What did Jesus look like?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: No one in history has ever described what Jesus looked like. There are no drawings or portraits of Jesus that were done during his day. Yet, Jesus is depicted all over the world with long light brown hair and blue eyes. Some have even described Jesus as having wooly hair like an Afro. When you think of Jesus, what image comes to your mind?
A bare foot peasant, not much above the the locals, his only claim to fame was his opposition to Roman rule, in other words he was a later day activist
who had the media captivated.
Jesus Christ is the most handsome, amazing-looking man you can possibly imagine. He is the ultimate: awe-inspiring, intense, gorgeous, stunning, magnificent, amazing, perfect.:worship:

No words can describe his majesty.:worship:
Like any other fictional character - however you want him to look.
M*W: No one in history has ever described what Jesus looked like. There are no drawings or portraits of Jesus that were done during his day. Yet, Jesus is depicted all over the world with long light brown hair and blue eyes. Some have even described Jesus as having wooly hair like an Afro. When you think of Jesus, what image comes to your mind?

Ever since seeing pics like this, for some reason this is what I picture JC looking like - at least generally. I mean, like someone who lived in the region he supposedly came from, not like Eric Clapton.
Jesus Christ is the most handsome, amazing-looking man you can possibly imagine. He is the ultimate: awe-inspiring, intense, gorgeous, stunning, magnificent, amazing, perfect.:worship:

No words can describe his majesty.:worship:

ah, that was beautiful Sandy.
Jesus Christ is the most handsome, amazing-looking man you can possibly imagine. He is the ultimate: awe-inspiring, intense, gorgeous, stunning, magnificent, amazing, perfect.:worship:

No words can describe his majesty.:worship:

M*W: Could you please cite a reference for this description, or have you seen him yourself?
Well assuming Jesus was a historical, real character, he was from Palestine, so he probably had the physical characteristics of the people in that region...
From science and computers, a new face of Jesus


(CNN) -- The Jesus pictured on the cover of this month's Popular Mechanics has a broad peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair and a prominent nose. He would have stood 5-foot-1-inch tall and weighed 110 pounds, if the magazine is to be believed.

This representation is quite different from the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured depiction of the man Christians consider the son of God.

Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers got together to create the face featured in the 1.2-million circulation magazine, which occasionally veers from its usual coverage of motors and tools to cover the merger of science and religion.

"What did Jesus look like?" the article asks. "An answer has emerged from an exciting new field of science: forensic anthropology."

The real Jesus.
No words can describe your idiocy.

While it was an unconstructive post, the one you refer to to, there is no reason to get nasty.

Personally, I couldnt care less what Jesus looked like. All anyone needs to know is what he did not what he looked like.
From science and computers, a new face of Jesus


(CNN) -- The Jesus pictured on the cover of this month's Popular Mechanics has a broad peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair and a prominent nose. He would have stood 5-foot-1-inch tall and weighed 110 pounds, if the magazine is to be believed.

This representation is quite different from the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured depiction of the man Christians consider the son of God.

Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers got together to create the face featured in the 1.2-million circulation magazine, which occasionally veers from its usual coverage of motors and tools to cover the merger of science and religion.

"What did Jesus look like?" the article asks. "An answer has emerged from an exciting new field of science: forensic anthropology."

The real Jesus.

I guess you dont know that image\asdsumption was from years ago on the discovery channel, maybe PM 'borrowed' it:D - of course the true image can be like what is often depicted...why couldnt it? dont say no one in the area looke like that because that is not true.

WOW they mede him look just like a cave man.
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Jesus Christ is the most handsome, amazing-looking man you can possibly imagine. He is the ultimate: awe-inspiring, intense, gorgeous, stunning, magnificent, amazing, perfect.:worship:

No words can describe his majesty.:worship:
well duh of course he is,
he is how you would imagine him to be. you said so yourself here "you can possibly imagine."

and here is a picture of jesus especially for M*W
From science and computers, a new face of Jesus


(CNN) -- The Jesus pictured on the cover of this month's Popular Mechanics has a broad peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair and a prominent nose. He would have stood 5-foot-1-inch tall and weighed 110 pounds, if the magazine is to be believed.

This representation is quite different from the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured depiction of the man Christians consider the son of God.

Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers got together to create the face featured in the 1.2-million circulation magazine, which occasionally veers from its usual coverage of motors and tools to cover the merger of science and religion.

"What did Jesus look like?" the article asks. "An answer has emerged from an exciting new field of science: forensic anthropology."

The real Jesus.

M*W: I am familiar with this composite adaptation of what Jesus would probably have looked like. When I posted this thread, I wasn't thinking about this composite however.

I thought it would be interesting to learn different impressions of Jesus's physical appearance (of which I believe there could not be one). The part I find most interesting about this computer composite is that Jesus may have been 5'1"! I've always believed as we evolved, we've gotten bigger and taller. That would mean that Jesus would be shorter than me! Kinda awkward I would say.

Anyway, I look forward to more personal descriptions of people who believe Jesus lived.
well duh of course he is,
he is how you would imagine him to be. you said so yourself here "you can possibly imagine."

and here is a picture of jesus especially for M*W

M*W: Thanks, geezer! I recognized him right away! I only wish other people did!