What did jc look like?

On a global scale, I see no cohesion other than mutual respect for the others right to have their own distinct character.
For instance using apple as an example.
Apple moving its production to China thus abandoning the USA working people and paying all their production money into chinese hands & Chinese bank accounts instead of US communitys, US busines owners and local US shops...

you do not see Globalisation creating normative Global Cohesion for directly impacting social & cultural driving forces in the USA ?
For instance using apple as an example.
Apple moving its production to China thus abandoning the USA working people and paying all their production money into chinese hands & Chinese bank accounts instead of US communitys, US busines owners and local US shops...

you do not see Globalisation creating normative Global Cohesion for directly impacting social & cultural driving forces in the USA ?
It plays a role in how people perceive its benefits. A coastal community would view it differently than would a Midwestern community.
It plays a role in how people perceive its benefits.
It plays a role in how people perceive its benefits. A coastal community would view it differently than would a Midwestern community.

like the perception of coal miners on clean energy ?
e.g ... media must be directed at coal miners to change their perception to be posative toward clean energy...

Thus the Perception of Jesus being white(euro-ethno-centric) is more important than what christians actualy do ?
like the perception of coal miners on clean energy ?
e.g ... media must be directed at coal miners to change their perception to be posative toward clean energy...

Thus the Perception of Jesus being white(euro-ethno-centric) is more important than what christians actualy do ?
Well there is a moral dilemma there, for me at least. Is it our place to propagandize other people?
e.g ... media must be directed at coal miners to change their perception to be posative toward clean energy...

I'm puzzled by the strange perception of clean energy. I know the stupid propaganda version.

Energy is the ability to do work. That's it

What the stupid ones SEEM to want is energy from nothing. Physics does not work like that in the real world.

I know I know you're going to say produce energy from low pollution sources. Again the real world does not work like that

Wind farms example. Did those windmills and turbines and future upkeep come from zero sum energy? Nooooo

Replacement and upkeep alone will sap much of the energy they produce let alone the wastefulness of the energy loss by having numerous turbines instead of just one large. The travel between them chews up more energy both in vehicles required and the travel itself

I could point out the defects in much of the rest of the clean energy production but it's nearly 3am and my KMart bladder got me awake for a misnamed rest stop and now Huey Dewey and Louie are saying go back to sleep

I know I know you're going to say produce energy from low pollution sources. Again the real world does not work like that
The problem isn't clean energy in principle, but scalability. For instance, hydro energy is clean, after we build the dam.
I have been thinking about how primative and simple the times of Jesus and the questions we ask about him.

As to appearance I wonder would he have even been in possession of a mirror?
How often would he have bathed and in fact would he have owned a bath tub and what sort of toilets did they have back then.

Would he have been personally able to start a fire? Would he have carried a fire starting kit a knife and a piece of string...or a note pad...

Would he have had access to books (or scrolls) on maths and geometry, medicine or perhaps astronomy or anything in the way of a book we today would call a text book or a book of reference.

What would have been in his education besides the religion of the day.

In fact is there any record that tells us that Jesus could even read or write?

Is there any record of what projects or jobs he worked on?

Is there any indication he ever rode in a horse drawn carriage.

Those times were so simple and I wonder why folk find it so appealling to look back there for knowledge when there was so little.

Its no wonder back then they invented stories and that storytellers flourished as there was little else...imagine a world without newspaper and modern transport and well make a list of what they did not have and did not experience...
I'm not, the government advocates all the time in the public interest... Don't smoke, wear a seatbelt, use a child car seat, etc....
Sneeky Government.
They put on this facade of wanting to protect the populace when really secretly they are planning disarm everyone and to round up those who are not them and put them in concentration camps.☺☺☺ Poe rating high.
As sadly there would be many who may sincerely believe that I nailed it.

On the bright side if it doesn't happen under Trump you can probably say it will never happen.

I'm not, the government advocates all the time in the public interest... Don't smoke, wear a seatbelt, use a child car seat, etc....
Yes, it does. I would have directly posted the below video, but doing so would probably get me a warning or worse...

If you or I ruled the world, we would surely screw it up for everyone else.
Yes, it does. I would have directly posted the below video, but doing so would probably get me a warning or worse...

If you or I ruled the world, we would surely screw it up for everyone else.
Yes, a government institution can make mistakes.
Yes, a government institution can make mistakes.
I view it as an ongoing evolution. What seems right today might well be wrong tomorrow. Through all the chatter something new might arise, something you and I never anticipated. For me it's more a matter of participation rather than trying to exert control.