What did Jesus look like?

I wonder if he had man boobs or was hung like a mule? He was probably 350 lbs with a big beer gut. Had a beard that always contained his last supper, blessed with a hair lip, cleft palate, club foot, acne, one long eyebrow, hunchbacked, drooling from facial paralysis and cauliflower ears. Perfect, as are all God's creatures Sandy.

Perfection it seems is being beautiful. Christianity never ceases to amaze me.
From science and computers, a new face of Jesus


(CNN) -- The Jesus pictured on the cover of this month's Popular Mechanics has a broad peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair and a prominent nose. He would have stood 5-foot-1-inch tall and weighed 110 pounds, if the magazine is to be believed.

This representation is quite different from the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured depiction of the man Christians consider the son of God.

Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers got together to create the face featured in the 1.2-million circulation magazine, which occasionally veers from its usual coverage of motors and tools to cover the merger of science and religion.

"What did Jesus look like?" the article asks. "An answer has emerged from an exciting new field of science: forensic anthropology."

The real Jesus.

M*W: This guy looks like a used car salesman I know in Houston.
M*W: I am familiar with this composite adaptation of what Jesus would probably have looked like. When I posted this thread, I wasn't thinking about this composite however.

I thought it would be interesting to learn different impressions of Jesus's physical appearance (of which I believe there could not be one). The part I find most interesting about this computer composite is that Jesus may have been 5'1"! I've always believed as we evolved, we've gotten bigger and taller. That would mean that Jesus would be shorter than me! Kinda awkward I would say.

Anyway, I look forward to more personal descriptions of people who believe Jesus lived.

Animal size is all about how much food is available. If there is a lot of food(like now) people grow and grow and grow until they are too large to sustain themselves efficiently. Particularly if height is sex-selected (and it is). I personally believe humans or human-close relatives varied in size a great deal in ancient times and before that too. We have pretty vast evidence the vikings were averaging 6'2- 6'4 in their heyday, while your average Briton was 5'3 - 5'6, starvin on their porriage just like today.
people grow and grow and grow until they are too large to sustain themselves efficiently. Particularly if height is sex-selected (and it is). I personally believe humans or human-close relatives varied in size a great deal in ancient times and before that too. We have pretty vast evidence the vikings were averaging 6'2- 6'4 in their heyday, while your average Briton was 5'3 - 5'6, starvin on their porriage just like today.

They were huge, how do you think the Romans got those lions in thne colliseum? the didnt even have guns yet.
They were huge, how do you think the Romans got those lions in thne colliseum? the didnt even have guns yet.

Oh i don't know, but i'll take a shot in the dark:

Maybe they trained them from cubs?

By the way, what's your point?
They were huge, how do you think the Romans got those lions in thne colliseum? the didnt even have guns yet.

M*W: John, I'm not convinced they fed christians to the lions in the Colliseum in Rome. I believe this story was made-up about the Sign of Leo.
this is what he looks like:


M*W: The crown of thorns, like the laurel and oak leaf crowns, were made to represent sun rays emitting outward from the god who wore them. Take for example the sun emitted sunbeams, the Roman emperors who believed themselves to be gods wore laurel and oak leaf crowns to show their godliness, and then Jesus, the sun god, wore his crown of thorns which, I think, could portray the sun "dying" since the crown of thorns had no leaves or foilage as it would if it were alive. Hey, even the statue of Moses was sculpted by Michelangelo having horns. Ask any art critic or biblical scholar and they would tell you the same thing.
M*W: John, I'm not convinced they fed christians to the lions in the Colliseum in Rome. I believe this story was made-up about the Sign of Leo.

Hi M*W,

I am sure it happened these type of stories and written accounts allways seem to have alot of thruth in them.

The Roman empire from what i have read did that and much more putting down any threats to them, they were creative about it too. In the end the Christians won when Constantine became Emperor.

See middle of page:


i was kind of joking in that response, but the Roman's did alot of amazing thing's, the circus, aquaducts etc. I allway thought the name's- Monday, Tuesday, wednesday etc. originated from Rome but this seems to dispute that.

Does anyone here know more about it?
did jesus exist medicine women?


M*W: I think you already know my answer. No, Jesus didn't exist in human form. His fictional character in the NT was an anthropomorphization of the sun.

BTW, as far as I know, there is only one Medicine*Woman (singular) on this forum. Your post implies there are several.
Any chance JC is a white guy?..... or maybe he has a generic head that when you look at it you see a guy from your race.

Interestingly, I had a conversation about this with a friend last night. In his house, Jesus was black, although he knows Jesus probably wasn't black. To the other, though, the Zeffirelli Christ image just doesn't cut it. Jesus was more likely black than the Zeffirelli, more likely looked like one of the guys who bombed the WTC than the Zeffirelli. Hell, as my friend put it, Jesus was more likely Japanese than Zeffirelli.

Zeffirelli Christ he ain't.