Him. To take a broken and hard hearted prostitute, and heal her and redeem her and restore her with His love, and to be the wife of Christ Himself. She must have felt like the luckiest woman in the whole world. I can relate...because of what he's done for me...I feel that way too. But I know there is no such thing as luck.
M*W: First, MM was not a prostitute at all! That's what Paul wrote. She was a woman of high stature in her community and Jesus' lover and wife. She had great spiritual teachings that she told Jesus' followers. Paul created her as a prostitute, but in those days, the word 'prostitute' didn't mean 'whore' or 'street walker.' It meant a woman of independent means. Something that the misogyny of the day abhored. Those 'seven demons' Jesus supposedly exorcised out of MM was a lie. I believe it was a code word used for the 'seven seas.' Even the name 'Mary' is derived from 'Mer' meaning the sea. She lived in the coastal town of Bethany where seafaring was the main enterprise. She probably owned some kind of seafaring business or inherited it, etc. That Jesus exorcised these 'seven demons' from Mary probably meant that she gave up the business of seafaring. She was a wise woman and may have even influenced Jesus' teachings. I've read a lot about MM. Nowhere in the NT does it refer to MM being a prostitute or a woman of ill repute, however, somewhere I have read that myself, but it is simply not true.

MM was the closest person on earth to Jesus, and Jesus loved her intimately. The male apostles were jealous, but their unfound jealousy was sort of homophobic.
Lori: Anyway, I'm interested in what you're talking about if you care to explain a bit.
M*W: Since I've explained only a small part of what you've asked, before you disbelieve it, why don't you look up on the web about MM and Jesus. There's quite a bit of information there confirming what I've said. Of course, there are many, many books out there that tell the true story of Jesus and MM. Although I am no longer a christian, the stories I have read about MM make Jesus' existence authentic to me. If MM is real, so is JC. Unfortunately, I don't believe he was the Messiah. Perhaps MM was.
Yorda: Why would Jesus' love for mary be different than for others? "He" wasn't even a man, but God!
M*W: Jesus had a passionate love affair with MM. He sired their children, so he was a man. It is only in Paul's falsification of the life of Jesus where he is portrayed as a god -- a dying demigod savior.
Yorda: So... He was married to God... a real wedding, not like those we have on earth... people never stay together forever, but he always stays with God, because he was really Married to Him!
M*W: This statement is way out in left field! You are creating an image of homosexulity here. Since the only text you've read about Jesus was written by Paul, so you really don't know the truth of who Jesus really was.
Yorda: Then again... all men were married at that time, so maybe he was married too... but that's still not real marriage...
M*W: What is a real marriage? Do you think Jesus didn't have real marriage? Jesus was a rabbi. Rabbis had to be married. That was Jewish Law.

Your posts concern me. Not only do you not know the truth, you're trying to skew the image of Jesus into a homosexual one. In fact, this has been aired many times before. He loved MM more than the rest because she was his wife and companion. Of course he didn't love the male apostles like he loved her. MM was the Apostle of the Apostles, and the male apostles were jealous of her. Just sounds too homosexual to believe. (Not that I am homophobic or anything. I just don't see where Jesus could have been one).
M*W: Jesus had a passionate love affair with MM. He sired their children, so he was a man. It is only in Paul's falsification of the life of Jesus where he is portrayed as a god -- a dying demigod savior.
Yorda: God (Jesus) didn't have a "passionate love affair" with MM. It's ridiculous. That's not THE Jesus, that's "your Jesus". Jesus (God) was not a man. He only used a male clothes. Paul was a good man.
M*W: You are creating an image of homosexulity here. Since the only text you've read about Jesus was written by Paul, so you really don't know the truth of who Jesus really was.
Yorda: I didn't say anything about sexuality. Jesus has no sexuality. God doesn't need to procreate himself. Jesus is no entity fallen from oneness. Paul (or whoever, the 4 Gospels at least) tells who Jesus really is - The sOn of God/man. I've read a little of the Gnostic Gospels, they're full of wisdom and crap.
M*W: What is a real marriage? Do you think Jesus didn't have real marriage? Jesus was a rabbi. Rabbis had to be married. That was Jewish Law.
Yorda: Unio mystica. Real marriage is unification between two complementary halfs. Jesus didn't care about the Jewish law, he is spirit and he knew the law of God.
M*W: Your posts concern me. Not only do you not know the truth, you're trying to skew the image of Jesus into a homosexual one.
Yorda: You don't know the truth either.
M*W: He loved MM more than the rest because she was his wife and companion. Of course he didn't love the male apostles like he loved her.
Yorda: No. He loved everyone in a holistic way, the same way as God loves everyone. He didn't love MM "as a man loves a woman".
Now you know the truth, doesn't it feel good?
Yorda: M*W: Jesus had a passionate love affair with MM. He sired their children, so he was a man. It is only in Paul's falsification of the life of Jesus where he is portrayed as a god -- a dying demigod savior.
M*W: You need to do more reading of the gnostic gospels. Your fund of knowledge about Jesus is truly lacking.
Yorda: God (Jesus) didn't have a "passionate love affair" with MM. It's ridiculous. That's not THE Jesus, that's "your Jesus". Jesus (God) was not a man. He only used a male clothes. Paul was a good man.
M*W: How wrong could you possibly be? I don't worship Jesus, but I want to set the historic record straight. Paul was not a good man. He was a liar, thief and murderer. This is who you and all christians blindly worship.
Yorda: I didn't say anything about sexuality. Jesus has no sexuality. God doesn't need to procreate himself. Jesus is no entity fallen from oneness. Paul (or whoever, the 4 Gospels at least) tells who Jesus really is - The sOn of God/man. I've read a little of the Gnostic Gospels, they're full of wisdom and crap.
M*W: Jesus was born a male. He was married and had children, so he did have sex, and he was in love with MM. The four gospels were influenced with Paul's earlier writings. Paul never new Jesus, so everything Paul said or wrote about Jesus was a lie. The Gnostic Gospels may be full of wisdom, but Jesus speaks to MM, Philip, Thomas and the others firsthand. Jesus and MM spoke about wisdom. You are calling what Jesus spoke as "crap." Most definitely, wisdom has escaped you!
Yorda: Unio mystica. Real marriage is unification between two complementary halfs. Jesus didn't care about the Jewish law, he is spirit and he knew the law of God.
M*W: Jesus was a Rabbi, so he did care about Jewish Law. He taught it. He was a man and not just a spirit.
Yorda: No. He loved everyone in a holistic way, the same way as God loves everyone. He didn't love MM "as a man loves a woman".
Now you know the truth, doesn't it feel good?
M*W: Again, Yorda, you need to do more reading, because you have shown us your ignorance.
M*W: Paul never new Jesus, so everything Paul said or wrote about Jesus was a lie.
Yorda: Was it a lie when Paul wrote "Love others as yourself"?
Paul said that our true mind is God, that we can only know what we ourself are. We can only know God if we have found the mind of God in ourselves.
Yorda: M*W: Paul never new Jesus, so everything Paul said or wrote about Jesus was a lie.
Yorda: Was it a lie when Paul wrote "Love others as yourself"?
Paul said that our true mind is God, that we can only know what we ourself are. We can only know God if we have found the mind of God in ourselves.
M*W: Although it may seem like a nice thing to say, Jesus didn't say it -- Paul did. Paul even wrote the beatitudes claiming Jesus said them. That's a lie, too. If you want to know what Jesus actually said, you might want to read the Gnostic Gospels.

I still don't understand where the discrepancy lies. It doesn't say in the Bible that Jesus was not married or did not have children, it just doesn't say that He did. And if He did, that does not mean that He was not God come to earth in the flesh of a man, for He was a man...that's the whole point. Jesus was God in the form of a human being. To me, it has always seemed pretty obvious who MM was. Isn't it pretty obvious????


Lori_7: MW,

I still don't understand where the discrepancy lies. It doesn't say in the Bible that Jesus was not married or did not have children, it just doesn't say that He did. And if He did, that does not mean that He was not God come to earth in the flesh of a man, for He was a man...that's the whole point. Jesus was God in the form of a human being. To me, it has always seemed pretty obvious who MM was. Isn't it pretty obvious????
M*W: The discrepancy lies in Paul's writings. Paul never knew Jesus, so he never heard Jesus say anything. Paul influenced the gospel writers having them use his epistles to write the gospeis. Jesus spoke directly and in person to MM, Peter and James, his brother. These people wrote down what Jesus actually said. That is where the discrepancy comes in. You would have to read the Gnostic Gospels to see the misquotes in the first three gospels. Jesus never said he was god in the flesh. His divinity was created in 325 AD when the early church fathers created a deity out of him. The Gnostic Gospels don't talk about the crucifixion nor the resurrection -- the two things that would make him divine. They knew Jesus in the flesh long after the resurrection had passed. What does that tell you? It was Paul who created the myth of the crucifixion and resurrection. The NT doesn't represent the truth. That is the discrepancy.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Although it may seem like a nice thing to say, Jesus didn't say it -- Paul did. Paul even wrote the beatitudes claiming Jesus said them. That's a lie, too. If you want to know what Jesus actually said, you might want to read the Gnostic Gospels.

Then Paul is probably more Christ than this person you call Jesus.
Medicine Woman said:
Lori_7: MW,

I still don't understand where the discrepancy lies. It doesn't say in the Bible that Jesus was not married or did not have children, it just doesn't say that He did. And if He did, that does not mean that He was not God come to earth in the flesh of a man, for He was a man...that's the whole point. Jesus was God in the form of a human being. To me, it has always seemed pretty obvious who MM was. Isn't it pretty obvious????
M*W: The discrepancy lies in Paul's writings. Paul never knew Jesus, so he never heard Jesus say anything. Paul influenced the gospel writers having them use his epistles to write the gospeis. Jesus spoke directly and in person to MM, Peter and James, his brother. These people wrote down what Jesus actually said. That is where the discrepancy comes in. You would have to read the Gnostic Gospels to see the misquotes in the first three gospels. Jesus never said he was god in the flesh. His divinity was created in 325 AD when the early church fathers created a deity out of him. The Gnostic Gospels don't talk about the crucifixion nor the resurrection -- the two things that would make him divine. They knew Jesus in the flesh long after the resurrection had passed. What does that tell you? It was Paul who created the myth of the crucifixion and resurrection. The NT doesn't represent the truth. That is the discrepancy.


It seems that you are assuming things that you very well don't know to be true. Just because the gnostic gospels exist doesn't mean that the other gospels are false. New information does not necessarily negate the old information, or replace it...but can add to it...supplement it. It sounds to me as if you are assuming according to what you desire to believe for some reason.

In other words, in order for there to be a discrepancy regarding what you've posted here, you would have to cite in the NT where it says that Jesus was never married or had children, and it doesn't say that.


Yorda: Then Paul is probably more Christ than this person you call Jesus.
M*W: Yes, Paul tried to convince others that he was the 'Messiah' in addition to his other lies. Paul created his myth around the personage of Jesus. From your statement, it sounds as if you are not familiar with the Jesus I speak of. Are you?